The Corrupted Wish Game
Lady Vashj,Sep 12 2005, 08:31 AM Wrote:I wish I had more than 15 minutes to get from one class to the next.  Don't go relocating my classes on me, now; you can be more creative than that.

Vashj, haven't you and I done this "more time to get to class"- thing before? Something about getting to a lab, and you ending up as the only one who was allowed to be late and getting sabotaged by the other folks in that session. So you want a new angle huh? Okay...

In order to accommodate numerous student requests, your university has chosen to modify it's schedule such that now classes in the same department will be given at 1 of two times, with the second being not less than an hour after the conclusion of the previous class. For example, all classes in physics will be two hours long, and start at either 8:30 AM or 11:30 AM, while all classes in math (also 2hrs long) will start at either 1:00 PM or 4:00PM. Where's the corruption you ask? Well, in order to accommodate the higher number of classes that meet at the same time, all sections of one course will meet together (200 person lab sessions :o ), and additional staff are hired in order to teach the other classes (since professors are not able to teach multiple courses as they used to). Also bowing to student requests, tuition is not raised to hire additional faculty members, which means: the percentage of courses lead by TA's balloons to 85%. Everything below a 450 level course (where I went, the 400s were generally intended for begin 2nd semester junior year, with 450 or higher intended for senior year) is handled by a TA, and not just graduate students, but undergraduates are hired as TAs, so some of those 205 intro chem classes are being taught by sophomores who just had the class last year. Hope things work out for you now that you can take your time getting from one class to the other...

I wish I could find an outlet for my creative energies.
ah bah-bah-bah-bah-bah-bah-bob
dyah ah dah-dah-dah-dah-dah-dah-dah-dth
Jeunemaitre,Sep 12 2005, 08:55 AM Wrote:I wish I could find an outlet for my creative energies.

*Timeout called on Corrupted wish game.*

Um, I think you have... :P

*Game resumes.
The Bill of No Rights
The United States has become a place where entertainers and professional athletes are mistaken for people of importance. Robert A. Heinlein
*ERK* Doesn't count. I hereby sentence you to keep the ice cream machine in the cafeteria filled. You're not allowed to eat any of the ice cream even if you actually get the chance.

Granted, young master. My series of Evil Warlord Tips have inspired you to become a supernatural crime lord. But you've hardly seen all my tips. So not only do I know all your secrets, having taught them to you, I have all kinds of tricks you don't know about. After I and my loyal companions defeat you in a spectacular battle, I will be recognized as the heir to the ancient Sorceress-Queens of Balmia, regain my throne, and lead my country into a thousand-generation Golden Age. In about a hundred years, thanks to my wise leadership and magically long life, Balmia will surpass the United States as the most powerful and advanced nation in the world. Don't worry, though; your name will live on forever too. File under "Waterloo".

I refuse to wish that the above were true, thus exposing it to corruption. Instead, I wish my suitemate would do more of her beauty routine in her own room. (Just so you know which is the real wish.)
Creator of "The Corrupted Wish Game": Rules revised 06/15/05
"It was a quiet day...the kind of quiet that happens just before the entire Sioux nation comes up over the ridge."
[Image: cobalt-60.jpg] Click here for a free iPod!
Granted. Once she's done, she insists on walking into your room and having you check over every whatever she does in her routine several times. you are expected to give compliments, and pretend you enjoy the process, no matter how pissed you get over time.

Edit: I wish I had telekinetic powers.
I may be dead, but I'm not old (source: see lavcat)

The gloves come off, I'm playing hardball. It's fourth and 15 and you're looking at a full-court press. (Frank Drebin in The Naked Gun)

Some people in forums do the next best thing to listening to themselves talk, writing and reading what they write (source, my brother)
She can't walk into my room unless I invite her. That's what the deadbolt is for. The room her beauty routine has been taking over is the bathroom.

Granted. But the telekinetic power is almost impossible to consciously control, when it's even working, and when it is working, even if it's not working the way you want it, it gives you an ungodly headache. Fear kelar. Fear it. Fear!

I wish my wall calendar was more visually appealing.
Creator of "The Corrupted Wish Game": Rules revised 06/15/05
"It was a quiet day...the kind of quiet that happens just before the entire Sioux nation comes up over the ridge."
[Image: cobalt-60.jpg] Click here for a free iPod!
Lady Vashj,Sep 12 2005, 08:07 PM Wrote:She can't walk into my room unless I invite her.  That's what the deadbolt is for.  The room her beauty routine has been taking over is the bathroom.

Granted.  But the telekinetic power is almost impossible to consciously control, when it's even working, and when it is working, even if it's not working the way you want it, it gives you an ungodly headache.  Fear kelar.  Fear it.  Fear!

