Deus Ex: Invisible War
So, after four years of hype, tension, sweet pictures, and great descriptions, we can finally gaze upon what many had thought to be the greatest game of all time (Those that disagree, please keep this thread spoiler-free).

So, what do we get?

Well, let's begin with the least important part - the graphics/sound.

Firstly, the voice actor quality is... Irregular. Some of the characters are well done, while others are... Not exactly up to par. Well, you can't have it all - after all, the rest of the game has to be great. It was made by ISA, right?

Not much to be said about the other sounds. Standard, as in all games.

Now, the graphics.

As I set the textures to 32 bit, I look at it, and think:

"Am I still in 16 bit!!?"

Well, the drop in frame rate disproved that theory. The graphics remind me very much of indoor areas of BattleField: 1942. And, if you played that game, you will know what I mean... :wacko:

The lighting effects are pretty. I'd have to give them credit for that. However, pretty lighting effects or not, the textures still look washed out.


Well, okay, so it probably runs so slow, because it's such a great game, right?

Now, moving on to the AI:

Aparrently, friendly AI do not get pissed untill you shoot them. Not once. Not twice. Three times. Three bullets to the head, is what it takes to piss them off. A whole three. Wow...

Also, aparrently, if you make a noise, the AI investigates the area where the noise comes from, but does not know your exact location.

Testing revealed that the "Investigation" following emptying a clip full of ammo was a few laps around the spot I shot at, and then a bored walk back to their posts. Wow.

Throwing chairs at them doesn't seem to upset em either. Never seen smarter AI. Now, tell us, Mr Warren, where is that "Rolling a barrel down some stairs, and knocking all the guards running up it down." that you claimed to be an example of AI-object interaction...

Now, so, the graphics, and the AI sucks, and the sound is averege. I mean, the gameplay must be godly, or something, right?

Well, here's a list of the amazing new gameplay features of Dues Ex: Invisible War

Console-like interface! Who needs a bleeding mouse, when ye've got 8 buttons! l33t!

Consolish-inventory! I suppose that ISA thought that puzzle-piece inventory was too difficult for the kiddies to comprehend. Let's just make a can of coke take up as much space as a flamethrower.

Consolish-Hud! Non-obstructive Huds are so old-school, man! Let's just cram it in the middle of the screen. Oh, and since console kiddies can't count, let's remove any counters for health, BE energy, or ammo!

Hacking! Why, the DE 1 race-the clock was so booring. Let's just have it so, you click on a computer, wait for a little bar to fill, and you are done! Why, let's force you to use the keyboard, too! Pfft to anyone that thinks that you should be able to do anything with the mouse, when you are hacking!

Skills! Instead of skill-point rewards, let's remove them, to allow "Greater Player customisation." Why, let's also give you only 6 aug slots, for greater customisation.

The chross-hair! Why, nobody used that X in Deus Ex. Now, let's just scrap the whole accuracy thing, and let's just make it so you always shoot with the same accuracy. Can't make it too complicated for the X-Box kiddies, now can we?

Leaning! Whoever used leaning, anyway! Let's just remove it, to enhance the immersion factor!

Unified ammo! Why, the old ammo system was FAR too complicated. Let's make it simple for the "Pick up and Play" crowd. Let's just have your flamethrower use the same ammo as your shotgun. The only difference between them now, is one makes pretty fire, and the other one makes a pretty sound! (Not to mention that it now takes a whole bleeding clip to down someone with the riot prod.) Reloading is also far too complicated.

Locational damage! Scrap that old thing, too complicated. Let's take another step back in game development. After all, the X-boxers never complain that it takes 5 SHOTS IN THE HEAD to kill someone.

So, that's my opinion of Deus Ex: Invisible War (The game is unworthy of the title Deus Ex 2.) While the story may be great, if I want to read a story, I can pick up a book, or go to a movie. I'd say a movie is more immersive then the piece of animal excrement that DE: IW has for gameplay.
"One day, o-n-e day..."
Yep, that about sums it up.

