The Corrupted Wish Game
LemmingofGlory,Apr 25 2005, 10:12 PM Wrote:I wish I knew what to wish for.

You suddenly have a craving for an Antique Popcicle and an Antique Cupcake. You can't explain why...

I wish more people would get this joke...
All alone, or in twos,
The ones who really love you
Walk up and down outside the wall.
Some hand in hand
And some gathered together in bands.
The bleeding hearts and artists
Make their stand.

And when they've given you their all
Some stagger and fall, after all it's not easy
Banging your heart against some mad buggers wall.

"Isn't this where...."
Doc,Apr 26 2005, 03:21 AM Wrote:I wish more people would get this joke...
Granted! Suddenly, all the Lurkers understand the joke, find it sublimely witty and superbly hilarious, and begin rolling on the floor laughing. Unfortunately, this was exactly the opportunity that the ravenous fire ants and drunken Africanized honey bees had been looking for. While the Lurkers are incapacitated, the insects strike and devour them. There is no one left to play the Corrupted Wish game with. Several of the honey bees crash back in your place, put their feet up on the furniture, and vomit over your favorite family heirloom. You have pieces of Occhi on your carpet.

I wish that I were better at pulling all-nighters.

EDIT: I also wish that I could have edited this post for spelling without that darn "edited" tag popping up.
USEAST: Werewolf (94), Werebear (87), Hunter (85), Artimentalist (78), Meleementalist (76, ret.)
USEAST HCL: Huntermentalist (72), Werewolf (27)
Single Player HC: Werewolf (61, deceased), Werewolf (24)
Oh NOES! Nothing gets Occhi out of carpet.
All alone, or in twos,
The ones who really love you
Walk up and down outside the wall.
Some hand in hand
And some gathered together in bands.
The bleeding hearts and artists
Make their stand.

And when they've given you their all
Some stagger and fall, after all it's not easy
Banging your heart against some mad buggers wall.

"Isn't this where...."
FenrisWulf,Apr 25 2005, 08:38 PM Wrote:I wish that I were better at pulling all-nighters.
Granted! Now you have no problem pulling all-nighters... but you find it difficult to do your homework with your newly grown feathery wings and need to go hunt some mice. Yes, you are a spotted owl in Oregon! You fear the loggers who are out to remove you from the endangered species list so they continue chopping away at your home.

I wish Electromagnetically Induced Transparency was easier to understand.
Teehee. Spotted Owls. It still amuses me that they banned the Band from Oregon because of that.

TheDragoon,Apr 26 2005, 05:52 AM Wrote:I wish Electromagnetically Induced Transparency was easier to understand.
Done! Electromagnetically Induced Transparency is fantastically simple to understand! It all makes so much sense to me now! I can go out and talk to my neighbors about it, and we'll all laugh about the various quirks and wonderful ease of comprehension about Electromagnetically Induced Transparency. I'm about to call my mom, and we'll have a long talk about the electromagnetic features, and the details of the induction, and the wonderful transparent nature of the outcome. The whole world is brimming with people eager to share their new knowledge of this amazing phenomenon!

You still don't get it, though. Maybe you should have concentrated in Communication instead. :D

I wish for some pizza!
USEAST: Werewolf (94), Werebear (87), Hunter (85), Artimentalist (78), Meleementalist (76, ret.)
USEAST HCL: Huntermentalist (72), Werewolf (27)
Single Player HC: Werewolf (61, deceased), Werewolf (24)
FenrisWulf,Apr 26 2005, 06:45 AM Wrote:I wish for some pizza!

Granted. I give you some of Leshy's Butt Crack Pizza. (Yet another very inside joke.)

I wish Pete would be okay.
UPDATE: Spamblaster.
Count Duckula,Apr 26 2005, 10:05 AM Wrote:I wish Pete would be okay.

Granted. Pete is doing wonderful but his programming has been screwed a little, he's now not a Forum bot for he has become a drunken Africanized honey bee bot and is heading toward your home!

I wish I had some decent food around here so I could eat!
"Turn the key deftly in the oiled wards, and seal the hushed casket of my soul" - John Keats, "To Sleep"
TaiDaishar,Apr 26 2005, 10:22 PM Wrote:I wish I had some decent food around here so I could eat!


Around here Huhu grubs are a delicacy.

I wish I could get an uncorrupted wish.

ph34r the paradox. Cheers Godel :P
whyBish,Apr 26 2005, 10:28 AM Wrote:I wish I could get an uncorrupted wish.

You will be granted an uncorrupted wish. Unfortunately, it's not this one. The first wish you make on Apr 17, 2038 will be uncorrupted. This one, however, will cause the forum to crash on you when you log in.

I wish free copies of World of Warcraft would be handed out at every street corner of every country of the world!
Nothing is impossible if you believe in it enough.

Median 2008 mod for Diablo II
<span style="color:gray">New skills, new AIs, new items, new challenges...
06.dec.2006: Median 2008 1.44
Brother Laz,Apr 26 2005, 08:16 AM Wrote:I wish free copies of World of Warcraft would be handed out at every street corner of every country of the world!

Done, but the monthly fee just went up to $500/month.

