rolling Draenae
Something just occurred to me regarding set drops in the current 40-man instances. Will they change the code so that it checks to see if you have a shaman/paladin along before dropping those set pieces? Because it will be a week or 5 before there are any number of horde paladins or alliance shaman who are ready to raid MC/BWL/etc. If they don't add that check then a lot of gear will get sharded.
Quote:Something just occurred to me regarding set drops in the current 40-man instances. Will they change the code so that it checks to see if you have a shaman/paladin along before dropping those set pieces? Because it will be a week or 5 before there are any number of horde paladins or alliance shaman who are ready to raid MC/BWL/etc. If they don't add that check then a lot of gear will get sharded.

My bet is probably not. Right now the instances just check to see which faction you are and if the server sees a particular faction it knows not to drop the set piece of the opposite faction class. The change would just be them changing the code in MC and BWL (since that won't be an issue due to the token systems in Z'G, AQ, and Naxx) to drop all items possible.
Sith Warriors - They only class that gets a new room added to their ship after leaving Hoth, they get a Brooncloset

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Heisenberg said Everything is Uncertain.
Therefore, everything is relatively uncertain.

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