Hello All....
I am new to the Stormrage server, I transferred this toon over to this server so that I could raid/enjoy some gaming with my RL friend, Sabramage.... I have a full set of toons on another server, as well as the GM for two different guilds (lvl 60 and a 1-59), the level 60 guild is fairly newly formed... and not much yet beyond MC/Ony, etc.... but getting there

I have this character, a level 60 human warrior, a level 60 human warlock, a level 60 human Paladin, a level 60 nightelf druid, and a level 60 nightelf hunter, as well as a 47 human rogue, a 42 human mage, and a 29 dwarf priest... I leveled each toon myself, wanting to learn the ins and outs of each class.... with those toons, I also max'd out all of the current game profs... but this toon, my warrior, may have to switch... as he is mining / engineering... which is not that condusive of a "stand-alone" toon... not so far anyway, lol...

I "think", and hope, (lol) that I just signed for MC for Monday, but still not sure... Actually, not really even sure I am 'allowed' to raid yet...

Anyway, not to be longwinded, just wanted to say hi! and introduce myself... hope to cya in game
Drexler: {P}Tank / {S}Ret-A-Din
Nightmagix: DK: DPS / Tank
NatureMagix: Elemental / Healer

Nightshiftr: Boomkin / Healer
Sharpeyez: {Human} Hunter
ShadowMagix: Warlock: DPS / Leveling

Messages In This Thread
Hello - by Magix - 09-03-2006, 02:21 AM
Hello - by Sabra - 09-03-2006, 11:24 AM

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