I wish my wall calendar was more visually appealing.

Oh, I know perfectly well how that works. Trust me, she will find a way to make you do what is described in the corupted wish.

Granted. You did not say who it was appealing to, so it is filled with pictures of Porn.

(that was really easy, by the way)

I wish there wasn't so much crap described whenever dating comes up. pickup lines, mind games, body language, I haven't even tried and am already scared off.

I may be dead, but I'm not old (source: see lavcat)

The gloves come off, I'm playing hardball. It's fourth and 15 and you're looking at a full-court press. (Frank Drebin in The Naked Gun)

Some people in forums do the next best thing to listening to themselves talk, writing and reading what they write (source, my brother)
Granted. However, it's no longer an issue to you, because you have already decided to become a monk and renounce women and society. I don't expect we'll see you again; the abbey doesn't have Internet access.

I wish I hadn't signed up for a 9:00 class.
Creator of "The Corrupted Wish Game": Rules revised 06/15/05
"It was a quiet day...the kind of quiet that happens just before the entire Sioux nation comes up over the ridge."
[Image: cobalt-60.jpg] Click here for a free iPod!
Lady Vashj,Sep 13 2005, 12:23 PM Wrote:I wish I hadn't signed up for a 9:00 class.
Granted. You signed up for the 8:30 class instead.

I wish my insomnia would go away.
When in mortal danger,
When beset by doubt,
Run in little circles,
Wave your arms and shout.

BattleTag: Schrau#2386
NiteFox,Sep 13 2005, 07:25 AM Wrote:Granted.  You signed up for the 8:30 class instead.

I wish my insomnia would go away.

(9:00 is too early? I have an 8 o'clock and three 9's and do fine. I just go to sleep early.)

Granted. Because you now sleep through the middle of the day, you are not considered to have insomnia anymore.

I wish lab classes weren't so dang stressful. (lab is the 8:00 class.)
I may be dead, but I'm not old (source: see lavcat)

The gloves come off, I'm playing hardball. It's fourth and 15 and you're looking at a full-court press. (Frank Drebin in The Naked Gun)

Some people in forums do the next best thing to listening to themselves talk, writing and reading what they write (source, my brother)
Granted. Now labs consist of you and many people like you sitting around listening to your professor explain what would happen if you did this. You gain theoretical but not practical knowledge. They might as well not even call it a lab, since it really isn't, but you're still required to wear lab coats and eye protection.

I wish we were provided safety gloves in lab. It's immensely disconcerting to be informed that we get to handle everything from hot crucibles to flasks of nitric acid totally barehanded.
Creator of "The Corrupted Wish Game": Rules revised 06/15/05
"It was a quiet day...the kind of quiet that happens just before the entire Sioux nation comes up over the ridge."
[Image: cobalt-60.jpg] Click here for a free iPod!
Lady Vashj,Sep 13 2005, 09:01 AM Wrote:Granted.  Now labs consist of you and many people like you sitting around listening to your professor explain what would happen if you did this.  You gain theoretical but not practical knowledge.  They might as well not even call it a lab, since it really isn't, but you're still required to wear lab coats and eye protection.

I wish we were provided safety gloves in lab.  It's immensely disconcerting to be informed that we get to handle everything from hot crucibles to flasks of nitric acid totally barehanded.

Granted. You are now expected to have gloves on not only for handling dangerous things, but also for non dangerous chemicals such as water, empty beakers, and you must replace thes gloves on the minute, every 5 minutes.

I wish I had thick enough skin that I didn't need gloves.
I may be dead, but I'm not old (source: see lavcat)

The gloves come off, I'm playing hardball. It's fourth and 15 and you're looking at a full-court press. (Frank Drebin in The Naked Gun)

Some people in forums do the next best thing to listening to themselves talk, writing and reading what they write (source, my brother)
Well, we already needed lab coats and goggles to handle water...

Granted. But as a result, you are astonishingly inflexible. You are so inflexible you can't grip a steering wheel, put a shirt on, or pick up a fork. All the skin-conditioning goo and surgery in the world only makes you astonishingly sore as well.

I wish choir practices weren't on Tuesdays.
Creator of "The Corrupted Wish Game": Rules revised 06/15/05
"It was a quiet day...the kind of quiet that happens just before the entire Sioux nation comes up over the ridge."
[Image: cobalt-60.jpg] Click here for a free iPod!
Lady Vashj,Sep 13 2005, 06:40 PM Wrote:I wish choir practices weren't on Tuesdays.
Granted. It's on Thursdays as well.

