Warlocks and Stormrage Alliance Policies
Alram,Apr 13 2006, 06:11 PM Wrote:1. I finished the level 50 quest. I am wondering which reward item to select. Both the staff and the chest armor would be upgrades, but eventually they will be replaced. The trinket is irreplaceable, but of limited utility. I tend to use the VW very selectively and prefer to have the imp or succubus out.
I took the Soul Harvester from this quest. It's probably the best weapon you'll see before you head into ZG/MC, unless you happen to prefer the Whiteout/Crackling Staff from AV or the Staff of the Ogre Magi. The trinket probably has the most long term novelty because it's the only item in the game that does what it does, but I decided against it because I don't really use the Voidwalker and hadn't for a long time when I finished this quest. So I'd suggest either the staff or the trinket, depending on how much you value random novelty.

Alram,Apr 13 2006, 06:11 PM Wrote:2. How much fire resistance should I have before I shoot for MC and BWL (and Ony?)?  Aside from fire resistance and level 60 what else do I need to join these raids?
For MC, to see Ragnaros die you probably want somewhere around 75 FR minimum as a warlock but the more you have the better. You should bring at least 3 GFPPs until you hit 150 or so. BWL probably requires at least 125 or so FR, but really it varies from guild to guild. Aside from this, you really want blues in all spots possible before you head into MC. A few greens in some spots (rings/trinkets in particular) is usually fine, but you should really put in the time to gear up so you can contribute before you start heading into MC.

EDIT: It's worth mentioning that you really don't want many greens that have nothing but Fire Resistance on them. Gimping your stats so you have high FR isn't really the point. Also, when I say you want all blues, don't get the Dreadmist set unless you're going to upgrade it to Deathmist or something. You want +damage and stamina. Dreadmist doesn't have any +damage by default which makes it kinda crappy.

Alram,Apr 13 2006, 06:11 PM Wrote:3. I am currently specced to 31/3(improved imp)/8(heading for Shadowburn).
What do you sugest for an end game build? End game goals for this toon are raiding, only as much soloing as is really needed and some BG. I really would like a build where I can contribute as much as possible to the raid.

My current thoughts are:
a. 31(dark pact)/0/20
b. 30/0/21(ruin) 
c. some sort of combo of the above, but also with 3 points in Demonology for improved imp.
If you really want an affliction based build (honestly, I really enjoy Affliction, although I recently respecced to Soul Link) you should go something like 31/8/11 (Affliction to Dark Pact, Improved Imp and Demonic Embrace in Demo and Shadowburn in Destruction). Demonic Embrace is teh rock. That's just a huge amount of stamina you're gaining and spirit matters none as a warlock, especially if you have a Dark Pact build. These affliction builds tend to be really good at soloing, but not necessarily as good when raiding/PVP-ing. If you're really looking to put up big numbers on the DamageMeters, you'll probably want to spec either 7/31/13 (Soul Link with Imp. Lifetap, Insta Corruption, and Shadowburn) or 0/31/20 (MD/Ruin). These tend to be the prevalent raiding builds because Master Demonology and Demonic Sacrifice are really useful for raiding. Another option if you're big into PVP is something involving Conflagration (20/0/31 is fairly common, picking up Nightfall in Affliction and Conflag). Honestly though, there are a LOT of viable warlock specs, just pick the one you enjoy the most.

Hope that was helpful.
Arnath - UD Warlock (Tailoring/Herbalism)
Seirei - Troll Priest (Mining/Skinning)
Bhim - Tauren Warrior (Mining/Herbalism)

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Warlocks and Stormrage Alliance Policies - by Arnath - 04-14-2006, 12:41 AM
Warlocks and Stormrage Alliance Policies - by Tal - 04-14-2006, 12:50 AM

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