The No Win Situation
tal125 Wrote:Either crap or get off the pot.

In other words either take the time to create your own username to post under or stop posting. It shows a definite lack of interest in and respect for the community for you to come here and use your wife's name to post your arguments.

Tal, I'd no doubt have to put up with your crap over at the boring gameplasma site where YOU admin at , but not here. No, not here. <_<

So long as PK trigger-hacks and other crap exist and go unanswered by Blizzard, I'm gonna use Maphack in self-defense. Thus, out of respect for the too-legit-too-quit mentality here, I don't post in any of the D2 forums. Well I think I did earlier once or twice, but it was short and innocuous. And I don't do it any more.

Don't tell ME how I feel about this place or its members, or ascribe motivations on my behalf. You don't have that right. You're not in my head or my heart. Oh, and you pissed Tiffy off mightily anyway, by being so rude to her. She removed your site from our Favorites list so I know she got unhappy.

We're a married couple, a CHRISTIAN married couple (meaning Bible-believing, and part of that hated 'religious right" the donkey party loves to spit green pea soup up over), and that's a million light years different in attitude from your garden-variety pagan marriage. Too bad if that offends anyone, it shouldn't. If you want to ascribe to a higher standard, Jesus is always looking for more company.

My wife chose the forum name Tiffany_Scott (and she told me this herself) to represent the fact that--as Genesis puts it--"and the two shall become one flesh." That's what marriage is, according to the Bible. It's a surrender of SELF, with a goal of pleasing your partner. The current 50% or so divorce rate amongst Americans (not counting the HUGE amount of couples today who so despise the idea of marriage that they refuse to even commit to it) is chiefly due to breakups caused by SELFISHNESS. People want to "do their own thing, have their own space," etc even AFTER marriage, which defeats the whole purpose of uniting with someone and also guarantees a much poorer relationship than the model described in the Bible.

She's Tiffany; I'm Scott. The two of us are one flesh. Hence Tiffany_Scott is used by her (yeah she started it, it was totally her idea in fact, but I feel honored by it) at every single internet forum we visit which is of a SECULAR (non-religious) nature. With ONE exception:, where I've posted mostly by myself for so long that Tiffy seems content to just let the status quo continue. Now and then she posts over there using my account, but to be honest Tiffy doesn't like the chat forums there. For sheer chatting she's almost a total diabloworld fan, probably because she thinks Morgalis is so cool. :D Which she does. God knows why. Morgalis seems as secular-left in her ideology to me as does any other D2 sitemaster, which usually causes Tiffy to feel too scared to post much of her thoughts, beyond maybe a few tame D2 comments. But her and Morg get along great, and Tiffy's never been flamed for her views much (unlike me heh). besides, Tiffy doesn't get as worked up about politics as I do anyway. I think she's got a better grip on what God's sovereignty really MEANS, to be honest...

Anyway leave me alone, Tal. I never WANTED to dislike you, but the uptight nature of both your site and your attitude leads me to it. I just want to get my two cents in here at THIS forum sometimes, because there are some VERY interesting and informative people here, such as Jonathon_Spectre and Doc and a bunch of others I could name...
Tiffany_Scott,Jul 28 2003, 07:10 PM Wrote:I just want to get my two cents in here at THIS forum sometimes, because there are some VERY interesting and informative people here, such as Jonathon_Spectre and Doc and a bunch of others I could name...
You just said it. It is your two cents, not your's and Tiffany's. I'm glad you have a great marriage, but you can still have opinions that are not the same as your wifes'. If you didn't, you would never ever need to post, because she would say it all.

I'm glad you explained your feelings and reasons, but tal's right, it does show a disrepect. We can't know the reasons, and quite frankly not everyone is going to read this post or remember it. So they will only see that someone is too lazy to get their own username and post their own opinions.

The forum rules stating that using maphack is banable. You seem to want to circumvent this based on things you just said (that were also somewhat insulting to the members of this forum). That right there says that you don't care about the ideals of this forum or at least not all of them. I'm sorry if you can't find another forum that fits your beliefs, but you have to adjust to the community, not the other way around.

I don't see why you can't register the username Scott_Tiffany that will show the same the reasoning as the name Tiffany_Scott. Your name first only because it is you that is posting.

You have to keep in mind just how little information is really conveyed on an internet message board. Ask Nicodemus Phaulkon about that. He gets misunderstood a lot because it can be hard to convey sarcasm and other forms of humor with just text.

