After the Paladin/Shaman thing: time to tear down the faction wall
Quote:Good point. Haven't experienced "real" PvP for so long, that I didn't thought of that. Also it would disproportionally benefit stealth classes like rogues and druids who can pick their fights.

There are enough asshats out there that any kind of penalty for PvP is out of the question. Hillsbrad is bad enough when all you are losing is the time on a corpse run. If there was a peanalty (XP or gold) as well... /gamequit.

In related discussions, people suggested attaching DK's to PK's against players a certain number of levels lower then you. In response, bliz has repeatedly said they have no intention of trying to arbitrate between "fair" and "unfair" kills, given that 10 or so level 30's can take down most level 60's.

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After the Paladin/Shaman thing: time to tear down the faction wall - by oldmandennis - 08-07-2006, 04:44 AM

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