Hello all,
I just joined the community so I figured that I would introduce myself and say hello. I'm primarily a World of Warcraft player but I enjoy all kinds of games. Quark introduced me to the Lurker Lounge and I'm sure I will enjoy being a part of things here. :D
Raelynn - Gnome Warlock - Herbalism/Alchemy
Markuun - Tauren Shaman - Skinning/Leatherworking
Aredead - Undead Mage - Tailoring/Enchanting

Gutzmek - Orc Shaman - Skinning/Leatherworking
They won't let me be the official Lurker Lounge greeter, but hiya nonethless :wub:
DeeBye,Mar 1 2005, 09:03 PM Wrote:They won't let me be the official Lurker Lounge greeter, but hiya nonethless  :wub:

If you were the official greeter people would go insane.

Of course, it's better than the usual "greeting" we give some less-than-desirables :)
Trade yourself in for the perfect one. No one needs to know that you feel you've been ruined!
Quark,Mar 1 2005, 10:30 PM Wrote:If you were the official greeter people would go insane.

Of course, it's better than the usual "greeting" we give some less-than-desirables :)

I shudder to think what kind of "greeting" you would give to that kind of person. ;)
Raelynn - Gnome Warlock - Herbalism/Alchemy
Markuun - Tauren Shaman - Skinning/Leatherworking
Aredead - Undead Mage - Tailoring/Enchanting

Gutzmek - Orc Shaman - Skinning/Leatherworking
Raelynn,Mar 1 2005, 09:45 PM Wrote:I shudder to think what kind of "greeting" you would give to that kind of person.  ;)

Well, you can do a search on the forums for past posts to see what those have been like.

Hint: One such user that comes to mind (I will only give 2 hints);
his name starts with a 'u' and ends with a 'nrealshadow13'.

Welcome aboard, matey!
Yrrek,Mar 1 2005, 10:23 PM Wrote:Well, you can do a search on the forums for past posts to see what those have been like.

Hint: One such user that comes to mind (I will only give 2 hints);
his name starts with a 'u' and ends with a 'nrealshadow13'.

Welcome aboard, matey!

What Would Bun Bun Do? :huh:

Trying to decipher your sig . . .

Cry 'Havoc' and let slip the Men 'O War!
In War, the outcome is never final. --Carl von Clausewitz--
Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum
John 11:35 - consider why.
In Memory of Pete
I actually failed to find any negative greetings to unrealshadow13... Bah, now I've wasted an hour looking for flaming that happened before my time.

WWBBD = Women with big buns .... hmm, I either need to get laid or a word that start with a 'd'. I guess that means I'll be pondering what that 'd' could be then.

EDIT: Oh, and hi there Raelynn. I'm fairly new myself, actually. Strange thing is, I didn't start posting here until after I quit playing Diablo II (though I've been lurking here for some time, keeping in line with the theme and all :) ).

Another EDIT: "keeping in line with the theme and all"... just doesn't sound right? Did I get it wrong?
Pazuzu. "WWJD" is a slogan in certain circles, meaning "What Would Jesus Do"?. It's been adopted to fit all number of situations and contexts, but the jist of it is still the same :) Remember the episode of The Simpsons where Homer points to his bracelet with the inscription "WWJD", and Homer thinking "J" stood for "Jamal" or someone else other than Jesus. :)

I've got my very own "Pete"-variety.
Ask me about Norwegian humour Smile
Oh... Right. Well, that sure took the fun out of it. Plus, it kinda made me feel a bit - ignorant, I guess.
The worst thing is, I still haven't been able to find a suitable word that starts with a 'd', apart from 'drinking', allthough that just doesn't sound dirty enough :P
PS: need some help with an expression in the post above.

Looksie! A giant bird!
*scurries off to hide from the troll of mistaken acronyms*
Occhidiangela,Mar 2 2005, 08:21 AM Wrote:What Would Bun Bun Do?  :huh:

Trying to decipher your sig . . .


Haha, it is actually "What would Brian Boitano do?" I got it from South Park the Movie. Ahh, South Park, one of the greatest ideas of our time. :D

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