07-12-2006, 05:26 AM
The prices on all the materials for the 30-items-for-an-insignia are still dropping on the auction house. I have seen many for 25s per item, or 7.5g per set of 30. I believe buying them is the best way to get the new blue and purple items, but it's a slow way to get rep at only 10 rep per turnin.
The prices for writ components will likely not go down, since they all require materials used for a ton of other things.
From what I have seen, I think AOE farming at Gahrron's Withering is the fastest option. A group with some AOE and some survivability can continuously pull the entire farm, and get Invader's stones and the mats for the cauldron quest. It's unfortunate that this is still the best way to get to exalted, and more unfortunate that classes with no AOE have to slowwwwly grind the farm mobs one at a time to do this.
But I suppose it's good that there is any way to solo- or duo-grind to exalted; with many factions buying your way to exalted is the only practical option.
The prices for writ components will likely not go down, since they all require materials used for a ton of other things.
From what I have seen, I think AOE farming at Gahrron's Withering is the fastest option. A group with some AOE and some survivability can continuously pull the entire farm, and get Invader's stones and the mats for the cauldron quest. It's unfortunate that this is still the best way to get to exalted, and more unfortunate that classes with no AOE have to slowwwwly grind the farm mobs one at a time to do this.
But I suppose it's good that there is any way to solo- or duo-grind to exalted; with many factions buying your way to exalted is the only practical option.