Favorite/Best finds
I was just clearing Church/Hell with my new level 33 warrior when the Butcher dropped a unique 'crown' -- yep, helm of sprits. Sad thing is, I still haven't found a single piece of obs jewelry (with this character) and need resists on my headgear.
Trucidation,Mar 17 2004, 01:15 AM Wrote:I was just clearing Church/Hell with my new level 33 warrior when the Butcher dropped a unique 'crown' -- yep, helm of sprits.  Sad thing is, I still haven't found a single piece of obs jewelry (with this character) and need resists on my headgear.


... Bastard.

I've been trying to find (i.e. not beg off of someone) my very own HoS for years now.
When in mortal danger,
When beset by doubt,
Run in little circles,
Wave your arms and shout.

BattleTag: Schrau#2386
Quote:WTF?! I swear, I have a crown of the heavens...

The following three bytes determine what "Heavens" appears on: 11 10 00. (From offset 7B31C in diablo.exe v1.09)

Each bit (single digit) determines whether it appears or not. 1 means it can, 0 means it can't.
The first byte is bows and jewelry, both 1's. Heavens appears on both.
The second is weapons and staves. Heavens appears on weapons, but not staves.
The third is armor (helms and body armor) and shields. It cannot appear on either.

Quote:I got a burned copy of Diablo from a friend

Don't be cheap. Diablo costs all of $10 US. It's worth the bucks.

Quote:I might ask him if he tampered with the source code first.

Source code is the stuff a programmer writes before compiling it. He'd have to break into Blizzard to get that.

It's highly unlikely someone would modify an executable before giving it to you. It's more likely your memory's fuzzy.

[o: *LEMMING* :o]
My warrior has all my best finds in his inventory and he's almost complete... I just need to max his strength and do some shrine hunting to get his spells up.

Awesome Gothic Plate of the Stars: Dropped in Laz's chamber, I seem to remember it being laz himself but it might have been one of his witches. Wish it was full plate but that doesn't bother me much (I like the gothic look).

Obsidian Amulet of the Zodiac: Found it a few months ago from a soul burner with my sorcerer. I think I still have the screenshot of Cain identifying it though I don't have the software to convert it to jpg. My first and last.

Dragons ring of the heavens: Dropped from some random monster I think on level 15.

Obsidian ring of perfection: another good one from level 15

Kings Bastard Sword of Haste: The % to hit isn't too high on this but its still ksoh. I'd like for wirt to sell me a strange sword of speed/haste though. That would be sweet.

Godly Gothic Shield of the Ages: This is a good one. 54 ac (+197% ac and 18 base).

Naj's Puzzler: I found this with my rogue. perfect for zippy Laz runs.

Royal Circlet: Most recent find. Not more than a week old. Found in Laz's chamber but dropped by one of his Advocates. Before this I was using an awesome crown of the lion.
Y'know, there are a million fine looking women in the world, dude, but they don't all bring you lasagnia at work. Most of them just cheat on you.
On just my lvl 28 rogue

Blessed 107 full plate 71 of Giants 16
Massive 98 short war bow of Perfection 27
Holy Defender
Lots of single enchant rings....(one for each resist, a heavens, a stars, a titans)


A Double Perfect Kings 100/175 Broad Sword of Vampires, bought from Griswold (such a nice fella he is, had to sell my Demonspike Coat to pay for it.)
Beat that.
Well, a few days ago I got back to my first multiplayer passion, Diablo. Got one "old" warrior lvl 31/32 out of the junk box and started playing again. And this morning Gris sold me a broad KSoS 83/161 when the char war lvl34. Not the best I ever got, but still. Now He's 36. And just about half an hour ago tried the DSF channel but kinda empty.

