Creatine Use in Weight Lifting
As far as the mood swings go, we're not talking roid rage. All that would happen is that, repeatedly, by the time I got to week six of my cycle, I'd feel irritable and run down for a few days. It could have been random chance, or they could have been correlated. I have little way of knowing - however, I do know that there have been other people with similar complaints. Of course, their results quite possbly may have been random as well. I was just sharing my experience. The thought did cross my mind that my creatine was, perhaps, less than pure. Who knows.

bigeyedbug,Oct 1 2004, 01:26 PM Wrote:I've used creatine fairly regularly over the last year.  No loading, only before workouts.  It's hard to isolate what it's done for me and what is due to other factors, but my guess is it's resulted in more muscle mass and no nasty side-effects that I've noticed.  (Definitely no wild mood swings.)

I'm considering stopping for a few months to see what changes.  I think I'd like to have a little less bulk if I can do so without reducing my overall strength and tone.
But whate'er I be,
Nor I, nor any man that is,
With nothing shall be pleased till he be eased
With being nothing.
William Shakespeare - Richard II
You don't need fancy snake oils from some shop, and you don't need a membership to a gym. It's all hokey. Hokey I tell you.

For a full body work out, go out and work on a farm. They pay you! You buck hay, muck stables, haul and toss feed bags, and on special fun days, you get to wrassle onery critters down to the ground and poke them with a branding iron! Endless repetitions of shovel lifting with a good 15 or 20 pounds of crap per shovel load. Really works the upper body. Hauling a wheelbarrow filled over 100 pounds of crap. Works both the legs and the upper body. Hands too. Toss a 100 pound feed bag on each shoulder and climb a ladder to the loft. All day long! If you are really strong, take two bags on each shoulder! Feel the burn! Now that's cardio! Haul milk, roll barrels, lift and move cheese wheels, sheer goats or sheep, kill and pluck chickens, it's all good. Chicken chasing is good aerobic exercise. Stick your whole arm right up to your shoulder up a cows backside and yank out a calf. All that tugging and pulling will keep you toned up and buff.

The amazing thing is, not only will you have bulging manly muscles after just one summer or two, but, your wallet will be bulging as well. Now that's called gaining mass. Not losing it.

It's sad. people have turned into gerbils. Little hamsters. They pay money and buy expensive products that they don't need so that they can get something that comes naturally and for free with hard work. Bah humbug. And this is safer too, well, mostly. Getting gored can be a touch painful. Just be careful with creatine. And all those other suppliments. They can hurt you pretty bad.

All alone, or in twos,
The ones who really love you
Walk up and down outside the wall.
Some hand in hand
And some gathered together in bands.
The bleeding hearts and artists
Make their stand.

And when they've given you their all
Some stagger and fall, after all it's not easy
Banging your heart against some mad buggers wall.

"Isn't this where...."

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