Quote:For longer term, opening one's eyes and seeing all of the other ladies out there who may be worthy of your love. Lots of them out there, just open the old eyeballs, open the possibilities.

Well, I have seen other ladies and honestly she's the only one, I don't see myself falling in love with someone else.
"Turn the key deftly in the oiled wards, and seal the hushed casket of my soul" - John Keats, "To Sleep"
What others have said, or MEAT specifically. You are in the "In love" stage. A stage that can lasts months or even up to a year.

This stage exists purely so mother nature can convince two people to GET IT ON! It is a quite blinding thing too, and is often confused with real love. But there is a huge difference between "In love" and love. The difference is whether or not it is a conscious effort or not, "In Love" is an automatic thing, you don't have to steer, you don't have to press the gas or hit the breaks.

Things like: Losing of interest in doing what you normally do? (IE: video games) Other girls don't do anything for you? Guess what, perfect examples of "In love". Ironically, I currently suffer from this 'problem' right now too ;).

When this "In Love" stage ends. You will know it, and then you will have to make a conscious choice whether to really LOVE or not.

Bah, I would go on, but I must go :(

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