Burning Crusade Will Introduce Difficulty Settings
Quote:Blizzard cannot add content fast enough at the high end, but by adding mid-level content - and there are some level ranges that are pretty painful to get through if you don't spend your life in instances - they add replayability to the game.

Quote:I'd rather have both. The problem is that it's not somewhere I'd never see again. It's somewhere I'll pass through again with my next alt.

My point about mid-level content versus high-level content is that since it is easy to get to the level cap in WoW, and there are so many 60's already, that it makes sense for Blizzard to devote the majority of their dev time to high-level content.

I think most people run through mid-level content one or two times per character, since characters are constantly leveling. But players spend much more time at the level cap, playing through high-level content. Give players more high-level content to work on and they are likely to spend even more time on their 60's instead of rolling alts because they are bored.

I know we'd all like to see new zones for the 30-50 run, but for the most part I have heard people very happy with the leveling system in WoW (at least their first 2-3 times thru it), but unhappy with the lack of options at 60. Therefore, focusing on level 60-70 content gives something for everyone: Level-capped players will have lots more options, and currently-leveling players have more end-game content to look forward to as well.

Overall I think Blizzard is learning. Instead of just having a few 5-man 55-60 instances, some insane rep grinds, and then big raid instances for the raiders, WoW:BC should have lots of options for groups of 1, 5, 10, 20, and 40.

And if it was a choice between that, or a few more mid-level zones I can run because I'm sick of STV and Uldaman, I'm glad the former was chosen.

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Burning Crusade Will Introduce Difficulty Settings - by Xanthix - 08-02-2006, 07:51 PM

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