What happened to the country that had taught us 60 years ago the value of human rights, freedom, and the importance of a fair and independant justice system?
The terrorists clearly are winning, battle after battle, and I don't mean 9/11, Madrid, London, Koblenz, or Dortmund. They are about to bring down democracy and freedom, and this is a damn shame.
Quote:I am amused at your presumption that the Feds will be going out of their way to pick up random and innocent persons. Manpower and money is finite.I'm sure Khaled el-Masri would just love to discuss this with you. I'm sure he will be in full agreement with Bush that people accused to be terrorist don't need basic legal rights anymore. Maybe if they had tortured him a bit longer he would have finally confessed how he had planned to assassinate the US administration all along?
I will let you in on a thought: no matter how screwed up the law or provision, the people out in the field tend to take what they are doing seriously. While you are not able to avoid corruption and screw ups among federal agents or cops 100%, the guys on the ground don't like wasting their time chasing after and picking up people who aren't bad guys.
What happened to the country that had taught us 60 years ago the value of human rights, freedom, and the importance of a fair and independant justice system?
The terrorists clearly are winning, battle after battle, and I don't mean 9/11, Madrid, London, Koblenz, or Dortmund. They are about to bring down democracy and freedom, and this is a damn shame.
There are two kinds of fools. One says, "This is old, and therefore good." And one says, "This is new, and therefore better." - John Brunner, The Shockwave Rider