03-10-2006, 11:02 PM
Artega,Mar 10 2006, 01:21 PM Wrote:Yeah, but does the loss of a healing Priest and healing Druid worth the increase in DPS? For trash pulls, I'd definitely say yes. For bosses, I might not be so sure.
I'd definatly say yes on bosses - if they are being played right. The priest who immieadiatly goes Shadowform and refuses to leave is just as lame as the leader who kicks them. Same for the druid who spends all of his time in cat form.
But if you can be flexible... say only casting SW:P to keep shadow weaving up sometimes, then healing, then there is no reason you are NOT part of even a min-maxed group. Or the druid who shifts out of feral when the healers start going light on mana to give their pots a chance to finish cooling down, then back to finish off the boss when he is down to his last couple of hundred mana.