MMOs:Like em' or not?
Encore,May 14 2005, 09:15 PM Wrote:What I mean as paying for it is how. You have 12 bucks in your hand, now are you going to drive over to Irvine and hand deliver it to them? It is Paypal or something else?
Most common:
Option 1: Use a credit card, give required information to company, watch as your monthly payment is automatically done until you unsubscribe.

Option 2: Go to a (game) store selling Game Time Cards, buy a GTC, enter the code at the designated site, watch as your allowed online time increases.

Though I haven't seen it personally I wouldn't be surprised if there are some MMOs that use Paypal as an option. A professional MMO will have a FAQ or something similar which details both price and how to pay.
Hugs are good, but smashing is better! - Clarence<!--sizec--><!--/sizec-->
Mithrandir,May 14 2005, 09:24 AM Wrote:I have yet to meet anyone who plays board games for any other reason than to kill a random hour or two, so I don't know if they can really be qualified as hobbies that one would put the same number of hours into as a video game, sport, etc.

I play board games (mostly ASL and Diplomacy) and I do it for fun and it is usually far mroe than an hour or two each time.

Mithrandir,May 14 2005, 09:24 AM Wrote:Most games now-a-days seem to aim for ~30 hours of gameplay, but let's be generous and say that it takes you 60 hours to play through and you play the game twice. With a $50 box price, you're getting about 42 cents an hour - 140% of the price of the MMO... and the MMO lasted longer.

I don't know why people have the idea that games last only 30 hours or whatever and then one has gone through them. Most games I have had and bought (admitadly after research or getting info) last far, FAR more than that and admit me to play thorugh many, MANY times. By your logic by the way, most people playing WoW would not be playing for that long, since once you play "through it" and beat it, that is it. Seems people can do that pretty quick, yet still play on.
There are three types of people in the world. Those who can count and those who can't.
I have yet to meet anyone who plays board games for any other reason than to kill a random hour or two, so I don't know if they can really be qualified as hobbies that one would put the same number of hours into as a video game, sport, etc. The expense of playing cards is also quite dependent on how good you are at playing

Board games? Oh yes, my brother and I got hours of fun out of Monopoly, and Waterloo by Avalon Hill. Hobby.

My son and I often play LOTR Risk. That takes up most of an afternoon.

Then there is six man Risk parties, which I have been to many times, with my brother and our friends. Those games can last all night, particularly when the beer factor gets thrown in.

Then there's Beer Risk. Each territory you lose means you chug a shot of beer. Now, that may not seem like much, but in a back and forth game of risk, it can add up. I never played Whiskey Risk, as I wanted to live to tell the tale.

Cry 'Havoc' and let slip the Men 'O War!
In War, the outcome is never final. --Carl von Clausewitz--
Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum
John 11:35 - consider why.
In Memory of Pete
Occhidiangela,May 15 2005, 04:32 PM Wrote:Then there's Beer Risk.&nbsp; Each territory you lose means you chug a shot of beer.&nbsp; Now, that may not seem like much, but in a back and forth game of risk, it can add up.&nbsp; I never played Whiskey Risk, as I wanted to live to tell the tale.


Well, on the good side, the rule wasn't you must drink after you lose a guy. :wacko:
With great power comes the great need to blame other people.
Guild Wars 2: (ArchonWing.9480) (ArchonWing.1480)
Jarulf,May 15 2005, 12:50 PM Wrote:By your logic by the way, most people playing WoW would not be playing for that long, since once you play "through it" and beat it, that is it. Seems people can do that pretty quick, yet still play on.

The whole point of a MMO is that you can never really "beat" it. There's always other players to fight, new instances/zones being released, etc.

I would rather be ashes than dust! I would rather that my spark should burn out in a brilliant blaze than it should be stifled by dry rot. I would rather be a superb meteor, every atom of me in magnificent glow, than a sleepy and permanent planet. The proper function of man is to live, not to exist. I shall not waste my days in trying to prolong them. I shall use my time.
Jack London
The problem with WoW. Its essentially 2 different games(plus PvP) and the one that you can "beat" is the most fun.
Mithrandir,May 16 2005, 08:21 PM Wrote:The whole point of a MMO is that you can never really "beat" it. There's always other players to fight, new instances/zones being released, etc.

There are players to fight in most non MMO games as well :) That would be a reason for a game with PvP! That it is more varied than fighting just computer enemies. That has less bearing on MMO versus other games or pay per month versus not pay per month.

As for new instances and zones, sure, you get a few every now and then, but again, is that worth the money compared to a completely new game? I mean is the added content forsay 3 month as much as a completely new game?

