Guild Wars: Factions Preview Event
NiteFox,Mar 14 2006, 03:55 PM Wrote:If there's more than six interested replies then I might be able to scrounge a couple of extra invites from guildies and other players, but no promises.
I'll probably have a couple to give away.

It would be nice if people gave the game another shot. The initial shock that it's not Diablo 3 should be over by now, and over the past year, the game has proven to be very solid and with a good support staff, even though there's no monthly fee. The upcoming game, Factions, doesn't require you to have the original game in order to play, however, you'll miss out on the PvE content and some of the skills (some of which look to be duplicated in Factions under different names) of the original. The 6 classes that currently exist will be available as the "core" classes which anyone can access with skills available to owners of both games, some to owners of the original game only (Prophecies), and some only available to owners of Factions. The basic PvP options available in Prophecies (Random Arenas, Team Arenas, GvG, and the Tournament for the favor of the gods) will be available to Factions only people as well.

Factions intends to focus primarily on PvP content this time around, with a large variety of arenas and missions being put into place. For example, there are a lot of new missions where you will form alliances with other guilds in order to attack/defend territories held by other alliances and earn points. At the end of each day, the alliance with the most points (and this is still sketchy information) will gain control of those territories and shift the boundary line. This link shows a picture that should give you a rough idea of how the system works.

While GW may never be able to compete with the PvE content of WoW, WoW will not likely ever be able to offer the high-end PvP of GW. I've heard that PvP in WoW is about on par with that of D2, in that most skirmishes are determined by how many elite items the players have. That's a lot less of a factor in GW, at most, they can give you a slight edge (i.e. a player with a sword that does 35% extra damage and offers an extra 5 defense, or a player using a superior rune in their armor, giving +3 to an attribute at the cost of 75 life).
Alea Jacta Est - Caesar
Guild Wars account: Lurker Wyrm

Messages In This Thread
Guild Wars: Factions Preview Event - by NiteFox - 03-14-2006, 08:55 PM
Guild Wars: Factions Preview Event - by Wyrm - 03-15-2006, 08:15 AM
Guild Wars: Factions Preview Event - by Roland - 03-17-2006, 03:41 AM
Guild Wars: Factions Preview Event - by RTM - 03-17-2006, 03:27 PM
Guild Wars: Factions Preview Event - by NiteFox - 03-17-2006, 06:19 PM
Guild Wars: Factions Preview Event - by Wyrm - 03-19-2006, 06:04 AM
Guild Wars: Factions Preview Event - by Watto44 - 03-20-2006, 12:28 AM
Guild Wars: Factions Preview Event - by RTM - 03-20-2006, 12:58 AM
Guild Wars: Factions Preview Event - by Drasca - 03-20-2006, 03:53 PM
Guild Wars: Factions Preview Event - by Wyrm - 03-24-2006, 08:43 AM
Guild Wars: Factions Preview Event - by Watto44 - 03-24-2006, 10:44 PM
Guild Wars: Factions Preview Event - by Wyrm - 03-25-2006, 05:14 AM
Guild Wars: Factions Preview Event - by NiteFox - 03-25-2006, 11:38 AM
Guild Wars: Factions Preview Event - by NiteFox - 03-25-2006, 10:18 PM
Guild Wars: Factions Preview Event - by Watto44 - 03-25-2006, 11:43 PM
Guild Wars: Factions Preview Event - by Watto44 - 03-26-2006, 12:00 PM
Guild Wars: Factions Preview Event - by NiteFox - 03-26-2006, 01:24 PM
Guild Wars: Factions Preview Event - by RTM - 03-27-2006, 12:12 AM
Guild Wars: Factions Preview Event - by Watto44 - 03-27-2006, 10:31 PM

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