Helping with Identifying UI
I've tried a number of different UI packs with varying results but the one universal thing that seems to be the case is that I only want one or two of the mods included and with some of them being so obscurely named or require at least one other mod to operate I've not been able to deactivate all of them ones I want to remove.

ANYWAY, the point is I'm after a few UI mods I've used before and was hoping some Lurkers may know the names:

1. The loot window appears under your cursor.

2. You can see the enemy health/mana either as a percentile or actual numbers (although I used numbers).

3. The in-game damage display (where the white and yellow numbers appear in melee) shows "Critical" when you crit the target.

Any clues? :blink:

Thanks in advance.
The Phrozen Keep
Serving the D2 mod community since 2000.
Phrozen Heart,Jul 19 2005, 09:40 AM Wrote:I've tried a number of different UI packs with varying results but the one universal thing that seems to be the case is that I only want one or two of the mods included and with some of them being so obscurely named or require at least one other mod to operate I've not been able to deactivate all of them ones I want to remove.

ANYWAY, the point is I'm after a few UI mods I've used before and was hoping some Lurkers may know the names:

1. The loot window appears under your cursor.

2. You can see the enemy health/mana either as a percentile or actual numbers (although I used numbers).

3. The in-game damage display (where the white and yellow numbers appear in melee) shows "Critical" when you crit the target.

Any clues? :blink:

Thanks in advance.

1 & 2 can be handled by Quickloot and MobHealth by Telo. Check his WoW mod post for them. Both stand alone.

Not sure on #3 though.
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.
Number 3 was more of a novelty, it was 1 and 2 I was mainly wanting so thanks a lot :)
The Phrozen Keep
Serving the D2 mod community since 2000.
Phrozen Heart,Jul 19 2005, 07:40 AM Wrote:3. The in-game damage display (where the white and yellow numbers appear in melee) shows "Critical" when you crit the target.

I'm pretty sure this is another standalone addon called Scrolling Combat Text, it shows incoming damage numbers floating above your head along with other combat notices including when critical hits are landed or buffs/debufs are gained or lost.

You can find the addon for download here. I've used it for awhile and would highly recommend it.

Thanks! Looks like it may even have more stuff than the one I had before, I'll drop it and give it a go later :)

There was one more I just remembered that listed the number of bag slots available over the bag buttons but that's just gravy ;)
The Phrozen Keep
Serving the D2 mod community since 2000.
Gnollguy,Jul 19 2005, 08:49 AM Wrote:1 & 2 can be handled by Quickloot and MobHealth by Telo.  Check his WoW mod post for them.  Both stand alone.

Not sure on #3 though.

I would suggest MobHealth2 instead of MobHealth.
<span style="color:orange">Doomhammer:
Melis -- 60 NE Druid
<span style="color:orange">Terenas:
Octord -- 70 U Warlock
Forgar -- 70 T Druid
Loregar -- 69 BE Hunter
Selyn -- 61 U Mage
Kevas -- 35 TR Shaman
Darklurker -- 24 U Priest
Ratoo -- 17 TR Priest

[Image: 738014xuSdJ.png]
Phrozen Heart,Jul 19 2005, 09:34 AM Wrote:Thanks! Looks like it may even have more stuff than the one I had before, I'll drop it and give it a go later :)

There was one more I just remembered that listed the number of bag slots available over the bag buttons but that's just gravy ;)

I am not sure about a mod that adds the bags slots over the bag button, but InfoBar by Telo can put the bags slots to the top of the screen.

<span style="color:orange">Doomhammer:
Melis -- 60 NE Druid
<span style="color:orange">Terenas:
Octord -- 70 U Warlock
Forgar -- 70 T Druid
Loregar -- 69 BE Hunter
Selyn -- 61 U Mage
Kevas -- 35 TR Shaman
Darklurker -- 24 U Priest
Ratoo -- 17 TR Priest

[Image: 738014xuSdJ.png]
Strangely enough I grabbed Infobar from Telo's post earlier so that should have me covered, much appreciated for the tip :)

As for MobHealth vs MobHealth2, what's the difference?
The Phrozen Keep
Serving the D2 mod community since 2000.
Phrozen Heart,Jul 19 2005, 08:34 AM Wrote:Thanks! Looks like it may even have more stuff than the one I had before, I'll drop it and give it a go later :)

There was one more I just remembered that listed the number of bag slots available over the bag buttons but that's just gravy ;)

Hmm, I think there's several mods that do that, the one I like the best is Bag Status Meters. You can show the number of free slots on a per-bag or aggregate basis using numbers or bars that fill up as you run out of space. It's very well done, comes with an easy to understand configuration dialog and can be made very unobtrusive. I've noticed I'm better at keeping space free for loot now that I can see at a glance how much space I have, very handy.

Phrozen Heart,Jul 19 2005, 11:43 AM Wrote:Strangely enough I grabbed Infobar from Telo's post earlier so that should have me covered, much appreciated for the tip :)

As for MobHealth vs MobHealth2, what's the difference?

From Curse Gaming one of the places to download Mobhealth2

Features (and how does it differ from MobHealth):
* smaller memory footprint and per sec memory allocation than mobhealth
* works with all language versions
* is almost perfectly accurate - works in groups and when fighting a lot of mobs with same name and lvl
* backwards compatible with mobhealth - all mods that use information from it (for example MobInfo) still work
* uses database that mobhealth already created
* works even with Combat messages disabled
* includes function for easy access to current target's HP from macros and other scripts
* also workes when fighting other players

I personally use Mobhealth2
Currently enjoying liberating the land of Sanctuary

[Image: arethor.jpg]
Stormrage - US (Inactive)
Sounds good to me, once again thanks a lot :)
The Phrozen Keep
Serving the D2 mod community since 2000.

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