Looking for CE to preorder UK

If anyone should find out in the UK what companies will be selling the collector's edition , I would be grateful , thanks . I heard pre order starts today in the UK and can only really find the normal box . One company over here has it going on sale in December :P , I wonder if that is to generate a few more sales , all others have it on sale around the 25th of february . Also came across some American version collectors editions from places like Amazon.com that are on sale for $159.99 where most other places its $79.99 , what's that all about ? Anyway , keep your ear to the ground , thanks .

Edited : Would you believe it , post this and check my e-mail to find out Blizz had sent me details of where to pre-order both , all done and dusted , I'll see you Euro's in the beta , have fun .
Take care
Well, I don't know about the U.K., but the European GERMAN WOW Collector's Edition is still available here at "EB Games":

WOW Collector's Edition (Deutsch)

LINK: http://www.ebgames.de/product_info.php/products_id/3372

I've just placed my order, but you probably won't see me online before summer 2005, because I can definitely do without all the startup hassles that currently plague the early U.S. players ;)
"Man only plays when in the full meaning of the word he is a man, and he is only completely a man when he plays." -- Friedrich von Schiller
nobbie,Nov 26 2004, 09:04 AM Wrote:I can definitely do without all the startup hassles that currently plague the early U.S. players ;)
Only the really whiney ones have a "plague" of startup hassles. ;) :P
Intolerant monkey.

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