Need Some Tech Help...
I'm at my wit's end with a rather unusual problem. Or at least, unusual to me. Maybe one of you have heard of it, and know how to fix it.

The problem shows up when I try to add memory to my computer. I originally had a pc100 256 SDRAM chip in an Asus A7A 266 with a 1.2 Duron cpu. This ran well, and all was good.

I then got another 256 mb of memory, and have confirmed that it is a pc100 chip as well (for a bit, there was a question, as it could have been pc133). Now, I put this chip in, turn the comp on, and all goes well. 512mb of computing power.

The problem rears it's ugly head when I try to play a game. When I try to start up D2X for instance, the game starts fine, I get the blue Blizzard screen, then the icy Blizzard North screen, then my screen goes blank. I can hear the music in the background, but nothing is visible.

I take either chip out, and run it again, and it works. But it doesn't work with both chips. Yet all other computer functions seem to work in an enhanced mode with the new memory.

Do I have to reinstall D2 so that it 'knows' that there is 512mb instead of the 256 that it was originally installed under? I got this memory in the hope of moving the comp faster, and enjoying some faster gaming...and this is quite frusterating. Any advice or further clarification needed you can email me at if you don't want to leave advice on the board.

~Not all who wander are lost...~
Try running the 'video test' of Diablo 2 again. Maybe it will force it to reevaluate things.
Some Mobos are sensitive to different brand/type of memory stick. is yours the same brand?

I had an ASUS mobo with 2 sticks of same kind of memory PC100 and size 128 but diff. brand and puter wouldn't even pass the bios test.

Using same brand fixed the problem. The 2 sticks had slightly different memory specs
Try this. Go to the BIOS setup and check the memory settings, see if there is any field (usually latency) that has an "autodetect" or "autoselect" mode on. Change it to manual and choose the setting supported by the lowest-spec memory chip (if you don't know, choose the slowest possible setting and try from there up).

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