You can still be free to read without posting. But if you want to contribute it is my opinion you should do it under your own name with your own accountabilty. I figured since you seem to have some personal issues with tal, hearing it from someone else might help you realize the issues.

Edit: Think I got all the typos.
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.
... I had thought you were either delusional or grammatically challenged when you claimed "I'm American people".

Apparently, you're just really gung-ho about your religion.


Quote:Tal, I'd no doubt have to put up with your crap over at the boring gameplasma site where YOU admin at , but not here. No, not here.&nbsp; <_<

You can leave the forums I admin out of this. I'm giving my opinion of your behavior here.

Quote:Don't tell ME how I feel about this place or its members, or ascribe motivations on my behalf. You don't have that right. You're not in my head or my heart.

And you show that respect by taking the 2 minutes it would take to register your own username so posters have a clue who they're addressing on a post-by-post basis.

Quote:Oh, and you pissed Tiffy off mightily anyway, by being so rude to her. She removed your site from our Favorites list so I know she got unhappy.

I don't remember being rude to your wife but more power to her to leave.

Quote:We're a married couple, a CHRISTIAN married couple (meaning Bible-believing, and part of that hated 'religious right" the donkey party loves to spit green pea soup up over), and that's a million light years different in attitude from your garden-variety pagan marriage. Too bad if that offends anyone, it shouldn't. If you want to ascribe to a higher standard, Jesus is always looking for more company.

Not certain why you mention this. Bully for you and your wife that you're a CHRISTIAN married couple - don't believe that I mentioned anything to the contrary. Unless you're assuming that because I differ in opinion from you that I'm a pagan.

Quote:My wife chose the forum name Tiffany_Scott (and she told me this herself) to represent the fact that--as Genesis puts it--"and the two shall become one flesh." That's what marriage is, according to the Bible. It's a surrender of SELF, with a goal of pleasing your partner. The current 50% or so divorce rate amongst Americans (not counting the HUGE amount of couples today who so despise the idea of marriage that they refuse to even commit to it) is chiefly due to breakups caused by SELFISHNESS. People want to "do their own thing, have their own space," etc even AFTER marriage, which defeats the whole purpose of uniting with someone and also guarantees a much poorer relationship than the model described in the Bible.

So do you answer the phone and conduct all of your business in your wife's name? Go to work as your wife? Does she go to your job for you?

Quote:Anyway leave me alone, Tal. I never WANTED to dislike you, but the uptight nature of both your site and your attitude leads me to it. I just want to get my two cents in here at THIS forum sometimes, because there are some VERY interesting and informative people here, such as Jonathon_Spectre and Doc and a bunch of others I could name...

I'm sorry if my asking you to take the time to create a username to post here has caused you such distress. But I never liked either you or Tiffany to like or dislike me. The troubles that Tiffany had at my boards has nothing to do with your continued use of her name here. I still maintain that it shows a fundamental lack of respect for these forums and the people that post here for you to post under your wife's name. If you respected the people here you would have taken the time to create a username to post under.
Hi Scott:

Gnollguy makes a great suggestion, IMO, but you and Tiffany have to choose what is best for you both.

If it means that some folks here give you guff for your peculiar set up, so be it, I suspect you can bear that cross, but as a forum member here I'll have to point out that having told us how this works, you may have, with the best of intentions, created a "kick me" sign on your back. Forewarned is forearmed, and fourarmed is half an octopus. :D (Works better outloud.)


Fellow Lurkers, are we better than that?


As to Maphack, please remember the board policies. It's as close to draconian as Bolty gets about anything, and we like it that way. Call it a community norm. Keep it off the boards, and don't bait people with it, OK? Why get both of you banned? That serves Tiffany not at all. My two cents? Save the Maphack discussions, if you really insist, for It seems a bit more welcome there.

Back to our regularly scheduled programming.

*Ghost, Nico, would you two please put those damned blowtorches down, now?*

PS: whatever is between you and tal125, please convert that conversation to email. Tal125, could you do that as well please? Grazie Mille.
Cry 'Havoc' and let slip the Men 'O War!
In War, the outcome is never final. --Carl von Clausewitz--
Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum
John 11:35 - consider why.
In Memory of Pete
Occhidiangela,Jul 28 2003, 08:59 PM Wrote:Tal125, could you do that as well please?&nbsp; Grazie Mille.
*nods* I've said all that I've wanted to say. Anything else I need to say will be done via E-mail.
gnollguy Wrote:You have to keep in mind just how little information is really conveyed on an internet message board. Ask Nicodemus Phaulkon about that. He gets misunderstood a lot because it can be hard to convey sarcasm and other forms of humor with just text.

