07-14-2006, 03:33 PM
Quote:Not fake because it's too early, though. They seem to want to push this patch ASAP.
If my group of long time pro-PvP friends are any indication, many of us (subscribers since retail) have canceled our accounts in the last month. Other people have grown to hate the game but feel compelled to help their guild beat the current raid instance (AQ40 or Naxx) before they go. All of these people *loved* WoW PvP, but eventually became frustrated by the Battleground and Honor systems. If this is a larger trend, then Blizzard probably wants 1.12 out to encourage hanging on for the expansion.
But I don't know if it will be enough. My hard core PvP-rogue friends looked at the talent changes and the PvP changes and found them to be unconvincing. One guy put it, "Why should I pay $15/month for Warsong Gulch when I can just reinstall Wolfenstein for free?"