08-24-2006, 01:46 PM
Quote:No, I can and do run, for example instances (not raids though, tpyically due to unregular playing times and not enough time). I thought it was clear that the problem with the game is not solved by going into an instance. Tha doesn't change item creation or the tediousness of grinding for anything or that you can't do a bit of everything for a reward and so on.
It partially solves it, Jarulf
As someone who spent a lot of time playing without raiding and who has now started raiding the items are very interesting because so many are new. If an item, for example The Untamed Blade drops and I've never seen that item before then it's very interesting and exciting when it can be something that you will upgrade with. If you've never seen an Untamed Blade before (which I hadn't) the game mechanics are hidden. They only become obvious when your 10th Crimson Felt Hat drops in Strat or when you find yourself running an instance you're a bit tired off just to get one item
As for the tediousness of grinding, again raiding is not grinding. It is a difficult and challenging game. In the pinned thread in the Meeting Room it's described as
Quote:long periods of inactivity interspersed with brief flurries of frenetic activity where you play at the top of your game
by Mirajj
Not for everyone, but not "just a grind"
Quote:Things doesn't turn more random the more I play
But isn't the real issue not the underlying game mechanic but the fact that all items are known and dull. There are fresh items in raid instances
Quote:It is not quicker and more rewarding to level up my tradeskills if I play more instances every week and so on.
Actually raiding is the way to progress tradeskills once you hit 300 and have collected the ones you have to grind drops or rep for. Many top end recipes drop in raid instances or require rep that you get most easily from these instances. AQ20 and ZG both give rep that allows new tradeskill recipes to be bought, these items are very desireable and some of the few trade products that players actually want
Quote:And again, I have NEVER complained that it should be a solo game, nor have I claimed to only solo. However, I have said that I don't see the reason why solo content up until level 60 seems important to implement while note after it. Most of my complains would not change if I never ever played solo any more.
I think this thread has somehow become too personal. Possibly saying it is a bad game in the title caused this. WoW is a good game for solo or small groups 1-59 and a good game for raiding with 40 after you hit 60. Otherwise there is some interest at 60 but not enough for sustained interest
I do agree with you on the itemisation. I think it would be a more interesting game in the long-term as well as a bigger timesink if items were generated like D2 rares. It could also be more variant friendly. But despite that I'm not finding the items boring because I'm unlocking content and seeing new stuff