Blizzard announces WOW faction-class crossovers
Quote:Personally, I could never understand why the Undead couldn't be Paladins. They were humans once and they recall information from when they were alive, so why not allow them Paladins.

Quote:Because they have frosaken the light (or feel they were forsaken by the light). It's part of the reason for the name.

Nah, its mostly because the abilities were shifted around and become WoW classes are postmodern 'patchwork' derivatives of prior classes. Undead Knights --> Paladin circa WCII were Death Knights, the spellcasters of WCII and equivalents of Battlemages then. Caster progresion from WCI-->WCII went from Warlock vs Conjurer to Death Knight (these had death coil, death and decay--like blizzard--, and something else) vs Mage (these had fireball, blizzard and polymorph). WCIII gave arthas the evil paladin personae with death coil (death knights prime ability in WCII), but more warlike.

So what's happened here in WoW Warlocks have been given abilities from WCI locks, (rain of fire and demon summoning), Death coil from Death knights in WCII, doomguards from WCIII. Almost everything you'd associate with undead paladins has been given to locks, so that source has been tapped out. Ner'zhul, once a shaman type, and now a lich, could also be argued as once been a 'lock' type (power hungry caster with affinity towards demons anyone?)--even though wow liches are generally associated with frost mages due to WCIII:FT. Due to events of FT, the paladin champion of the undead, arthas, is now directly given to Ner'zhul... seemingly completing the circle. From warlock power and control, to undead ex-paladin, to warlock again.

In essense, anything that would've been associated with undead knights --> paladins has been given to locks.

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Blizzard announces WOW faction-class crossovers - by Drasca - 07-22-2006, 06:21 PM

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