Back in the days when I was playing a lot I got a few goodies:
1. drops
- HoS - 4 or 5 of them. Had 4 warriors (including this one) and each of them got one. And I think one of them got a second but can't remember exactly.
- RC, TC, and all kind of other uniques
- one emerald/tiger 47/49 (I think) large shield - best shileld for a LAW who died to a virus
- one drake/zod amy (can't remember the exact stats but was pretty good - actually the best zod I ever got)
- one dragon/wiz ring 60/29 - best jewel for my sorc I ever got
- obs/heav - 1 or 2
2. Gris deals
- KSoS/H - 5 of them. 2 bastard and 3 broads.
- KSoV - 1 bastard
- KSoHeav - I got offered more of them but I cant remember buying one.
- Obs/Tiger shield - 2 or 3 of them. Now My LAW has a 39/49/14AC gothic.
- Awe/Tiger shield - 150/50/20AC. Best you can get for a tank, my second warrior and my best ever.
- Obs/Stars 39/8 chainmail. On my LAW now.
- Saint/Sorc FPM 127/20/75AC. In the backpack of the same LAW.

And that's the most I can remember.

PS: When can I find someone online ?
PPS: How can I place an avatar if I dont have a webpage???
PPPS: Does anyone need a KSoPerf 100/160/20 bastard? I can always sell it to Gris but maybe someone needs it more than I need the almost 20k in gold. Gold is plentiful in this game. My warrior dosn't use it anyway. He's addicted to speed.
RoadRunner,Apr 23 2004, 05:08 PM Wrote:PPS: How can I place an avatar if I dont have a webpage???
Either use one of the default avatars, or get image hosting. Most ISPs generally include 10-15 MB of webspace with their service, so check into that. It will suffice for avatar hosting.
DeeBye,Apr 24 2004, 03:20 AM Wrote:Either use one of the default avatars
Hmm, I didn't know that default avatars existed. I went to check them out and found a blank list. Fortunately, I clicked in the box anyway and found that they are cleverly hidden by white on white type. ;)
Freshman Diablo

[Image: jsoho8.png][Image: 10gmtrs.png]

"I reject your reality and substitute my own."
"You don't know how strong you can be until strong is the only option."
"Think deeply, speak gently, love much, laugh loudly, give freely, be kind."
"Talk, Laugh, Love."
King's sword of Vampires, best sword ever

Gotterdamnerung twice, 4 rings the Dark, 2 of which where in iron man.
I have had quite a lot nice finds over the years. My most recent find I am very pleased with is a King/Speed Bastie 95/172 from level 15 or 16, random drop on Hell diff.
" Sleep, those little slices of death, how I loath them. "
- Edgar Allan Poe
***UPDATED 8/7/08, I put an asterisk by items found late last year or this year***


*Awesome Plate of the Stars - 74/149/9: found this one last December 07'

*Awesome Plate of the Stars - 74/133/11: got this one about 4 months ago

Awesome Plate of the Stars - 73/149/11 simply the best piece of armor i have found ever.

Awesome Plate of Precision - 71/150/19

Awesome Plate of the Lion - 69/145/56

Awesome Plate of the Tiger - 69/148/42

Saintly Plate of Precision - 74/127/20

Obsidian Plate of Harmony - 73 ac resist all 40%

Obsidian Plate of the Stars - 39/11

and two perfect Obsidian Stars mails, both scale mail....both 40/11, i think one is 23 ac, other is 28.


Kings Sword of Vampires bastard - 93/175

Strange Mace of Haste (morning star) - +148%

Kings Sword of Haste bastard - 96/154

Kings Sword of Haste bastard - 93/154

Kings Sword of Speed bastard - 97/161

Kings Sword of Speed bastard - 79/174

Kings Flail of Haste - 92/156


*Emerald Shield of the Tiger tower - 42%/50: found this one last December I believe, (07')

Emerald Shield of the Tiger gothic - 45/45

Obsidian Shield of the Tiger gothic - 38/50

Obsidian Shield of the Tiger tower - 39/49

Awesome Shield of the Tiger tower - 15/150/49

Awesome Shield of the Tiger tower - 19/133/49

Garnet Shield of Brilliance large - 44/15

Obsidian Shield of the Ages large - 37%

Emerald Shield of the Ages kite - 49%


Obsidian crown of the Stars - 38/11

Ruby crown of the Whale - 51/96

Godly Helm of the Whale - 13/180/97

Godly Helm of the Whale - 14/176/95

several RC's of course.


