04-15-2006, 05:02 PM
GriffonSpade,Apr 15 2006, 05:51 AM Wrote:2) Fix monster stat bugs(diablo's hit%, super uniques not gaining item levels for nightmare and hell, Flayed one's getting the strong secondary attack, and toad demons getting the same as overlords and mud demons, etc)
Easy enough. It's best fixed by rewriting the combat routines, and a few tweaks to the monster stat table.
GriffonSpade,Apr 15 2006, 05:51 AM Wrote:3) Add Quest Unique monsters into multiplayer, maybe even with a small chance of dropping their associated quest item?
As I've explained before, this is very unwise. Quests don't synchronize well across systems, and quest uniques are generally very powerful for the time at which you get them.
GriffonSpade,Apr 15 2006, 05:51 AM Wrote:4) Manual screen text clearing option
Neat idea. A five minute hack, most of which is spent adding the new keybinding to request the clear.
GriffonSpade,Apr 15 2006, 05:51 AM Wrote:5) Hitting/Getting Hit PvP synchronized
This is difficult. It's mostly the fault of the general lack of synchronization about monster positions. If all players agreed where the monsters were, there'd be very few mis-aimed projectiles. Getting melee right is even worse, since the reaction needs to be immediate. This goes back to my earlier post about how hard it would be to make the game fully synchronized (and the responsiveness consequences that entails).
GriffonSpade,Apr 15 2006, 05:51 AM Wrote:6) Occasional resynchronization of other people on your screen(every time they take a step maybe?)
Player positions are synchronized pretty regularly already, although there's perhaps not as much warp-synchronizing as there could be.
GriffonSpade,Apr 15 2006, 05:51 AM Wrote:7) Input validation from Bnet(as simple as preventing corrupted data, killing people with heal other or ressurect, & editing other people, or as complex as preventing impossible damage levels and the like)
Although worthwhile, this is extremely difficult due to the sheer complexity of the Diablo in-game protocol. Every single message handler needs to be checked and probably rewritten.
GriffonSpade,Apr 15 2006, 05:51 AM Wrote:8) A way to reverse or nullify black death max hp damage
10) Remove or provide a way to nullify those stinkin ornate, sacred, and fascinating shrines(Along with #8, maybe add a shrine(s) that resets max mp &/or hp?)!
This should be relatively easy, once you bind some event to trigger the fix.
GriffonSpade,Apr 15 2006, 05:51 AM Wrote:9) Balance warriors and rogues with sorcerers(maybe just give them a doubled bonus to HP from vitality?)
Warriors already get more HP from vitality...