Elemental/Enhancement PvP Shaman
Quote:From my standpoint, which is a rogue standpoint, the two points in improved ghost wolf are wasted when they could be put into Anticipation. +2% dodge is infintely greater than a 2 sec decrease in casting time in my opinion.
Imp. Ghost Wolf is, IMO, too handy to miss out on if you're going enhancement. Given that I'm skipping nature's swiftness, my ability to kite and anti-kite are key to survival. (Go go rank 1 frostshock.) Also, as Dennis mentioned, it's pretty handy when you're flag running.

Quote:I think -10% elemental damage will usually beat a 6% mana savings for most fights. In the world of 2 shot pvp I don't run out of mana much anymore before I run out of health.
Interesting. But I wonder if that's dependant on the gear you're running with. Focusing, even a little, on enhancement cuts into your mana pool quite heavily, although I am planing on trying to keep a decent mana pool. The difficulty of course is that elemental warding only really helps with mages - and to a lesser extent warlocks. Where as an extra boost in mana will help against druids, priests and paladins. I guess I'll have to sit down and try both. /grumble

Funnily enough, I never even thought of moving points from imp. SoE/GoA into Anticipation. Now that you've mentioned it though, I can't imagine why. :wacko:

Thanks for the feedback guys.:)
I hate flags

"Then Honor System came out and I had b*$@& tattoo'd on my forehead and a "kick me" sign taped to my back." - Tiku

Stormscale: Treglies, UD Mage; Treggles, 49 Orc Shaman; Tregor, semi-un-retired Druid.

Terenas (all retired): 60 Druid; 60 Shaman. (Not very creative with my character selection, am I?!Wink

Messages In This Thread
Elemental/Enhancement PvP Shaman - by Watto44 - 08-08-2006, 03:23 AM
Elemental/Enhancement PvP Shaman - by Lok - 08-10-2006, 03:34 PM
Elemental/Enhancement PvP Shaman - by Falomin - 08-11-2006, 09:20 PM
Elemental/Enhancement PvP Shaman - by Delc - 08-12-2006, 06:36 PM
Elemental/Enhancement PvP Shaman - by Watto44 - 08-15-2006, 02:42 AM
Elemental/Enhancement PvP Shaman - by Falomin - 08-18-2006, 05:08 PM
Elemental/Enhancement PvP Shaman - by Watto44 - 08-19-2006, 12:30 AM
Elemental/Enhancement PvP Shaman - by Lok - 08-21-2006, 07:57 PM
Elemental/Enhancement PvP Shaman - by KiloVictor - 08-24-2006, 09:48 PM
Elemental/Enhancement PvP Shaman - by Falomin - 09-18-2006, 08:51 PM
Elemental/Enhancement PvP Shaman - by Artega - 09-21-2006, 03:23 PM
Elemental/Enhancement PvP Shaman - by Delc - 09-21-2006, 07:57 PM
Elemental/Enhancement PvP Shaman - by Watto44 - 09-22-2006, 01:01 AM
Elemental/Enhancement PvP Shaman - by Delc - 09-22-2006, 01:58 PM
Elemental/Enhancement PvP Shaman - by Watto44 - 09-23-2006, 12:06 AM

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