Burning Crusade - Beta Winning Notifications Underway
Quote:Looks like we could be as soon as 3 weeks away from beta.

Q u o t e:
anyway, any chance you can let us know when you might start going into more details on the expansion regarding the classes.
Closer towards Beta. If I had to ETA it, I would say we'll be talking about new abilities and spells in about 3 weeks, mebbe less.

Er, I read that as 'design phase' begins in three weeks. Once design is done, actual implementation shouldn't take too long (since they're mostly reusing code available now), but I could easily see it taking another 2 weeks or so for balancing / to go through the design phase.

I'd say if they're only going to start talking about it in 3 weeks, you're really looking at 6 weeks for it to get through even the most barebones QA.

Messages In This Thread
Burning Crusade - Beta Winning Notifications Underway - by castille - 08-04-2006, 04:00 PM

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