06-26-2006, 08:45 AM
Quote:Nothing pisses me off like people bugging me for water in a Battleground. Why didn't you ask beforehand, you know, when we were in a nice safe city and you wouldn't run off the moment I handed you the water, leaving me alone, oom, at the stables, in the tender mercies of the nearest Hordeling.
I meant for details regarding the incident involving gnolls and runecloth.
Touche! Nothing pisses me off more then a mage who turns down my request for water, then wonders why he doesn't get heals when he AOE bombs the frontlines. Maybe I'm not a mage, but to me it would seem more rude to request water in a city, when you don't even know which BG the requestor is queued for, then inside the BG where you have an idea that the water will be used to help you.
As far as gnoles and runecloth go... 2-3 patches ago the gnoles and harpys used to drop substantial amounts of runecloth. Given a high repop rate, and at the time the BG wide rep ups, it made sence (though was a pretty dick move that could get you suspended) to get to lvl 55, then grind xp, cash, runecloth, and AV rep all at the same time.
A later patch dropped the rate of runecloth to just about zero (I think the next patch it went to actually zero). Yet there was still often a short bus crew working the gnoles in most AV matches.
So what I am saying is, if they implement some sort of matchmaking, even if it is just based on a not perfect ranking system, as a medium-good PvPer, I'll no longer be stuck with the mental defectives who are grinding on mobs long after the reward is gone (and similar idiots in WSG or AB). Also, it can get rid of the AFK'ers. Fix those two problems, and in my opionion, PvP will be worthwhile again (30/0/21 baby).
Quote:If the BG's sold free BG-only water and food and if the vendor stood inside and outside the BG area in the capital cities, that would solve that problem for everybody.
Fixed. If you can't be bothered to pass out a stack of water, why should I bother to heal you? I would say the only way that I would not expect mages to pass out water is if it was absoultly and completly easier to get my own. Maybe tie it to rep. The AV water is pretty cheap as is, but it's still more expensive then free. That means I don't load up on it, because I don't want to be dragging it around everywhere before I go back to AV (obviously I don't need it for raids). And since I typically only buy a stack, I run out during long matches... and then ask the nearest mage for water. Free means everybody can grab 2-3 stacks before they zone in. It cuts out an unreasonable advantage that the organized groups have. For organized groups, water has no cost. For Puggles, you end up not drinking every chance you get, and sometimes hurting because of it.