Bear tank build
Ahh, raid drama:(

I've been somewhat lucky in that from the beginning, I've made it known I'm a druid, not just another healer. With the paucity of actual feral gear, I haven't really run across many cases of conflict with the other classes about loot distribution. However, I did build up my healing set first... though that was more so because I had nowhere else to spend my DKP. I think I was at some 6/8 Cenarion and a good way into Stormrage before I finally picked up a Heavy Dark Iron Ring, letting the main warriors take it first. Take a bit of care and watch your DKP I guess, and spend it wisely, but keep a reserve around to spend on what you really want?

One thing that you perhaps could do (and I have seen this happen many a time in our raids)... though really only for certain DKP systems... is when everybody ends up passing, and the disenchant is threatened on an item, someone comes up and picks it up. If all the rogues pass... hey, it's their fault nobody took it, and then they can't seriously lay any blame on the druid for taking rogue loot over them when they all passed and he's stepping up to save an item from bing DE'ed. Dragon's Blood cape going to a mage (our warrior who wanted that was away the one night, nobody else did...), heck even a Perd's Blade going to a warlock (okay, this was more of a joke, and late in our MC career when all the dagger rogues had gotten it already). However, since you mentioned 'bidding', if item costs aren't necessarily fixed this probably won't work that well.

Furor's Eyepatch... isn't that from ZG, and thus considered a '20-man instance drop'? However, being a nice shiny purple, it's bound to generate controversy...

And for some personal experience...

Due to a lack of geared/specced tanks, I ended up MT'ing all of MC except for Ragnaros last night... this being pretty much a run for alts and those who are newer and still getting geared up. Surviving wasn't a real problem with a good collection of tank gear, until we hit areas where FR was required, and as my tanking collection has had as its main aims: 1) surviving the crazy hitting guys in PvP and 2) tanking in instances when needed, collecting FR gear to tank in MC was something that I never got around to doing. So, threw on a few pieces of Cenarion/Stormrage and some FR jewelery, trying to balance it with keeping enough AC/stam to take hits and AP/crit to hold agro... to reach a grand total of 203FR after buffs. Eww. Okay, well, it wasn't *that* bad, though nowhere near enough for me to want to tank Rag; died once to some unresisted crits from a lava pack, and once when I forgot to run out of the Baron's fire nova (noob tank!)... and no decurse on Gehennas leads to a dead bear... stupid lazy druids!

Holding agro wasn't a big issue so long as I got the first hit in most of the time ('Taunt resisted! Stop attacking!'). And having feral charge is very nice in a few places, such as with Shazzrah... charge and taunt to pull him back to the center. The part that gave me the most trouble was Majordomo. Shield against physical damage, means I generate no agro from usual means (maul, swipe). It basically came down to taunting whenever it came up, hoping he hit me enough to generate enough rage, and spamming demo roar and faerie fire. A moonkin probably would've done a better job:P
Kichebo - 85 NE Druid

Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.

Messages In This Thread
Bear tank build - by Brista - 07-23-2006, 05:16 AM
Bear tank build - by Warlock - 07-23-2006, 08:09 AM
Bear tank build - by Warlock - 07-23-2006, 08:23 AM
Bear tank build - by Trien - 07-23-2006, 05:12 PM
Bear tank build - by Lok - 07-27-2006, 11:30 AM
Bear tank build - by TheDragoon - 07-28-2006, 08:39 PM
Bear tank build - by ZugzwangZeitgeist - 07-29-2006, 01:17 AM
Bear tank build - by Warlock - 07-29-2006, 02:51 AM
Bear tank build - by Trien - 07-29-2006, 07:33 PM
Bear tank build - by ZugzwangZeitgeist - 07-30-2006, 01:59 AM
Bear tank build - by Warlock - 07-30-2006, 07:53 AM
Bear tank build - by The Gnu - 07-31-2006, 12:51 AM
Bear tank build - by Brista - 08-05-2006, 02:20 AM
Bear tank build - by Concillian - 08-05-2006, 04:08 PM
Bear tank build - by Brista - 08-05-2006, 06:29 PM
Bear tank build - by Concillian - 08-05-2006, 06:55 PM
Bear tank build - by Watto44 - 08-06-2006, 02:20 AM
Bear tank build - by Warlock - 08-06-2006, 09:58 AM
Bear tank build - by Trien - 08-06-2006, 03:49 PM
Bear tank build - by Brista - 08-09-2006, 03:27 AM
Bear tank build - by Artega - 09-21-2006, 03:34 PM
Bear tank build - by Xanthix - 09-21-2006, 07:23 PM

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