Guards, Civilians, and Why Outdoor PvP Sucks
oldmandennis,Jan 30 2006, 03:11 PM Wrote:I realize the OP was only semiserious when he talked about the good old days of world PvP, but there were a lot of people who flat didn't like it for some very good reasons. 

Actually, I was totally serious. I'm a staunch supporter of the thought process defining PvP servers as being for PvP-centric people: that is, if you get ganked, you don't whine, you go find them and get even. Additionally, I think forcing people on PvE servers to PvP is ludicrous; as shown by some responses in this thread, some people just don't like PvP combat, regardless of whether or not ganking is involved.

As for using world PvP and town raiding interchangeably, in most of my experiences, much of world PvP (e.g. groups of people killing each other at random) lead to town raids (people get angry and decide to go take it out on hapless guards.)

Also, I do happen to think Mongo's idea of town control is better than CP rewards for mashing a commander :)
ArrayPaladins were not meant to sit in the back of the raid staring at health bars all day, spamming heals and listening to eight different classes whine about buffs.[/quote]
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Guards, Civilians, and Why Outdoor PvP Sucks - by Artega - 01-31-2006, 04:23 AM

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