Personally, as someone who just got the game (WoW), it is not a a money issue in the sense of is it cheaper per hour than something else. Especially not something not game related. If that was what should guide me, I should be stuck with one activity and it would be the cheapest. Instead I tend to compare similar entertainment options. So I compare different games to each other (and not to movies for example). Usually, I can thus get more games (especially older) if I stick to non subscription based. However, I must admit that lately (the last few years), I find less and less fun games for me, perhaps a sign of turning old, I don't know. Since I enjoyed the game in Beta, and since I like the fact that you have your "friends" to chat and play with in some games (for me WoW), I decided to pick it for a while. It is also a style of game (the game play) that seems to suit me for solo so that is great! I don't see it as a good option from a monthly money point of view, but then, I consider I have the money and will p(l)ay as long as I enjoy it or until I find new, as fun games I can buy instead :)
There are three types of people in the world. Those who can count and those who can't.
Jarulf,May 16 2005, 10:00 PM Wrote:There are players to fight in most non MMO games as well :) That would be a reason for a game with PvP! That it is more varied than fighting just computer enemies. ~

~ Since I enjoyed the game in Beta, and since I like the fact that you have your "friends" to chat and play with in some games (for me WoW), I decided to pick it for a while. ~
You hit the nail on the head. A flesh and blood player is a lot harder to beat, for the most part.

Add in a Ventrilo server for real time voice communication and you get a real sense of cameraderie. Great fun.

I currently play Dark Age of Camelot. I have 2 accounts, to be able to run a "bot." Thirty bucks a month. Big deal. Darn cheap entertainment. I play most evenings and on the weekends. (unlike D2 a bot is perfectly legal, no cheating here)

My last hobby was stock car racing with my son. An IMCA modified. In 3 seasons, Dad blew 50K. DAoC is CHEAP!
Sense and courtesy are never common
Don't try to have the last word. You might get it. - Lazarus Long
Griselda,May 9 2005, 09:51 PM Wrote:Yeah, you guys up there in Vancouver, WA are *so* different from those of us down here in Oregon.&nbsp; :P

That's a fundamental of the Washingtonian superiority complex. "We're not as crazy as the people in Oregon."

...I've said too much.
Forever oppressed by the GOLs.
Grom Hellscream: [Orcish] kek

Bots may be "legal" but they are reprehensible. I dont know who you are, but I dont really like you much now.

Bots like if in the Indy 500 let you use an extra big engine as long as you paid 2 entrance fees.
Ghostiger,May 19 2005, 08:00 AM Wrote:

My, my Ghost, 15,000+ posts on an MMO forum? I can see why you might have a slightly acerbic posting style by now. :)

(no offense intended)
Bots may be "legal" but they are reprehensible. I dont know who you are, but I dont really like you much now.
Bots like if in the Indy 500 let you use an extra big engine as long as you paid 2 entrance fees.
Oh no! I am heartbroken.

15K posts in a cesspit like the vnboards, impressive.

In DAoC, you can run a bot and be competetive or you can whine about bots.

More like running a four cylinder against eight cylinders and complaining about those mean eight cylinders whippin your arse.

Cry me a river, baby!

Sense and courtesy are never common
Don't try to have the last word. You might get it. - Lazarus Long
Eat <modertated> if you want to toss around insults here.

Does it look like I am crying? Disagreeing is not crying.

Insulting people who disagree with you however is a sign of insecurity. For someone who complains about VN it appears you belong there <moderated>.

If anything I may have finnally won. It seems probable probably the Mythic will soon create a server with a range or timer on buffs. Bots were the formost reason for leaving among people I knew.
Good grief! Grow a thicker skin.

You are complaining about something that is completely legitemate as far as Mythic's ToS and RoC are concerned, and common practice. Before I started my 2nd account, I confirmed the status of buffbots with a Mythic rep via telephone.

Complain about "radar" users or the Adena Farmers, and you will have my agreement. Usually, the people that complain about this subject are the people that don't have the hardware capability to do it. It takes either, two computers, internet capable or the ability to run 2 clients on one machine.

Even if Mythic implements the no ToA/no buffbot server, it won't stop people from using healbots.

This argument has nothing to do with the subject of this thread. My apologies to the thread starter for going off-topic.
Sense and courtesy are never common
Don't try to have the last word. You might get it. - Lazarus Long
Nastie_Bowie,May 22 2005, 10:37 AM Wrote:Complain about "radar" users or the Adena Farmers, and you will have my agreement. Usually, the people that complain about this subject are the people that don't have the hardware capability to do it. It takes either, two computers, internet capable or the ability to run 2 clients on one machine.


Like I said "eat <moderated>" - you have no idea what you are talking about in reference to me.
Thanks for bringing humor into my weekend, GT.


I hope you are Alb/Mid on the Kay/Iseault/Pellinor server cluster.

Sense and courtesy are never common
Don't try to have the last word. You might get it. - Lazarus Long
Nastie_Bowie,May 22 2005, 11:21 AM Wrote:Thanks for bringing humor into my weekend, GT.


I hope you are Alb/Mid on the Kay/Iseault/Pellinor server cluster.


OK, guys, time to drop it or take it to email. Thanks. :)
Why can't we all just get along


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