Senate report concludes: no proof of contact between
Quote:I agree there is no evidence of a connection between the 9/11 Al Queda, and Iraq. But, there is evidence of Saddam embracing MEK (anti-Iranian), Zarqawi, other more secular anti-western terrorist groups (Syrian, Palestinian) , and recruiting and training non-Iraqi fighters in asymmetrical techniques within the Fedayeen Saddam brigade. There is circumstantial evidence of Iraqi connections outside of Iraq, but not so much external Al Queda presence inside of Iraq prior to the US invasion.

To clear up a few things.

1. Zarqawi was in Iraq before the invasion but not as a guest. Saddam tried to have him arrested but didn't catch him. Zarqawi was in a part of Iraqi-Kurdistan controlled by Ansar ul Islam.

2. The Fedayeen Saddam were a militia recruited from comitted members of the Baath party who were to serve as the first line of defence against a Shia uprising, they were a purely internal Iraqi force.

3. Saddam gave money and vocal support to several Palestinian factions. Just like the Saudis and a lot of other Arabs who have good relations with the US.

As regards the strategic situation in Iraq: The US has lost! Iraq will never become a pro-western, peaceful, united country.(The NeoCons must have been smoking some really heavy stuff when one considers their expectations for the future development in Iraq) Basically the US has two options:

1. Complete withdrawal with the locals settling their differences without American casualties. The result would either be acomplete chaos or an Iraq split between the Shi'ites, Sunnis and the Kurds.


2. Assist the Shi'ites in an allout assault on the Sunnis and crush them as a relevant force. The result would be a Shia dominated Iraq but sooner or later the differences beteween Arabs and Persians would emerge and Teheran would have no leverage in Iraq.

But with everybody looking at Iraq it seems to have escaped most people that the situation in Afghanistan is going to hell in a handcart. If Afghanistan is lost the whole region will be infected again. Pakistan would be especially vulnerable to an islamic takeover and Pakistan has nukes.
Prophecy of Deimos
“The world doesn’t end with water, fire, or cold. I’ve divined the coming apocalypse. It ends with tentacles!”

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Senate report concludes: no proof of contact between - by Assur - 09-28-2006, 09:29 PM

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