Getting Ready for Blackfathom Deeps
I'm new to Thottbot (and very impressed with it too). I went to the Quests section and looked up "Instance Blackfathom Deeps." It returned a list that included:

22 The Essence of Aku'Mai Horde Ashenvale
22 Seeking the Kor Gem Alliance Darkshore
23 Knowledge in the Deeps Alliance Blackfathom Deeps
24 Researching the Corruption Alliance
24 In Search of Thaelrid Horde and Alliance Darnassus
25 Twilight Falls Horde and Alliance Darnassus
25 The Orb of Soran'ruk Horde and Alliance The Barrens
26 Allegiance to the Old Gods Horde Blackfathom Deeps
27 Blackfathom Villainy Alliance Blackfathom Deeps Argent Guard

On and On. :)

So now ... in preparation for this instance and playing an Alliance character, do I just begin picking up these quests in their various locations and running them in the order given? I already have one or two.

And what would be considered a "good" character level for Blackfathom Deeps, assuming that all party members are about the same level?

And why isn't there a spell checking function on this forum, or am I just missing it. ;)

By the by - The Stockades was very fun. Not as engaging as Van Cleef, but way, way creepier. Loved those squeeky doors!

Just a final note to say that I'll be off line a good deal over the next week. Family in town, so please take good care of all the other clueless people while I'm gone.
[Image: Sabra%20gold%20copy.jpg]

I blame Tal.

Sabramage Authenticated!
Sabra,Jan 25 2005, 07:22 AM Wrote:I'm new to Thottbot (and very impressed with it too). I went to the Quests section and looked up "Instance Blackfathom Deeps." It returned a list that included:

22 The Essence of Aku'Mai Horde Ashenvale 
22 Seeking the Kor Gem Alliance Darkshore 
23 Knowledge in the Deeps Alliance Blackfathom Deeps 
24 Researching the Corruption Alliance
24 In Search of Thaelrid Horde and Alliance Darnassus 
25 Twilight Falls Horde and Alliance Darnassus 
25 The Orb of Soran'ruk Horde and Alliance The Barrens
26 Allegiance to the Old Gods Horde Blackfathom Deeps 
27 Blackfathom Villainy Alliance Blackfathom Deeps  Argent Guard

Look carefully. Aside from ignoring all the Horde quests, note that Seeking the Kor Gem is Paladin-only and that the Orb of Soran'ruk is only for Warlocks. You're looking for four quests: Knowledge in the Deeps, Researching the Corruption, In Search of Thaelrid, and Twilight Falls. Completing In Search of Thaelrid gives you Blackfathom Villainy.
Sabra,Jan 25 2005, 05:22 AM Wrote:So now ... in preparation for this instance and playing an Alliance character, do I just begin picking up these quests in their various locations and running them in the order given? I already have one or two.


The right way to do this is to pick all of them up you can before entering, and clean the whole thing out. Do all of the quests in one run if you can, don't waste time running back to turn them in, or worrying about what order they are in.

As far as level, do it before you are over 30 if you are going to have a full party of 5. We waited too long and it was not much of a challenge at all.

edit: --Skandranon beat me to most of this by a minute or two--
One other thing of note specific to this instance that caused my group to not be able to finish all of the quests though we cleaned out the area. The reason this is a problem is some of the quests are picked up on the way, but are easily missed.

When you come to a large circular room with a circular island in the middle (there is a lot of water here, warlock's unending breath is nice here) explore this area thoroughly. There are several small adjacent rooms, and at least one (could be more) contains a major boss killing quest. I think you have to swim down and then up into a room. Skipping this will have you kill a boss without having the quest, causing you to have to do it over again if you want the XP and quest reward.

Hope this helps!
Dagorthan – Level 85 Blood Knight
Turothan – Level 83 Blood Knight
Sarothan – Level 62 Blood Knight
Durambar – Level 82 Warrior
Strifemourne – Level 80 Death Knight
Mid to late 20s is a good level for Blackfathom Deeps.

There are two quest-related tasks to complete in caves off the turtle room. Make sure you get the book and find Thaelrid before moving on.

And one last piece of advice.....

*** spoiler space follows ****

Don't light the fires all at once. Trouble will follow.

I've got my Warlock ready to go into Blackfathom if you'd like to meet up sometime. I've found that finding groups for Blackfathom can be difficult, at times, since there seem to be few people in Ashenvale that are high enough level, want to do Blackfathom Deeps, and haven't done it before. It doesn't get as much repeat playing as it seems other instances do, so just let me know when you'd want to do it and I'll try to be there! :)
Taranna and Etheramwen have all 4 non class specific Alliance quests and I believe all of them are sharable. Just in case someone wants to get the quests gathered quicker. :)
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.
Thank you all for the thoughtful input. Would that I'll have more time to prepare before my company comes. Seems I'd better bone up on my swimming, a function that makes this player terribly tense.

Skan, I had printed out and culled that quest list from Thottbot. I saw exactly what you told me. Thanks so much.

Thanks too for all the insider info. and the interest from The Dragoon, whose name I've always adored. Unless they leave me in the dust during this week that my family's in town, I think I have my party. If one or more of them goes on a power-leveling tear, which could easily happen as these other folks are "real" players & not pikers like me, it would be a pleasure to party with you anytime, anywhere.

So ... Unless GG and Treesh jump in to spare me the trip, I've got places to go & people to see! I'm excited. I love these instances. They are so in your face, yet somehow incredibly intimate.

Fun! Fun! Fun!
[Image: Sabra%20gold%20copy.jpg]

I blame Tal.

