Jarulf's Item Locator?
I remembered way back when as a lurker on the old 'Lounge forums that someone posted about Jarulf's Item Locator. It was a great utility that would let you enter an item type, say "Ancient Axe" (something I am looking to imbue), and then the locator would tell you what act/difficulty that item was most likely to drop in.

I found the old thread on the old archived forums, but the *link* provided is now dead. I googled up some hits, but they all gave a broken also. I searched this forum to no avail as well. :(

Someone out there has got to be still hosting a copy of Jarulf's Item Locator. Is there a way to get ahold of Jarulf himself?

Any help would be appreciated, even if you can only suggest where I might find an imbuable Ancient Axe. The actual Item Locator would be very nice though.

Thanks in advance.

-Former forum lurker now forced into posting.
I have never written such a tool, must have been someone else :(
There are three types of people in the world. Those who can count and those who can't.
Jarulf,Nov 2 2003, 06:18 PM Wrote:I have never written such a tool, must have been someone else :(
Maybe this will jog your memory? Scroll down to the middle of the page, or just search for your name via ctrl+f, the second hit is the most relevant part, which I'll cut and paste here:

"Jarulf's Item Finder
by Bolty
16 January 2001
Jarulf has finalized his item drop program which tells you where to find items dropped by monsters in the game. You can download the program along with its source right here. Also, if you just want the results of using the program, you can grab them right here. A pretty useful resource; don't miss out on this program (added to the links section)."

None of the links provided work, probably because the update is like 2 1/2 years old. If there is any way you have some remnant of the described program lying around, I would most appreciate a pointer in the right direction.

Then again, if this is referring to some other Jarulf, then I must apologize. ;)
Quote:None of the links provided work, probably because the update is like 2 1/2 years old.

I think this is where your problem lies, that drop program is so old that it would no longer be accurate anymore. The expansion hadn't even been released yet when it was written.

Of course, I guess you could be playing classic with a old patch installed. Then it *might* be accurate if you have the proper patch.
On top of that, the link will no longer work at all (and I really have no idea where the program is, or if I find some files, what state they are in and so on. And yeah, they would be hopelessly outdated I guess.
There are three types of people in the world. Those who can count and those who can't.

Off the top of your (or anyone else's) head, you have any inkling of where an Ancient Axe is even somewhat likely to drop? Searching for an imbuable one is the whole reason I started this thread... pretty soon I'll be looking for the Elite version anyway. Oh well, thanks for the replies Jarulf.
I have absolutely no idea. Don't even know what item it is :(
There are three types of people in the world. Those who can count and those who can't.
At D2Data.net they list the chance of drop for each Treasure class by monster. I don't know if this is imuables or just magick or what, but it seems useful:


I hope that helps in your search somewhat.

Just from experience, I seem to remember getting ancient axes a lot in acts III and IV, NM. Or maybe I'm just remembering incorrectly. Either way, good luck.
Kartoffelsalat,Nov 4 2003, 08:16 PM Wrote:At D2Data.net they list the chance of drop for each Treasure class by monster.  I don't know if this is imuables or just magick or what, but it seems useful:


I hope that helps in your search somewhat.

Just from experience, I seem to remember getting ancient axes a lot in acts III and IV, NM.  Or maybe I'm just remembering incorrectly.  Either way, good luck.
Hey thanks alot! This does really help out! Hopefully I'll get one ASAP. Thanks again! :D

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