Blizzard announces WOW faction-class crossovers
Quote:Now, now, I think you are confusing the 2 new classes available in the next expansion with the two new races that will be introduced! Horde gets Zerglings, and Alliance gets SCVs!

I, for one, cannot wait to start my own Nether-Goth Bard Zergling! I managed to snag an early concept screenshot:

[Image: NGBZ.jpg]

This is a female btw.

Now, now.

You must remember. It's the ALLIANCE that are the zerglings.

(I'm joking. Just like all the other times I've insulted the alliance.)

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Blizzard announces WOW faction-class crossovers - by Bob the Beholder - 07-27-2006, 05:06 AM

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