Massive bow of Swiftness long war bow - +97% fast attack (Fire's fav bow :))

Emerald bow of the Heavens long war bow - 41/14

Obisidian bow of the Heavens long war bow - 36/15

Warriors bow of Swiftness long war bow - 14/60 fast attack

Brutal bow of Swiftness long war bow - +83% fast attack

Merciless bow of Thunder long war bow - +161

Merciless bow of Burning long war bow - +164

Strange bow of the Heavens long battle bow - 136/15

Savage bow of the Heavens long war bow - 124/15

Mithril bow of Swiftness short war bow - +60 th fast attack


Obsidian amulet of the Zodiac - 37/19 - probably my fav jewel find ever

Obsidian ring of the Zodiac - 38/19

*Obsidian ring of the Zodiac - 39/17 (found this in May 08')

Obsidian ring of the Zodiac - 32/20 (sadly i dont have this one anymore)

Jade ring of the Zodiac - 30/20 (dont have this one anymore either)

Jade ring of the Zodiac - 24/20

*Dragons Ring of the Zodiac - 60/19 (found this March 08, probably tied with my obs zodi ammy as my fav jewel find ever)

Dragons ring of the Zodiac - 52/18

Dragons ring of the Zodiac - 55/16

*Dragons amulet of the Zodiac - 52/16 (found June 08)

Dragons amulet of the Zodiac - 53/17

Dragons amulet of the Zodiac - 60/16

Drakes amulet of the Zodiac - 45/19

*Drakes amulet of the Zodiac - 50/20 (found this July 08', just couple weeks ago)

Drakes ring of the Zodiac - 46/19

Drakes ring of the Zodiac - 47/20

Ruby ring of the Zodiac - 59/20

Drakes amulet of the Heavens - 46/15 (recently found by my purist, she loves it)

Dragons ring of the Heavens - 52/15

Dragons ring of the Heavens - 55/14

Obsidian ring of the Heavens - 37/15

Obsidian ring of the Heavens - 39/14

Obsidian ring of the Heavens - 40/15

Dragons amulet of Wizardry - 59/30

Dragons ring of Wizardry - 59/29

Dragons ring of Wizardry - 58/29

Obsidian amulet of Wizardry - 36/23

Dragons ring of Harmony - +60

Gold amulet of the Stars - 30/10

and ive found quite a few other various prefixed zodiacs and heavens jewels.....ruby, saphire, cobalt, garnet, jade, crystal, etc.......plenty of nice mana/hp and various wizardry jewels also. I still cant believe that ive found 6 dragon zodiac jewels, but not a single gold/heavens jewel, grrrrrrr.......

"Your very ideas are but the outgrowth of conditions of your bourgeois production and bourgeois property, just as your jurisprudence is but the will of your class, made into law for all, a will whose essential character and direction are determined by the economic conditions of the existence of your class." - Marx (on capitalist laws and institutions)
-Emerald Gothic Shiled of the Tiger, +47%Res/+45HP/18DEF (My pride and joy on my Warrior:))
-Obsidian Tower Shiled of the Tiger, +38%Res/+47HP/15DEF
-Emerald Small Shiled of Ages

Armors {Heavy}
-Awesome FPM of Presicion +140%/69DEF/+19DEX
-Saintly FPM of Presicion +120%/71DEF/+18DEX
-Saintly FPM of the Wolf +115%/73DEF/+40HP
-Awesome FPM of Giants (Could'nt remember the stats, now gone)
-Saintly FPM of Giants +119%/70DEF/+18STR

Armors {Light Plates}
-Obsidian FPM of Harmony

Armors {Mails}
Jade Splint Mail of the Stars +30%/+10
Obsidian Splint Mail of Harmony +39%

-Kings Bastard Sword of Speed +81%/+154%
-Kings Bastard Sword of Titans +89%/+169%/+28STR

-Iv'e had like 10 RC'S over the year:lol:
-Several TC'S 42DUR
-Godly Helm of the Whale +189%/+91HP/13DEF

