Timbermaw - Exalted Quest Reward
Blizzard have a new Timbermaw faction rewards site up. Check out the reward for the "Exalted" status at the bottom of the page. Now, how many hours does it take to get to "Exalted"? :)

"Man only plays when in the full meaning of the word he is a man, and he is only completely a man when he plays." -- Friedrich von Schiller
Three mages/warlocks with two priests? Not long. Solo grinding? Mind-numbingly long.
MongoJerry,Dec 1 2005, 10:46 AM Wrote:Three mages/warlocks with two priests?  Not long.  Solo grinding?  Mind-numbingly long.
Does Runecloth for Meilosh in the Timbermaw Hold increase your reputation?
"Man only plays when in the full meaning of the word he is a man, and he is only completely a man when he plays." -- Friedrich von Schiller
nobbie,Dec 1 2005, 08:26 AM Wrote:Does Runecloth for Meilosh in the Timbermaw Hold increase your reputation?
Yes, but that's not a repeatable quest is it?
nobbie,Dec 1 2005, 05:36 AM Wrote:Blizzard have a new Timbermaw faction rewards site up. Check out the reward for the "Exalted" status at the bottom of the page. Now, how many hours does it take to get to "Exalted"? :)

Fafner, my warrior, is about 1200/21000 to exalted. Revered was hard enough. The process should be much easier after the next patch or at least more fun. I feel sorry for all the people I see slaughtering furbolgs in Azshera.
"I may be old, but I'm not dead."
LavCat,Dec 3 2005, 08:46 PM Wrote:The process should be much easier after the next patch or at least more fun.
Yes, hopefully ;)
"Man only plays when in the full meaning of the word he is a man, and he is only completely a man when he plays." -- Friedrich von Schiller
How long till purchasable long term mercenaries? (I.e. as in Diablo 2). It wouldn't take much to make a buff bot NPC that could drastically reduce the amount of down time for soloers. Better yet is if you could have two of your own characters on at the same time, and switch between them (this'll never happen of course, but I can dream :)).
fractaled,Dec 4 2005, 12:54 AM Wrote:How long till purchasable long term mercenaries? (I.e. as in Diablo 2). It wouldn't take much to make a buff bot NPC that could drastically reduce the amount of down time for soloers. Better yet is if you could have two of your own characters on at the same time, and switch between them (this'll never happen of course, but I can dream :)).

MMOBG? (BG = Baldur's Gate).

That'd rock muchly, imagine parties of parties instead of parties of single players, or even a fixed-size party where you can control a variable number of characters ^_^
fractaled,Dec 3 2005, 04:54 PM Wrote:How long till purchasable long term mercenaries?
LavCat,Dec 3 2005, 12:46 PM Wrote:  I feel sorry for all the people I see slaughtering furbolgs in Azshera.

I do too, when they're my faction. If they're lower level I inform them that they may not want to kill them and why.

When they are not my faction I enjoy seeing them kill the Timbermaw, especially when they are PvP enabled and I have tons of free mercenaries to help me kill them. I remember with my priest I was farming courser glands for the level 50 quest that ends up in Sunken Temple. I came across a level 60 dwarf rogue who was pestering a lower level undead rogue. I saved the undead rogue with some healing and feared the dwarf into timbermaw who helped me chew him up.

After mining a RTV, he tried (unsuccessfully) a couple more times and Eventually he ran away on his elite mount.
This guy was really weird. I mean he has an elite mount, one would assume his gear is pretty decent, and here I am a holy/disc priest (with pretty crappy gear) letting him attack from stealth (me flagged, him not) and he can't kill me 1 out of 5 times? Also, level 60 with an elite mount and not even 'unfriendly' with the Timbermaw?
Conc / Concillian -- Vintage player of many games. Deadly leader of the All Pally Team (or was it Death leader?)
Terenas WoW player... while we waited for Diablo III.
And it came... and it went... and I played Hearthstone longer than Diablo III.
Concillian,Dec 5 2005, 06:33 PM Wrote:This guy was really weird.  I mean he has an elite mount, one would assume his gear is pretty decent, and here I am a holy/disc priest (with pretty crappy gear) letting him attack from stealth (me flagged, him not) and he can't kill me 1 out of 5 times?  Also, level 60 with an elite mount and not even 'unfriendly' with the Timbermaw?

Sounds like gold bought from one of the gold farming sites. That does not take skill or knowledge either.
nobbie,Dec 3 2005, 07:22 PM Wrote:Yes, hopefully ;)

As of tonight Fafner is now exalted. Waiting for the patch.
"I may be old, but I'm not dead."
Excuse me , I have two epic mounts and mindlessly gathering cash for third , yet I have pretty crappy gear , due to children / work etc I dont get to do any high lvl instances , I buy all my gear from the AH and it costs me an arm and a leg , BUT I have collected every solitary copper piece by myself . Please dont tar everyone with the "oh he must have bought his gold of Ebay" brush cheers :)
Take care
Raven Vale,Dec 12 2005, 05:52 AM Wrote:Excuse me , I have two epic mounts and mindlessly gathering cash for third , yet I have pretty crappy gear , due to children / work etc I dont get to do any high lvl instances , I buy all my gear from the AH and it costs me an arm and a leg , BUT I have collected every solitary copper piece by myself . Please dont tar everyone with the "oh he must have bought his gold of Ebay" brush cheers :)

Its also that lack of skill the player exhibited in being able to play the character that lead me to give the response. It was not just a mix of high quality and lower quality items. I would expect that you could handle yourself fairly well considering what gear you do have, but that player apparently did not even know how to use their skill effectively enough to have earned that amount gold on their own and be that level.
nobbie,Dec 1 2005, 05:36 AM Wrote:Blizzard have a new Timbermaw faction rewards site up. Check out the reward for the "Exalted" status at the bottom of the page. Now, how many hours does it take to get to "Exalted"? :)

Fafner now has her trinket and has been proclaimed a Hero of the Alliance in Ironforge. She adds that she is not a dwarf and would much sooner have had the honor from High Tinker Mekkatorque himself rather than old Bronzebeard.

The quest to kill Xandivious gives 200 reputation with the Timbermaw. There is a bug: I have heard two reports of people with 999/1000 rep not being able to obtain the quest.
"I may be old, but I'm not dead."

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