The Lounge is back!
Yeah, welcome back to business, Lurkers! We Basiners sure did appreciate the hospitality when we were having troubles and we are all glad to have been able to reciprocate!
Hey Bolty - Now that you've got the Lounge back up, I figure I should mention a few things that might help you avoid such disasters in the future:

[*] Don't unplug the yellow cables

This post has been brought to you today by the letter 'B' and the number '7'.
TPJ • Founder, The Amazon Basin
Flick,Dec 1 2003, 05:28 PM Wrote:Hey - where can I get some of that bling-bling action to spice up my posts? :lol:
I got your bling bling right here!

[Image: flick.jpg]

edit: added even more bling

editx2: whoa! too much much bling! Better now.
Watch the sunbursts, buddy. I spent time trying to figure out if I should delete your post before I could see the letters behind all that bling bling. :lol:

Why can't we all just get along

Hey! I want some of that bling bling, too!

It's alright if ya don't want to do any more 'bling, Dee. We don't wanna make ya feel like a 'bling dispenser or anything. :lol:
[Image: 9426697EGZMV.png]
Bleedin' hell. Almost died laughing, knowing what has transpired here.
Political Correctness is the idea that you can foster tolerance in a diverse world through the intolerance of anything that strays from a clinical standard.
WarLocke,Dec 1 2003, 11:37 PM Wrote:Hey!  I want some of that bling bling, too!
I have exceeded my daily bling allotment with this post. I think I'm all blinged out.

[Image: warlocke.jpg]

edit: WarLocke, please don't save that last pic. It's beyond ugly. I can do better. (with better bling!)
[ Wrote:Angel,Nov 29 2003, 08:48 PM]it's not
it is not

Quote:I could've

I could have

Quote:but most aren't

but most are not

Argh, me too! Bahahaha! Just a little space between the L and I would help.
”There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy." - Hamlet (1.5.167-8), Hamlet to Horatio.

[Image: yVR5oE.png][Image: VKQ0KLG.png]

DeeBye,Dec 2 2003, 05:30 AM Wrote:I got your bling bling right here!

<flick(?) image>

edit: added even more bling

editx2: whoa!&nbsp; too much much bling!&nbsp; Better now.
bwahahah. You realize what that looks like, mmh?:) Thanks for a good laugh!

And also, welcome back lurkerlounge!
Wretched is the man who values flag over humanity.

Glad to see the Lounge is back up and running! It's worth getting blinded by bling-bling. :)

I'll now go back to lurking as a Lurker.

In worlde we ware kast for to kare
To we be broght to wende
Til wele or wa, an of tha twa,
To won withouten ende.
When I saw what you posted and saw that it was you, I thought, "why would DeeBye be posting something like that?"

It took me a while before I could realize what it really said.

[Image: flick.jpg]

There! Now no more confusion. Or possibly more confusion. Either way, it's certainly different.
Booya! Good to see the LL is back in, er, thug style B)
Welcome back ! I really missed you guys -n- gals :D
Stormrage :
SugarSmacks / 90 Shammy -Elemental
TaMeKaboom/ 90 Hunter - BM
TaMeOsis / 90 Paladin - Prot
TaMeAgeddon/ 85 Warlock - Demon
TaMeDazzles / 85 Mage- Frost
FrostDFlakes / 90 Rogue
TaMeOlta / 85 Druid-resto
Roland,Nov 27 2003, 01:44 AM Wrote:My cat dies, but the Lounge is revived. For every loss, there is always a gain.
Did anyone even comment on this? I didn't see any.

Roland, my sympathies go out to you. I like cats, have survived a few in my time, and will survive a few more, probably. It's no fun.

So we gain the LL back, but Roland loses a kitty. Cosmic karma or something.

Liza Bow 83, Polgara Tri-Sorc 82, Jane Jav 81, Kathryne Sassy 79, Bellina Xbow 78
Alfredo AxeBarb 81, Bob Pal 80, Zachary Necro 78, Merrick Werewolf 78

There are 10 types of people in the world: those who understand binary and those who don't.
Orbert,Dec 3 2003, 11:32 PM Wrote:Did anyone even comment on this? I didn't see any.
I saw it, and I heard about it, but I didn't comment because a post like that read more like "please feel sorry for me" rather than "I'm sad because my cat died." I know people experience and express grief in different ways. However, that post felt a little off, especially in a thread like this.

Sorry Roland. :(
UPDATE: Spamblaster.
heh... I get that all the time when people greet me in all-caps in the channel.

For the love of God, capital L's don't belong next to capital I's!!!! :P

Just had to add my 2-cents:

I'm really glad this site is back up :D . I thank you, Bolty, and your staff for hosting such a wonderful site that upholds the virtues of honesty and good grammer. I really appreciate you allowing me, and all of us posters, to be a part of your creation.

Thanks for everything :D !
"The true value of a human being is determined primarily by the measure and the sense in which he has attained liberation from the self." -Albert Einsetin
MEAT,Dec 6 2003, 05:31 AM Wrote:I thank you, Bolty, and your staff for hosting such a wonderful site that upholds the virtues of honesty and good grammer.
That's "grammar."

Sorry, couldn't resist. :)

Quote:Considering the mods here are generally liberals who seem to have a soft spot for fascism and white supremacy (despite them saying otherwise), me being perma-banned at some point is probably not out of the question.
We've had a few contests around the lounge lately, but all of them game related and the majority (if my memory still works) one for writing poetry, or interesting sentences, etc.
How about we have one for "Bling Bling"ing up the line "YO ANYONE WANNA PLAY MULTI ON DIABLO??".
Give those with other skills the chance to win something - and see if we have a lurkers who could give dee a run for his money.

My entry:
[Image: playmulti.jpg]

So? admins? nice idea? Could you donate a prize (i.e. a custom title) for the winner?


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