-Drakes Ring of Perfection +47/+30DEX
-Dragons Ring of the Tiger +57/+49HP
-Ring of the Zodiac(s) +18/+18/+17/+19
-Dragons Ring of Stars +59/+9

-Garnet Amulet of Heavens +42%/+15
-Dragons Amulet of Heavens +51/+13
-Dragons Amulet of Wizardy +59/+26MAG
-Jade Amulet of Heavens +23%/+14

And there you have it my most valuble finds (for now).:P
[Image: diabloplayerps4.png]
Bent Sword of Corruption.
Take pride in your mediocrity...
There's no greatness left for you.
hmm, favorites
well lets star with favorite seen item ever, back in the very long ago days of v1.00 i saw a godly plate of the zodiac (or maybe it was holy) fpm

ok moving past ancient history

i have 1 PEFRECT obs zod ring 40/20 that i found a few years back. sweet item.
Awesome fpm of Harm 150/75
Kings Sword of Speed Basty 100/175
emmy tiger tower 50/18/50 (i have seen a 48/20/50 but it was not mine)
i'll have to check the awe stars stats
gold heav ring 30/15
i have a few(3 i think) ememy wolf gothic and tower sheild if we want to talk about rare
i have 3 champion's sword of haste bastys (stats will follow later if i remeber to post em)

ok thats enough bragging

however if you want to trade your champs haste bastard swrods let me know, i'm offering an "ask and thou shalt recive" deal on em for realativly decent stats. a perfect one gets you ALOT of powerful items (legit only of course)
i remember three:

obsidian (40) ring of the zodiac
emerald (50) gothic shield of the wolf
obsidian gothic shield of absorbtion

pretty neat right? :)it sure was back then..
I found a couple more goodies last month.....

Awesome Plate of the Stars - 74/149/9

Emerald Tower Shield of the Tiger - 42 resistances/50 hp, 17 ac

And I bought another Kings Vampires basty the other day, I think 88/168 on the stats.

"Your very ideas are but the outgrowth of conditions of your bourgeois production and bourgeois property, just as your jurisprudence is but the will of your class, made into law for all, a will whose essential character and direction are determined by the economic conditions of the existence of your class." - Marx (on capitalist laws and institutions)
Quote:I found a couple more goodies last month.....

Awesome Plate of the Stars - 74/149/9

Emerald Tower Shield of the Tiger - 42 resistances/50 hp, 17 ac

And I bought another Kings Vampires basty the other day, I think 88/168 on the stats.

Add one more to the list....found a nice Dragons Zodiac ring today....60/19 :)

"Your very ideas are but the outgrowth of conditions of your bourgeois production and bourgeois property, just as your jurisprudence is but the will of your class, made into law for all, a will whose essential character and direction are determined by the economic conditions of the existence of your class." - Marx (on capitalist laws and institutions)
Useless sword of Corruption. Lost in a hdd failure, but I miss it.

Quote:I'm starting this thread because I was interested in knowing what are your best or favorite items you have found, bought or owned over all these years of playing Diablo. I bet some of the most experienced player who have had the game since day one have seen a couple of sweet items pass by...

Personnaly, I've been playing the full version of Diablo for about 6 years, but mostly the last 3 years or so have been the best since I've been more and more interested in the deeper knowledge and workings of the game. Thanks to places like the DSF and LL (many others actually), I have been able to quench that thirst for Diablo knowledge.:)

Here is my list of the items I think are the best I owned over the years, most of which I still do:) :


2x Awesome Fpm of Giants - can't remember the stats, don't have them no more:(
Obsidian mail of the Stars: 39% ra / +11 all - my favorite LAW bodywear
Saintly Fpm of Sorcery: 73ac +125% / +18 magic
Also a few very high-end Awesome Fpm of nothing


Most my guys use RC or TC, but my first serious rogue had a nice Holy GrHelm of the Mammoth


Near perfect Awesome Tower shield of the Tiger, don't have anymore:(
Emmerald Gothic shield of the Tiger: 48% ra / +46 life - very good LAW shield