I wish I had a really good sandwich right now.
DeeBye,Apr 26 2005, 06:26 AM Wrote:Done, but the monthly fee just went up to $500/month.

I wish I had a really good sandwich right now.

You now have a good ham and cheese on rye sandwich, overspiced with tobasco sauce and jalapenos-- and there is no iced tea, indeed, nothing to drink. And no napkins.

I wish traffic lights would sense my approach and always turn green for me.
Cry 'Havoc' and let slip the Men 'O War!
In War, the outcome is never final. --Carl von Clausewitz--
Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum
John 11:35 - consider why.
In Memory of Pete
Doc,Apr 25 2005, 09:46 PM Wrote:Oh NOES! Nothing gets Occhi out of carpet.

True enough. The EPA banned the last chemical that could clean Occhi out of a carpet: Rogue Be Gone. They found that the VoC content was too high.

What is VoC, you ask? Vagabond on Caffeine!


Cry 'Havoc' and let slip the Men 'O War!
In War, the outcome is never final. --Carl von Clausewitz--
Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum
John 11:35 - consider why.
In Memory of Pete
Occhidiangela,Apr 26 2005, 07:32 AM Wrote:You now have a good ham and cheese on rye sandwich, overspiced with tobasco sauce and jalapenos-- and there is no iced tea, indeed, nothing to drink.&nbsp; And no napkins.

I wish traffic lights would sense my approach and always turn green for me.

*Poof!* As you approach traffic lights, they all magically turn green for you. Unfortunately, they're just teasing you, and they also all turn red juuuuuust in time to force you to stop.

I wish the new simpson's episodes didn't suck so badly.

"Life is sacred and you are not its steward. You have stewardship over it but you don't own it. You're making a choice to go through this, it's not just happening to you. You're inviting it, and in some ways delighting in it. It's not accidental or coincidental. You're choosing it. You have to realize you've made choices."
-Michael Ventura, "Letters@3AM"
gekko,Apr 26 2005, 03:41 PM Wrote:I wish the new simpson's episodes didn't suck so badly.

Granted. The newer episodes hearken back to the Simpsons renaissance 3-4 years ago when Futurama was still in production and Groening had a second creative outlet. Unfortunately, the coming of baseball season keeps taking over the Simpsons' time slot on the FOX network and prevents you or anyone else from seeing the episodes.

I wish I had a tuxedo.
UPDATE: Spamblaster.
Count Duckula,Apr 26 2005, 10:06 AM Wrote:I wish I had a tuxedo.

Poof, you have a tuxedo, cut in the style popular in the mid 1970s' -- size 42 long jacket and vest, size 34 inseam 32 waist pant. Color is lemon lime green with a pink vest and a fuscia bow tie. The stain on the left thigh looks and smells suspiciously like a bong water stain.

I wish Burger King would replace McDonald's here in Corpus Christi. Completely.

Cry 'Havoc' and let slip the Men 'O War!
In War, the outcome is never final. --Carl von Clausewitz--
Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum
John 11:35 - consider why.
In Memory of Pete
Occhidiangela,Apr 26 2005, 04:18 PM Wrote:I wish Burger King would replace McDonald's here in Corpus Christi.&nbsp; Completely.

Granted. The McDonald's franchises magically metamorph into Burger Kings. Unfortunately, tomorrow they will all change into Wendy's, featuring their new high protein menu. Watch out for the chili!

I wish I could stay awake.
UPDATE: Spamblaster.
Count Duckula,Apr 26 2005, 01:28 PM Wrote:I wish I could stay awake.

Granted. You now suffer from a terminal case of insomnia, which will eventually lead to psychotic dementia after several days without sleep.

I wish my back would stop hurting.
Darian Redwin - just some dude now
Darian,Apr 26 2005, 10:49 AM Wrote:I wish my back would stop hurting.

Granted. The accupuncture treatments worked and now you can't feel the pain in your back. Unfortunately, the treatment went too far and you can't feel your $@#$@ either and become impotent. You decide that since that's the case, you might as well take a trip to Sweden and ... ummm... get a makeover.

I wish I had more time alone with my wife.

Ashock,Apr 26 2005, 06:15 PM Wrote:I wish I had more time alone with my wife.

You have all the alone time in the world with your wife, but all she wants to do is talk about her trip to Sweden.


I wish there was world peace.
UPDATE: Spamblaster.
Count Duckula,Apr 26 2005, 12:29 PM Wrote:You have all the alone time in the world with your wife, but all she wants to do is talk about her trip to Sweden.


I wish there was world peace.

World peace arrives, followed shortly thereafter by world boredom and a massive global recession as the entirety of the international armaments, secondary armaments, and logistics industries downsize, shrink, and self immolate in spectacular fashion. Huge unemployment lines lead to rioting, which lead to revolutions in parts of the civilized world, which leads to any number of local, bloody, civil wars. Good while it lasted, that world peace.

Be careful what you wish for, as you are sure to get it.

I wish whirled peas were a globally popular menu item.

Cry 'Havoc' and let slip the Men 'O War!
In War, the outcome is never final. --Carl von Clausewitz--
Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum
John 11:35 - consider why.
In Memory of Pete

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