08-17-2006, 10:40 PM
(This post was last modified: 08-17-2006, 10:42 PM by Brother Laz.)
Quote:As you compare with diablo II. Sure, diablo II have a lot of more variations, but in todays D2 the item variation doesn't affect the true variations much. Most items in d2 is useless if you obtain the uber elite uniques. I belive the reason for the limited itemization in WoW, compare to D2 is to keep the balance. To much randomize and you will be out of control for give players still hard enough competition.
I call it the Seven Lances Effect™. Try to keep things balanced by chopping off anything that might give a character any advantage somewhere over others at the same point in the game. This would even have worked, if:
<span style="color:#CCCCDD">1/ characters had to worry about more than 2 different stats;
<span style="color:#CCCCDD">2/ they didn't purposely overpower set items.
What good is it to get rid of interesting items in the name of balance, and then unbalance the items on purpose?
Quote:Sure, this is a negative thing for the causal player. but remember the game is balanced for 6.5miljon players. This is something's they need to take into account for both pvp and pve and ofcourse they are far from perfect, what game is that? not even d2:)
The difference is that not everything is rigidly preplanned for you. You just may find a Gull on your hardcore character in early Act 1, or you may never see one. In WoW, you basically progress from one item to another at predefined points, with no room for randomness or creative input. It's just 'here, take this item. It's better than what you're wearing because its ilvl is higher. So use it, newb'.
Quote:The problem with know what boss drop what, is internet's fault. Without the sites that gives detailed drop what each boss drops. We would never know it before actual visit it, and it would take time before we learned who drop what setpart.
Wrong, wrong, wrong. A game should never be a black box and try to hide important information. (By the way, anybody figured out the resistance formula yet?) Even if you didn't know which boss has a 25% chance of dropping the item you want and which hundreds of other monsters have 0%, the fact would remain that you still needed to Farm Boss X to Get Item Z.
In D2, once you are at the end game, your favourite levelling ground is high enough level to drop any item in the game. Or maybe you won't ever see one of your target items. Or maybe you will. The randomness is what keeps people wasting their money to lotteries and into slot machines. You never know, if you kill just one more pack of sirens, they might drop a Zod. It's addictive.
Quote:One of the biggest advantage with wow, same advantage as d2 have is that it never end. You can play it endless of hours and still have something's to do.
Oh, that much is true. You could always... wander around, pick up some quests way below your level, grind 50000000 rep, or drive a tonk around.
D2 created its own replayability by making a lot of content random. While WoW seems intent on putting people on a rail and just slowing them down enough to keep them from hitting their head against the content cap. The developers of Hellgate London may have weird ideas about laser guns and may suck at communicating their game concept to prospective players, but they did get one thing right: randomisation.
@ Descended: according to about four million players, Jarulf should just learn2play and stop being emo and not call the whaaaambulance because he's too retarded to get into a raiding guild. It is well known that casuals are whiners and want everything in the game without working for it. YA RLY.
Also sprach Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the USS Enterprise.
Ps.: 9th!
Nothing is impossible if you believe in it enough.
Median 2008 mod for Diablo II
<span style="color:gray">New skills, new AIs, new items, new challenges...
06.dec.2006: Median 2008 1.44
Median 2008 mod for Diablo II
<span style="color:gray">New skills, new AIs, new items, new challenges...
06.dec.2006: Median 2008 1.44