2x Bountifull Staff of Apocalypse: both 36/36 charges - good for item recovery, even if it's overkill;), and to have fun!
Lightning Bastard sword of the Vampire: not particularly useful or good, but I had some fun with this one!
Obsidian short Battle bow of the heaven: 40% ra / +12 all, best I have bought so far

Now my collection of King's Bastys:

Kso Vampire - My Gotter wearing (first serious) warrior loved that to SC witches
Kso Blood - KsoV has better health return, but KsoB less of a hassle in the brawl
Kso Precision - Never used it, keeping it for my collection;)
Kso Giants - Same as KsoP
Kso Speed - My longest running Warrior used that, now gone due to comp crash
Kso Haste -The legendary blade! Bought my first two month ago. Thanks Gris!!:)

Obsidian amulet of the Heavens: I own two - 35%/+15 and 34%/+14
Drake's ring of the Heaven: +49 mana / +15 to all - am pround of that one:)
Drake's ring of Wizardry: +49 mana / +29 magic - also proud
Dragon's amulet of Sorcery: don't remember the stats, but was pretty good AFAIK
Many perfect Zodiac rings and ammys, but God forbid they'd ever get a good prefix!
Well folks' that's pretty much my list, I may have forgotten a few and made up a couple (jk), can't wait to hear about your's!!

<EDIT> - Reformating
I found a Demonspike Coat off of Sir Gorash on Normal once. But i still think TFOS is Better. i never really found it, but im searchin'. Gave the DSpike Coat to a freind of mine. He was a tank mage.
[font=Comic Sans Ms][size=7]

Aogon(LGT) - Leader of a clan on b.net where the we are tring to revive D1 the way its supposed to be played! ALL YOUR DUPES CANNOT SURVIVE MAKE THEIR TIME. LEGIT clan (LGT)
This is my stash, or most of it atleast. Since 2001.

Awesome Plates, i think i have 2x that is maxed out. (75/150)
Awesome Plate of the Lion (74/141/51) Very nice indeed.
Ruby Plate of the Lion. Good stats here too.
Awesome Plate of vigor (71/150/16)
Armor of the whale (99)
Naj's Light Plate (with 50 armor)
Many saintly plates with decent stats and suffix.

Godly Crown of the Whale (15/191/87) Love it!
Royal Circlets, one for each of my character:)
2x Helm of Sprits
2x Thinking Caps with good durability.

I have a perfect Godly Shield of The Ages. Really nice for maxing out AC.
Emerald shield of the tiger, with killer stats.
Saintly Shield of the tiger 20-120/50. This one is my favourite.
Obsidian Shield (20/38)
Obsidian Shield (19/38)

suppose i've found almost every kso-suffix in sword form. 2xksoh, one is basty with decent stats.
I did find a ksos with very good stats on it(83/171), bastard sword aswell, making it better. Really happy for this one.
And my number one Pride. ---> Strange Mace of Haste, with 150% HIT <---. Yes its sick, a true PvP killer:)
Got 2x kaoh, a kfoh, one saoh + dreamflanges, Merciless bows with really nice stats. Lots of kso swords, many bastys.

2x Obsidian Ring of the Zodiac. 37/17 and 38/17.
1x Obsidian Amulet of the Zodiac 38/18
1x Dragon's Amulet of the zodiac 19/57
3x Drake's ring of the zodiac
1x Drake's Amulet of the zodiac
2x Gold Ring of the heavens
1x Gold Ring of Perfection
10x+ Perfect Zodiac rings and amulets (20)
3x Wizardry Jewels (30)
Titan Jewels (30)
1x Cobalt Amulet of the Zodiac (50/20)
1x Diamond Ring of the Zodiac (58/20)
1x Obsidian Ring of the Heavens (35/13)
1x Dragon's Ring of wizardry (58/21)
1x Drake's Ring of wizardry (49/28)

lvl50 Warrior - sA-Berre
lvl49 Sorceror - sA-Bersorc
lvl45 Warrior - sA-bErz
lvl40 Rogue - sA-RoeBear
lvl43 Pure Warrior - Steel.Knight
lvl34 LoL Warrior - Berre(LoL)

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