Friday 2/10, Saturday 2/11, Friday 2/17
Alram,Feb 14 2006, 05:47 PM Wrote:We will not implement a point system this coming Friday, 2/17. Time is too short to hash everything out.

Obviously any system we implement will be a joint decision with LS.

Why do we need a point system at this juncture?

We don't but we might. No harm in early discussion. And while it will be a joint effort if we can come to an agreement amongsts ourselves early it could speed up and smooth discussions with LS.

Also Stormrage went with a point system because there were issues because we didn't have one. People that were on 15 raids not having won any loot and people that were on their first or second raid getting loot. There were long and at times heated discussions and the point system was the best loot system for our alliance. That may not be true for Terenas. It might be better for us to use something else.

I also had no intentions for a point system for Friday. Just want to make sure we have clarified loot rules so that people don't have small issues that blow up into large issues when they shouldn't.

Also there are pros and cons to a point system for a 20 man. If you use a single point system that covers 20 and 40 mans you avoid the issue of, well this gear that I can get in a 20 man for no points is as good as or better than something that is expensive points wise in the 40 man why do I spend points on that when I can get as good or better for "free". But of course you add over head and cumbersome stuff to deal with and make things feel more clinical and about loot. Any loot system just by it being in place makes loot seem more important.

Oh well I honestly don't care that much what we do. I just like to play with you guys and have fun, and get loot when I can (I would be a big fat liar to say I don't want better gear). I'm just opinionated and like to discuss stuff. :)
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.

Messages In This Thread
Friday 2/10, Saturday 2/11, Friday 2/17 - by Xame - 02-09-2006, 06:04 PM
Friday 2/10, Saturday 2/11, Friday 2/17 - by Kevin - 02-14-2006, 10:58 PM
Friday 2/10, Saturday 2/11, Friday 2/17 - by Xame - 02-18-2006, 06:18 PM

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