Microsoft are fools is this is true
In Word 2000's autocorrect list. Is 'fora' set to autocorrect to 'for a' as it is on my computer? I'm pretty sure it isn't one that I've added in ignorance, but can someone just check.

It just seems highly funny (if it is true) that the autocorrect feature tries to 'correct' a perfectly valid English word, infact the plural of Forum. Having noticed that, the top of this page lists "The Lurker Lounge Forums" is there a reason why?
I'm not trying to be overly fussy about the lounge, infact, I only just noticed the mistake, I'm just taking point with the fact that Word tries to remove a real word from my document because it was probably a typing error. Especially as Word is normally very fussy about using formal grammar, that they wouldn't recognise a formally correct word and would rather try to remove it.


edit: Infact, I've just noticed that now I've made it the word I wanted, Word has cleverly given it a red underline to tell me that it's a spelling error.
Yep, Word does that, you can just add it to your autocorrect exception list. (Tools -> Auto Correct Options -> Execptions button -> Don't Correct tab).

Forums is also an acceptable plural of forum which is why I would guess it was there.

I would imagine that people mistype 'for a' more than they ever use the word 'fora' and that is why Word autocorrects. Since forums is an acceptable plural it makes sense to me.

This isn't the only proper word that Word will sometimes autocorrect either. I don't see it as that big of a deal. It is designed for the masses, not the specialist. You can't always have both, especially when dealing with a language like English.
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.
Bob,Dec 30 2003, 07:30 PM Wrote:Having noticed that, the top of this page lists "The Lurker Lounge Forums" is there a reason why?
I should add this to the FAQ, probably! Heh...

Q: You know, "forums" should really be spelled "fora."
A: I know. But since everyone else uses "forums," if we used "fora" here we'd get emails/posts like "what's 'fora' mean?"

I know Pete has had a beef with this for years :)

Quote:Considering the mods here are generally liberals who seem to have a soft spot for fascism and white supremacy (despite them saying otherwise), me being perma-banned at some point is probably not out of the question.
Quote:I know Pete has had a beef with this for years

... And we care what Pete thinks, why?

I'm sorry Pete, please don't hurt me!
[Image: 9426697EGZMV.png]
WarLocke, mind if I quote you on that? It will go right after my Pete quote. :)

Oh, and Bob, that is correct. Microsoft is/are a fool/fools.
Uh... Sure. Doesn't seem all that quote-worthy to me, but if you want to use it, go right ahead. :D

I really don't know where I get this masochistic urge to taunt Pete from. It's like I have to poke sleeping rottweillers with a stick just to see what they'll do...
[Image: 9426697EGZMV.png]
Bolty,Dec 30 2003, 07:20 PM Wrote:I should add this to the FAQ, probably!  Heh...

Q: You know, "forums" should really be spelled "fora."
A: I know.  But since everyone else uses "forums," if we used "fora" here we'd get emails/posts like "what's 'fora' mean?"

I know Pete has had a beef with this for years  :)

According to both Merriam-Webster Online and, both "fora" and "forums" are perfectly acceptable.

I like "forums", because "fora" makes me think of vegetation.
I didn't give a source in my first reply, but forums is listed as a plural in all the printed dictionaries I have at home (6 of them including 2 unabridged). So there isn't an issue with it. :)
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.

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