WARNING: Worm dupes with fake Microsoft address !
Unfortunately, once you're on some of those mailing lists, there's no way off.
The trick is not to get on them in the first place. ;)

1.) Forget "Unsubcribe" and those sites that give you a form to allegedly remove your address from their list. Those are dirty tricks they pull to confirm your email address exists. NEVER use them.

"Unsubscribe" is something you reserve for taking your name of a legitimate mailing list you actually signed on for . . . unless you've signed up for pr0n in which case you goofed.

2.) Find out how your email client does sender blocking. I use Hotmail a lot and can abandon it if the spam gets bad, but even so I take full advantage of the custom filters and block sender list. For Outlook users: Tools > Message Rules > Block Sender List. In the case of my Hotmail account I even block entire domains that have proven troublesome.

3.) Be careful where you leave your email address! Just like there are bots roaming the net on behalf of search engines taking note of key words in websites, there are also bots roaming the net on behalf of spammers looking for email addresses to add to the collection. :angry: You can have unquestioning faith in various sites' "robots.txt" file if you like, but personally I prefer to consider if my email address is necessary for every instance where a site asks for one. Signing up for Lurker Lounge? Yes. Signing up for a petition? No thanks. ;)
Heed the Song of Battle and Unsheath the Blades of War

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WARNING: Worm dupes with fake Microsoft address ! - by WarBlade - 05-20-2003, 11:47 PM

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