07-27-2006, 10:42 PM
Quote:I dunno, I think responding as "an effing parent" is the human thing to do. Anybody responding as otherwise should probably have their head examined. Rationality only goes so far, as does logic. The raw emotions of the human spirit can not, and should not always be ignored or repressed. It is what makes us both great and terrible as human beings.
To some degree, yes Doc. There is a side of news that will touch your raw emotions. There have been stories I've read that have moved me to tears, made me throw the paper against the wall, or even yell in frustration. BUT, there is a difference between reaction and action. When you are calling for an action, leave the raw emotion at the door. Take your time and brood about it, but running around with the vengeance stick while the pain is still raw is silly. And on the microcosm that is the online forum, reaction is okay, but it's pretty pointless without putting emotions aside and digging deep into the underlying issues. Or to use that dirty word, logic;)
It's been said by Pete, and my post in essence echo's chesspiece_face.
My two cents on the whole deal? I resembled Ashock when I heard the news first. But after thinking about it, and hearing what Pete contributed, I must say I think Pete is spot on.
As far as this,
Quote:A death penalty debate that I didn't start... God bless the Lurker Lounge.