Superman Returns: The World Doesn't Need This Film
I always considered Spiderman to be pretty lame, also.

WAAAAAAHHHHHHH. WAAAAAHHHHH. I love Mary Jane but can't tell her because then someone will find out. WAAAAAHHHH. WAAAAAAHHHHHH

A lot of other superheros seem to find someone they love and who knows their true identity. I've always thought Batnman was the best because he didn't have super strenghth, weird powers, a magic golden lasso, an adamantium shield, no, he had cool ass gadgets that got him through the day. Who else would have the cajones to drive through a city with a rocket-powered car armed with missiles and other cool stuff (besides James Bond)?

X-men are ok. Dazzler, not ok. "WEE! Look at me! I'm the best at Fourth of July!"

<mited comic book nerd knowledge>
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Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger, and at the rate I'm going, I'm going to be invincible.

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Superman Returns: The World Doesn't Need This Film - by pakman - 06-30-2006, 01:07 PM

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