Pay No Attention To The Man Behind the Curtain
Quote:Wouldn't it also work to make ISP's liable for the information they allow to be stored on or transmitted from their sites? Empower the ISP's to police themselves and levy a huge fine for any violation and they will soon be maintaining their own carefully crafted block lists. Gonzales can still convict the kiddy porn sicko's and fine their ISP's.

I used to work for a very large ISP, so believe me when I say that they don't want to police themselves. The instant you start telling your customers what content is and isn't acceptable is the day your customers go somewhere else. Just because one ISP is willing to censor or monitor it's customers doesn't mean all of them will. This is one of the best ways for an ISP to commit fiscal suicide.

Quote:Between the NSA tracking phone data and now this, I wonder if the next logical step is to start installing cameras in everyone's home to make sure us citizens aren't up to no good, once they have the phone and internet locked down.

The idea of placing cameras in private homes has already been suggested by Houston's chief of police. I'm guessing he didn't read Orwell's 1984 in high school.
Tempestria - 34 Human Warlock - Stormrage
Threnody - 60 Undead Warlock - Dalvengyr (retired)
Zenobia - 60 Tauren Shaman - Dalvengyr (retired)

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Pay No Attention To The Man Behind the Curtain - by Threnody - 05-23-2006, 02:30 PM

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