I wish money solved more problems than it causes.
When in mortal danger,
When beset by doubt,
Run in little circles,
Wave your arms and shout.

BattleTag: Schrau#2386
NiteFox,Sep 13 2005, 12:50 PM Wrote:Granted.  It's on Thursdays as well.

I wish money solved more problems than it causes.

granted. The problems solved beats the problems caused by exactly 1, and it has it is an issue of a little kid getting a teddy bear.

I wish for infinite more wishes.
I may be dead, but I'm not old (source: see lavcat)

The gloves come off, I'm playing hardball. It's fourth and 15 and you're looking at a full-court press. (Frank Drebin in The Naked Gun)

Some people in forums do the next best thing to listening to themselves talk, writing and reading what they write (source, my brother)
Minionman,Sep 13 2005, 02:53 PM Wrote:granted.  The problems solved beats the problems caused by exactly 1, and it has it is an issue of a little kid getting a teddy bear.

I wish for infinite more wishes.

Granted, but none of the rest of them will come true. :D

I wish beer was an antioxidant.

Cry 'Havoc' and let slip the Men 'O War!
In War, the outcome is never final. --Carl von Clausewitz--
Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum
John 11:35 - consider why.
In Memory of Pete
Occhidiangela,Sep 13 2005, 03:35 PM Wrote:Granted, but none of the rest of them will come true.  :D

I wish beer was an antioxidant.


Granted. tens of Thousands more people get hungover from drinking beer to try and prevent cancer.

I wish Tornados did no damage to anything.

I may be dead, but I'm not old (source: see lavcat)

The gloves come off, I'm playing hardball. It's fourth and 15 and you're looking at a full-court press. (Frank Drebin in The Naked Gun)

Some people in forums do the next best thing to listening to themselves talk, writing and reading what they write (source, my brother)
Granted. You have now effectively deprived me of my ultimate skill. I really don't like you right now. And I still have other mighty skills with which to bust a cap in yo' @$$. Go ahead. Beg for mercy. I think it's kind of funny the way you weep and plead for your life. It won't change my mind, but it will entertain me for a few minutes.

"Call for help. Squeal like a pig. No one's gonna save you now!"

I wish they would make a Men in Black III movie as good and funny as the first two.
Creator of "The Corrupted Wish Game": Rules revised 06/15/05
"It was a quiet day...the kind of quiet that happens just before the entire Sioux nation comes up over the ridge."
[Image: cobalt-60.jpg] Click here for a free iPod!
Lady Vashj,Sep 13 2005, 07:45 PM Wrote:Granted.  You have now effectively deprived me of my ultimate skill.  I really don't like you right now.  And I still have other mighty skills with which to bust a cap in yo' @$$.  Go ahead.  Beg for mercy.  I think it's kind of funny the way you weep and plead for your life.  It won't change my mind, but it will entertain me for a few minutes.

"Call for help.  Squeal like a pig.  No one's gonna save you now!"

I wish they would make a Men in Black III movie as good and funny as the first two.

granted. They do this by filming the exact same scenes, in the exact same order, in the exact same places with the same crew as the first movie. you waste your money seeing the first movie again.

I wish I could control lightning strikes.
I may be dead, but I'm not old (source: see lavcat)

The gloves come off, I'm playing hardball. It's fourth and 15 and you're looking at a full-court press. (Frank Drebin in The Naked Gun)

Some people in forums do the next best thing to listening to themselves talk, writing and reading what they write (source, my brother)
Granted. However, one day it becomes too tempting, and you use your power in anger to slay someone you don't like. That's when you find out that God has more control over lightning than you do. He returns the favor.

I wish I had The Lord of the Rings (books) in English, here and now. I brought the French editions.
Creator of "The Corrupted Wish Game": Rules revised 06/15/05
"It was a quiet day...the kind of quiet that happens just before the entire Sioux nation comes up over the ridge."
[Image: cobalt-60.jpg] Click here for a free iPod!
Lady Vashj,Sep 13 2005, 08:10 PM Wrote:Granted.  However, one day it becomes too tempting, and you use your power in anger to slay someone you don't like.  That's when you find out that God has more control over lightning than you do.  He returns the favor.

I wish I had The Lord of the Rings (books) in English, here and now.  I brought the French editions.

Granted. While readin them, you realize they aren't as interesting as you thought they'd be.

I wish I could get out o bed right when I wake up, not fall asleep and awake for awhile.
I may be dead, but I'm not old (source: see lavcat)

The gloves come off, I'm playing hardball. It's fourth and 15 and you're looking at a full-court press. (Frank Drebin in The Naked Gun)

Some people in forums do the next best thing to listening to themselves talk, writing and reading what they write (source, my brother)

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