05-23-2003, 12:49 PM
Draconis,May 22 2003, 09:16 AM Wrote:Lag, perhaps. It has been known to do odd things :)Probably. There is another thing that comes to my mind though. I assume no-one remembers my post on Blizzards forum called "Gorash smelled me" or something along these lines. Just imagine you enter level 16, and are at stairs, a little bit later Sir Gorash turns the corner and attacks you. You kill him thinking you activated him by one of your steps. During the level you visit town(hence the light radii of any (dead) unique monsters is set where the monsters originally spawned). To your great surprise you find the light radius *very* far from the spot you killed Gorash on.
Kp gave a very good explanation on that, although I'm not sure how well can I remember it, so someone correct me.
Upon entering a new level, you are actually set on the level before your x,y coordinates are changed. This results in you being on the new level but with the last coordinates from the previous level for a short time.
So if the stairs were close in coordinates on the two levels, your old coordinates might have awaken the monsters and they just happened to be close enough to see you somehow.
If you want to try it out, then here's how. Step to the stairs down with teleport spell selected. When the loading starts getting towards the end, start clicking the right mouse button. Sometimes the result is that you will teleport from the coordinates that haven't yet been changed, so your teleport might land far away from any staircase(assuming stairs down on the level were not i na similar position than stairs up on the next level).
Another experience was during a 3@30. I was fighting the Dark Lord at the time, having died a few times, and was anxious to get a portal up quick. When after death I took the portal, I was suddenly all across lvl16, in the middle of Advocates.
Hope this made any sense.