Guards, Civilians, and Why Outdoor PvP Sucks
There do appear to be PvP targets sitting around just waiting for a reason to kill them--There are non-civilian PvP-flagged elite NPCs in Astrannar and Splintertree post, for example. Attempting to kill the Astrannar one is a minor fad for the horde on my server. Giving some minor quest/loot/honor reward for these would be great. Perhaps adding a bracer and belt to the PvP sets...

The main problem with DKs and outdoor PvP right now is that in the pre-honor-system era people got used to hitting towns in 40-man raids, leading to a tradition of doing PvP in the largest raid possible despite honor sharing and the DK system both strongly discouraging it. If you're not in a raid with 40 other people, you don't have to worry about 39 other people attacking that damn mushroom vendor, and can just be responsible for your own damage or that of people you actually know and trust. People avoid questing or grinding XP in raids because of the severe penalty; I don't know why the nearly as severe penalty in PvP hasn't led more people to reconsider the smaller group there too.

There is still a problem with some other fool aggroing a civilian and dragging him into the pile of hostiles you intend to AoE; perhaps there needs to be a civilian-killer flag like the PvP one, where AoE, pets, etc. won't hurt civilians unless you're flagged by intentionally targeting a civilian. For added fun make it the same as the gurubashi arena dagger-flag and allow unrestricted PvP against "war criminals" :)

-- frink

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Guards, Civilians, and Why Outdoor PvP Sucks - by Professor Frink - 01-30-2006, 07:52 PM

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