How many ________does it take...
Ghostiger,Apr 16 2005, 06:11 PM Wrote:I really doubt you understand calculus if you dont know that. The chances of you having been taught calculus(from a person or a book) with different notation are slim.

Why dont you just be honest and say - "oh I havent learned calculus yet." We know youre young so it what we all would expect that anyways.
OK, I don't know calculus. I was merely expressing my annoyance with any notation I do not yet know. :shuriken: If it came across as me trying to claim I knew calculus (well, I think I may know parts of it, but just random things), then I apologize. Although I do try not to use my age as an excuse for not knowing something, except pre-mid 90s recent history.
Obi2Kenobi,Apr 17 2005, 01:33 PM Wrote:Although I do try not to use my age as an excuse for not knowing something, except ... recent history.

Both ends of the age spectrum use that excuse :P

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