Sadly, I know that once I can actually run DX2, I'll get it just to experience the story/plot... By all accounts it's as good or better than DX's, even if the rest of the game sucks golfballs.
[Image: 9426697EGZMV.png]
SwissMercenary.. you've just confirmed my darkest fears. DE2, being the pivotal game I was looking forward to, might just disappoint the hell out of me. Still, I've only played the demo, so I don't know if I'll concur with your estimate, but I suspect I might.

This is truly, truly sad.
Ask me about Norwegian humour Smile
Well, this is what I will say.

The gameplay is just like the demo, with a storyline. I personally hated the demo's gameplay.

In fact, the bug that didn't save your settings in the demo is in the full game. Did ISA actually test the game ?!?
Quote:In fact, the bug that didn't save your settings in the demo is in the full game

What?! There's no excuse for this. This is just lazy. I can't believe they did this. I must be dreaming.

I will never dare to hope again.
Ask me about Norwegian humour Smile
[ Wrote:Angel,Dec 6 2003, 04:42 PM]
What?! There's no excuse for this. This is just lazy. I can't believe they did this. I must be dreaming.

I will never dare to hope again.
Oh, but there's two parts to that bug. The bug part, is that your settings file is write-protected. If you un-write protect it, you get to enjoy it's other part.

The feature part, is that if you change your settings when you start the game up, they don't save. Aparrently, you have to actually start to play, then go into options, change them, save the game, and load the game, in order for the changes to save.

The game's pretty well-optimised, too.

Optimised for the X-Box, that is.
"One day, o-n-e day..."
Wait a minute... So ISA screwed up the Deus Ex line, and the original remains one of my alltime favotires. They're also working on Thief 3, which will be the focus of their efforts once Deus Ex: Invisible War is "done" (whatever that means, given the fact that it seems they have a lot of patching to do).

So the guys who took one of my favorite games and made a bad sequel, gearing it towards a console, are the same guys who are now going to make a sequel to one of my other favorite games, gearing it towards a console, and... and...

*head explodes*
See you in Town,
Zarathustra,Dec 6 2003, 08:05 PM Wrote:Wait a minute...  So ISA screwed up the Deus Ex line, and the original remains one of my alltime favotires.  They're also working on Thief 3, which will be the focus of their efforts once Deus Ex: Invisible War is "done" (whatever that means, given the fact that it seems they have a lot of patching to do).

So the guys who took one of my favorite games and made a bad sequel, gearing it towards a console, are the same guys who are now going to make a sequel to one of my other favorite games, gearing it towards a console, and... and...

*head explodes*
Pass go. Collect 200$.
"One day, o-n-e day..."
... Is this the part where rabid monkeys bite would-be animal-rights terrorists and condemn 95% of the planet's population to a life as zombies?

'Cuz that would be better than this crap.
[Image: 9426697EGZMV.png]

But... Thief.....
See you in Town,
Oh, we should have set him down first.

Zara, if you haven't already, I suggest that you try some of the wonderful fan missions created for Thief: The Dark Project, and Thief 2: The Metal age. Some of them are simply stunning, surpassing the quality of the original missions. Some of the best ones would no doubt be The Circle of Stone and Shadow, Calendra's Legacy (Rated R, but the absolute best mission I have ever played), and The Seventh Crystal...

The Keep of Metal and Gold has nearly all of the published fan missions for both games, except for a few exceptions. Cosas can be found at the link I already listed, and Calendra's is a 300 MB download, hence it's not hosted there.
"One day, o-n-e day..."
How do I fix the movement. Right now I can cook (and eat) an egg in the timeframe between me pressing the "move forward key" and the character actually moving forward.

How do I fix this?
Ask me about Norwegian humour Smile
Are you trying to fix a feature? Bad Angel, bad...
"One day, o-n-e day..."
Sorry for having to de-flate the point you're trying to make here Mr. Mercenary ;)

A fix can be found here:

Download, install. Choose the thing called "default.ini" and set the mouselag-value to "0"

There will still be *some* lag, but if you set the resolution to 640*480 it will run smoothly.

Still, when you can't run a game in 800*600 and certainly not in 1078*780, it's a sign of poor, poor programming.
Ask me about Norwegian humour Smile
Well, after all this game has been optimised for the X-Box...

/Thanks for the link.
"One day, o-n-e day..."

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