General discussion forum Q
Crogon,Mar 24 2004, 07:23 PM Wrote:If all new members are treated in this fashion, there is little wonder why there are only 14 people on this board atm, and hundreds (if not thousands) on all of the others.
How many games were they covering? Because, as we all know, the difference between a site devoted to Diablo and Diablo 2 will have a much smaller fanbase than, say, the Amazon Basin, which has separate pages for each of it's games, plus a large, open-house type forums for everyone.

Plus, how many of those hundreds (if not thousands) of people have made intelligent contributions to discussions? I'd rather have 14 people actively and intelligently debating a topic than hundreds (if not thousnads) of eole staying in the background, or worse, posting "D00d Ur a F'n N00b! gET of my FoRUmz!!1!"


Sorry, I know this is unnecessay, but it's my first time replying like that to a topic and I hope that it was okay and yeah
"Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes. At least you'll be a mile away from them and you'll have their shoes." ~?

Stonemaul - Sneakybast, 51 Rogue
Terenas - Sneaksmccoy, 1 Rogue

Sword of Omens, give me sight beyond sight!
The only reason I am reply to you is because you directly quoted me, and you seem to think that I am on the side of behavior like you exhibited.

You spammed, you broke the rules and then you got indignant about it and you think that I agree with you! No, no I don't at all. You are the reason why I think a larger board needs international moderators. Stuff like what you did last night is why I said the moderators have a hard job, but they can handle it (and they did).

I like the fact that Dozer got in your face. I also like the fact that it was mostly Dozer. As I said earlier to extinguish bad behavior you should have one person correct and flame if they like (I like reading the high quality flames here as well) and then let the mods and admins delete as they need to. That is pretty much what happened. The fact that you didn't get it, even when done right shows that maybe you shouldn't be here.

And for the record, I don't have a big problem with all the response you are getting to this post either. You invited the opinion on yourself. You had time to apologize and learn. At that stage let the flaming begin because it does help seperate the wheat from the chaff. You appear to be chaff.

I also do recognize the name from at least the last incarnation of the boards, the DC version, so I believe that you had been around for years. But that also means that you should have been less surprised by the reaction to the spamming up of the boards.

But I do thank you for directly addressing me, after an admin had made things quite clear to you. I wanted to say something last night (and I should have PM'd you then, but I was getting ready for bed). But do not try and take a quote of mine and make it sound like support for you.
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.

I ask everyone to remember that, at this point, Crogon has more to lose than any of you by replying. No matter how much you feel the need to say what you have to say, every post will make it much more difficult for him *not* to reply, and I've already warned him to drop the subject. So, it would be most helpful for other posters to let it drop as well. If you need to say something to Crogon, I invite you to use email or the private messaging system.

Why can't we all just get along

[ Wrote:Angel,Mar 24 2004, 11:33 PM] Come on, Crogon. You're just going to let Griselda get away with a remark like that?

*fuelling the fire*

(If he *does* come back, please hold back the ban for as long as possible, Griselda, as this is hugely entertaining  :lol: .)
You are so, like, messed up.

*Buys popcorn for everyone* :lol:
With great power comes the great need to blame other people.
Guild Wars 2: (ArchonWing.9480) (ArchonWing.1480)
Griselda,Mar 25 2004, 04:53 PM Wrote:So, it would be most helpful for other posters to let it drop as well.  If you need to say something to Crogon, I invite you to use email or the private messaging system.
Spoilsport :P

No seriously; I *do* see your point. The more we make fun of him, the harder it'll be for him to earn back our trust, and so we run the risk that he just might not bother.

But generally speaking, I still regard the hazing as an integral part of the assimilative process into the Lounge. :) (if necessary only, of course. No need hazing /raising people who are already educated in the Lurker-tongue. ;) )
Ask me about Norwegian humour Smile
[ Wrote:Angel,Mar 25 2004, 05:33 PM] No seriously; I *do* see your point. The more we make fun of him, the harder it'll be for him to earn back our trust, and so we run the risk that he just might not bother.
I think the true message Griselda is sending is that she's told him to drop the other subject or risk banning. If people continue to address him here on that subject then he may find it hard to not respond and thus gets himself banned.
"she"? :o

Shows what I know. Pardon my ignorance, I wasn't aware.

Wow.. a female moderator. I'm thinking of a certain Jack Nicholsen-line from "A few good men". :P

(Should I shut up now before I get myself banned?)
Ask me about Norwegian humour Smile
[ Wrote:Angel,Mar 25 2004, 05:57 PM] Wow.. a female moderator. I'm thinking of a certain Jack Nicholsen-line from "A few good men".  :P

(Should I shut up now before I get myself banned?)
Probably. ;)
Quote:No seriously; I *do* see your point. The more we make fun of him, the harder it'll be for him to earn back our trust, and so we run the risk that he just might not bother.

And in some cases, it might be a good thing if certain people never come back. These posts have made me chuckle a bit.

Quote:But generally speaking, I still regard the hazing as an integral part of the assimilative process into the Lounge.  (if necessary only, of course. No need hazing /raising people who are already educated in the Lurker-tongue.  )

Well, it's not like anyone here is being purposely mean to new people on the board. The intellligent new posters don't get hassled around here. I say we seperate the chaff from the wheat. And the bread is fine the way it is. :P

Now to more important issues:
Oh yea, I like cheese.
With great power comes the great need to blame other people.
Guild Wars 2: (ArchonWing.9480) (ArchonWing.1480)

I don't see the point of a private message, as this matter is quite public.

I have nothing to say on the matter. I already apologized, those who are still chastising me are beating a dead horse. Other than a polite nod to Gnollguy, I have nothing to say on the matter.

