Blizzard to Reveal the Alliance Race Tomorrow!
MongoJerry,May 10 2006, 09:09 AM Wrote:For those of us who haven't placed Warcraft III, care to elaborate?  Keep in mind that we haven't heard the full story explanation, yet.

I don't feel like digging through all the lore and stuff, but the Draenei are a pretty pathetic bunch. They were the punching bag for the horde before they came through the Dark Portal. Part of the motivation for coming through the portal was the orcs needed more things to kill after nearly wipeing out the Draenei. I never played WC2X, so I don't know if they were actually seen ingame there.

When Illadin comes through the portal he picks up a few survivors, who if you follow the link you will see mostly have shaman spells. They help him establish himself as the ruler of outland, I can't remember if they follow him on his failed mission to finish off Ner'zul.

So basically, a bunch of galaxy traveling demon warlocks decide to settle down on a planet of no particular significance. Somehow they ditch warlock magic for shamanistic magic. Much later, a different race on that planet drink the blood of the same demons, and nearly annihilate the sad, shamanistic ex-demons. The planet they love is destroyed, and the survivors huddle amongst the broken ruins, still shamanistic in nature. Somehow a group of them break with the shamanistic magic, and go to the "Light" - the complete opposite of their demon roots?

Bah /waves paw. I can't believe it's somebody's full time job to look after this stuff. I can't believe I care. Between this and the craptacular shaman review, I find I'm caring less. It's as bad as sticking the goofyass gnomes in to begin with.

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Blizzard to Reveal the Alliance Race Tomorrow! - by oldmandennis - 05-10-2006, 07:02 PM

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