Sabramage Authenticated!
Sabra,Jan 25 2005, 06:14 PM Wrote:So ... Unless GG and Treesh jump in to spare me the trip, I've got places to go & people to see!
Just give a holler and I'll bring in Eth for ya. I popped on after I read this post, but you weren't on so no go there.
Intolerant monkey.
If there's room in the party (and I'm not working on the night this goes down) I can pull Behrd out and come with; I think he still has Blackfathom Villainy and one other BFD quest to do. He's 30 though, might be too high for a fun run if we have a full group (but he has crap equipment for a level 30, maybe that'll help for once...).

That kind of leaves Wentil out in the cold though, since I doubt I can get him to BFD level before this group gets together (he's only approaching 18 now) so he'll miss this level-wave of BFD instancing. :huh:
[Image: 9426697EGZMV.png]
No worries, I always have an alt coming to play with you in the lower instances. :lol:
I'm not sure whether this should go in this topic, or the "your favourite n00b moment" one, but since it wasn't my n00b moment, I reckon I'll post it in here.

At one point, you'll get to a room with four candles. Now let me give you the warning that activating these candles will spawn mobs. We knew this, so we cleared the room, then the team leader figure (the only one who had run the instance before) said he was going to activate the candle.

He went over, activated the candle, and mobs started spawning. A lot. An entire army of creatures swept through the room, and although we took out a good deal, one by one we died. We had two warriors, two rogues and a warlock, so no healing or anything. Bit of a bummer, but we ran back to finish off the remaining ones and continue. So as we ran inside, I remarked that we might not be adequately equipped for the other candles, or that we should try a different tactic plan. The team leader agreed, stating "Yeah, this was only candle 1!".

At that point another guy in the group comments "No, it wasn't. I activated 'm all. Someone said something about 'activating the candles', so yeah, I did." For a minute, I swear three of us stopped running, stood still for a few seconds and then just started laughing.

Little wonder we died, we got overrun by four mobs that you can normally spawn one by one :whistling:

So yeah, don't do this ;)
-Leshy, Pizza Lover Extraordinaire
And it's not JUST 4 mobs that they spawn. One candle spawns ~8 non-elite mobs, and the others spawn more and more powerful elite mobs in smaller numbers (ie one cancle spawns 2 gigantic elite elementals that can dish out some serious damage).

It is definitely imperative that you light the candles one at a time and kill the mobs that spawn. I've had several runs end with someone hitting them all at once and wiping the party in no time!
TheDragoon,Jan 28 2005, 08:20 PM Wrote:And it's not JUST 4 mobs that they spawn.  One candle spawns ~8 non-elite mobs, and the others spawn more and more powerful elite mobs in smaller numbers (ie one cancle spawns 2 gigantic elite elementals that can dish out some serious damage).
Well, as we were being overrun somewhat, I didn't really have time to stop and count. We actually did kill most things before getting wiped though, only a few minor creatures and the two elementals remaining.

Once we recovered, we took out the rest with no problems whatsoever :)
-Leshy, Pizza Lover Extraordinaire
We're aiming to go Saturday night at 9pm EST. I would prefer to meet at the entrance at 9pm so that we aren't late getting underway.


Shalandrax - 28 Warrior
Sabramage - 27 Mage
Taranna - 28 Druid
Etheramwen - 28 Rogue

We need a fifth. Can either TheDragoon or Warlocke make it?

Levels adjusted. :P
Tal,Jan 28 2005, 06:13 PM Wrote:Taranna - 28 Druid
Etheramwen - 28 Rogue


Fixed the levels. ;)
Intolerant monkey.
Tal,Jan 29 2005, 12:13 AM Wrote:We're aiming to go Saturday night at 9pm EST. I would prefer to meet at the entrance at 9pm so that we aren't late getting underway.

I've never been to BFD before, so I hope I can locate it tomorrow at some point. It sure is nice to be 27, but I still can't find a d@mn thing in this game! Bun tells me it's NE of Astroturf or whatever that town is called. Can someone give me directions? :blush:


And as it turns out somebody can ...

gotta love thottbot

Quote:Where is this place?

BFD is on the west coast of Ashenvale.. Northern end of it. ... It's in Ashenvale on the coast, where Darkshore meets Ashenvale. It's an area called the Zoram Strand. There is an area there with stairs that leads down to a watery area. Go underwater and look for a little area under the wall to swim under and you are there. s the instance portal.

Sabra is a poor swimmer. :ph34r:
[Image: Sabra%20gold%20copy.jpg]

I blame Tal.

Sabramage Authenticated!
Sabra,Jan 29 2005, 06:02 AM Wrote:Can someone give me directions?  :blush:
In addition to what Thottbot, already said, if you head to the Zoram Strand, it's on the northern end in some sort of square temple building. The instance portal itself is a bit deeper into the caverns, so you'll have to work your way through a bunch of elites before you get to it.

Also, if you're Horde, make sure to grab the flight path on the southern end of the Zoram Strand, at the Zoram'Gar Outpost.
-Leshy, Pizza Lover Extraordinaire
Sabra,Jan 29 2005, 01:02 AM Wrote:Sabra is a poor swimmer.    :ph34r:

No worries. You don't have to swim far.
Tal,Jan 29 2005, 01:37 PM Wrote:No worries. You don't have to swim far.

Well there's good news!

Don't ask me why Blizzard had to put that "breathe" bar right in the middle of the screen! It makes me so nervous, I can't even think. Not too much pressure or anything ~ It might as well be chanting "You're going to die! You're going to die right now!" Short of far, I hope Shalandrax has her CPR certificate anyway. (Tanks after all ... gotta keep us all alive.)

So ...

Where's our 5th? Any lv 28 Priests out there with nothing better to do on a Saturday night ? We'll keep you busy! ;)
[Image: Sabra%20gold%20copy.jpg]

I blame Tal.

Sabramage Authenticated!

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