In all honesty, I was going to leave lurker and not bother coming back. However I received a PM from someone I've known on the boards for many years, so I've decided to stick around for a while.

I'm sorry I was a bother, can we all just drop it and get on with life now?
I don't see why not.
Ask me about Norwegian humour Smile
I actually suggested this type of waiting period a while back, though I wanted it for all posting, not just specific forums. It was fairly soundly shot down.

If a waiting period is going to be implemented, I'd say don't do it halfway. All you'll get is a few dozen "why can't I post in forum X?" threads. However, there doesn't seem to be enough support for it overall.

I still think it's a good idea :P. Seems to me the people who would be turned off from the forum by a 3-day waiting period would be those too impatient to last long, anyways.

Overall, however, it's not really neccessary. There will be morons posting regardless of what steps we take, short of banning EVERYONE and shutting down the forums. There will be posters who learn from early mistakes and grow to become interesting, quirky, funny and informative members of the community. There will be posters who refuse to learn and are banned or otherwise given the boot.

And while I'm not a fan of regular flame wars, we definately need one every once in a while to spice things up. Ub3r-l337, anyone?


<edit: just re-reading that old thread from way back when, and found this:

BOLTY said: "Gentlemen, it's a great topic for discussion, but unfortunately the forum software does not support this! If, in future releases, this option becomes available, I'll bring it up and we can have a good debate over it.


So that could be a problem. Unless things have changed?...
"Life is sacred and you are not its steward. You have stewardship over it but you don't own it. You're making a choice to go through this, it's not just happening to you. You're inviting it, and in some ways delighting in it. It's not accidental or coincidental. You're choosing it. You have to realize you've made choices."
-Michael Ventura, "Letters@3AM"
Here's a suggestion:

When I registered at The Ironworks Forum there was some sort of time limit that registered how long you had spent reading the rules before clicking the "I agree"-button. If Bolty were to add the rules and the etiquette to the "must read"-stuff and install some sort of timer so that the registering user just couldn't click past it, it might decrease the number of 'incidents'.

Say you were registering at a forum and didn't bother reading the rules. You click "I agree" and a message appears: "We know you haven't read the rules. If you click "I agree" one more time without reading the rules, your membership will be denied." What would you do? :)
Ask me about Norwegian humour Smile
Would it really stop somebody though? If they're denied membership the first time then they only need to create another ID and do something else for awhile to make it seem like they read the rules. They could then join and break the rules until banned. You've somewhat inconvenienced them but haven't done anything to curb the undesireable behavior.
But if they're stupid enough to think we can actually tell if they're reading the rules, they might be too afraid to go and do something else while the counter is ticking. Remember, these are Internet-folk we're talking about. :)

They also might just decide "what the hell, I have nothing better to do, I'll just read it" or "well, if there's a timer, it must really be important."

Just a thought. I know the plan isn't foolproof, but could it really hurt?
Ask me about Norwegian humour Smile
Hello, just thought I'd chip in here. I'm fairly new to the Lounge, and haven't been involved in too much on-line discussion for nearly ten years. However, what I have seen recently makes me want to reply.

First, never underestimate the power of human stupidity. There will always be individuals who can have the rules branded into their skins with red-hot irons, and still be unable to follow them. This is an unfortunate fact of nature.

Second, most communities are to some extant self-governing. If a certain type of behavior is unacceptable to the general populace, their displeasure will make itself felt. Whether this be by teasing, sarcasm, flaming or even banning, it will occur. Having the rules clearly posted merely makes certain that those who go to the effort of reading understand the playing field upon which they find themselves. Those that don't read them (rules), have only themselves to blame.

Finally, regarding a cooling off period. I think it's unnecessary. Those that engage in worthwhile contribution will be encouraged by the reactions received. Those that don't, won't. Having spent several weeks lurking at this and other forums, I came to understand the atmosphere of this community from the nature of the posts made. Maybe that's just because I know how to read.

Anyone that wishes to participate in ANY group activity should take it upon themselves to OBSERVE the rules of social contact and interaction demonstrated by the group they wish to join. Those that don't, obviously do not have the social maturity necessary to participate in reasoned discourse. And should avoid doing so.

Just my $.02

"People are strange, when you're a stranger." J. Morrison
kRAYt,Apr 6 2004, 03:29 PM Wrote:Maybe that's just because I know how to read.

Marvelous, simply marvelous. I'd like to quote you you there the next time we get a "can we open a hacking forum" thread, if it's ok with you.

By the way, welcome to the Lounge. I think you'll fit in here nicely, and you didn't even need a waiting period.

"Life is sacred and you are not its steward. You have stewardship over it but you don't own it. You're making a choice to go through this, it's not just happening to you. You're inviting it, and in some ways delighting in it. It's not accidental or coincidental. You're choosing it. You have to realize you've made choices."
-Michael Ventura, "Letters@3AM"
You can quote me all you want, I'll deny everything...

but thank you. However, I did have a waiting period. Long enough to get an e-mail account so I could register. Slightly easier than getting a handgun at a Florida flea-market...but not much.

I just hope I don't shoot my mouth off too much in here. :lol:

"People are strange, when you're a stranger." J. Morrison
There was no splash when I leapt into the Lounge. Did I miss anything? ;)
A plague of exploding high-fives.

Oh wait, you didn't seem to 'need' such treatment.

"Maybe that's just because [you] know how to read." (kRAYt, Apr 6 2004, 03:29 PM)


ps I KNEW I'd find a place for that quote (see a few posts above)!
"Life is sacred and you are not its steward. You have stewardship over it but you don't own it. You're making a choice to go through this, it's not just happening to you. You're inviting it, and in some ways delighting in it. It's not accidental or coincidental. You're choosing it. You have to realize you've made choices."
-Michael Ventura, "Letters@3AM"

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