The above is another good reason as to why Tiffy and I are comfortable sharing an account. It doesn't freaking MATTER which of us is typing. There's no camera pointed at us and the Internet is so bloody IMPERSONAL. The regulars here who know who the two of us are (all three of them) will have NO trouble, I am sure, telling when Tiffy posts. She's only posted outside of Atma's Tavern ONE TIME that I know of, and that was only because I sheepily confessed to her that I'd got caught up in a discussion here concerning the People's republic of California and their fascistic ruling party's latest power grab (the subject of this thread, in fact). So she came here and read it and then commented about some thread she saw here concerning an old Bioware game we once played (she liked it a LOT more than I ever did), and that was it. Yippee. She quit using Maphack when she joined here and now she's as self-righteous about it as an ex-cigarette smoker is toward a two-pack-a-day aquaintance.

That reminds me: as for your one anal-retentive comment, this is the OFF-TOPIC forum so why would MH usage get anyone banned?? That's nuts. I don't even PLAY Diablo2 anymore now; I quit about a week ago. The trigger-hack PKers are about the only people still playing Hardcore. Everyone else is either a dumb noob waiting to be their next victim or else a paranoid, burned-out vet who refuses to ally, won't talk, and just stays off by himself in the Ancient's Way Cavern, or whatever. You think that's FUN?? That's about as fun as a root canal. I stuck with Bnet a long time but I gave up; it's ruined. Blizz won't fix it and I won't subscribe to World of Warcraft because of it and the world keeps on spinning around on its axis anyway.

ONTOPIC: I was totally blown away when California re-elected that Batman villian Grey Davis. They're now reaping what they sowed. They just better be glad God hasn't yet dropped a nice fat Earthquake on Sacramento as a way of expressing His vote... :/
"It doesn't freaking MATTER which of us is typing."

"This is the "Scott" half speaking, so don't get all over Tiffy's case next time she posts some innocuous comment about Raven Frost rings absorbing Duriel's cold damage attacks, or whatever. :/"

Isn't this contradictory?

They just better be glad God hasn't yet dropped a nice fat Earthquake on Sacramento as a way of expressing His vote...

"God" is not a U.S. citizen and, therefore, doesn't have a vote. Also note: Terrorist attacks against U.S. civillians, divine or otherwise, will not be tolerated by our commander-in-chief. If the soverign ruler of Kingdom Come wishes to instigate hostilities, we'll have no choice but to invade Heaven and forcibly remove Him just as we did Saddam.

(/removes tongue from cheek)

[o: *LEMMING* :o]
Quote:She quit using Maphack when she joined here and now she's as self-righteous about it as an ex-cigarette smoker is toward a two-pack-a-day aquaintance.

I applaud your decision Tiffany(are you out there?), while I understand your (Scott) reference to the "there aint no zealot like a recent convert" issue. No kidding, you should have seen my brother when he first quit smoking.
Cry 'Havoc' and let slip the Men 'O War!
In War, the outcome is never final. --Carl von Clausewitz--
Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum
John 11:35 - consider why.
In Memory of Pete
Quote:That reminds me: as for your one anal-retentive comment, this is the OFF-TOPIC forum so why would MH usage get anyone banned??

I'll tell you why. It's still part of the Lurker Lounge. The community as a whole does not condone these things. It does not matter where you post it because all the forums are part of the larger site. By your reasoning, people could say they maphack in D2 in the D1 forum, because it's not about D2. Nobody cares why you use it or not, there's no need to bring it up here.

Stop trolling, it's getting boring.
With great power comes the great need to blame other people.
Guild Wars 2: (ArchonWing.9480) (ArchonWing.1480)
Quote:The above is another good reason as to why Tiffy and I are comfortable sharing an account. It doesn't freaking MATTER which of us is typing. There's no camera pointed at us and the Internet is so bloody IMPERSONAL.

The internet is somewhat impersonal, but there is no need to make it more so. Also if it doesn't matter, why do you keep saying "This isn't Tiffany, don't jump all over her" type of statements, doesn't that seem to say that it does matter?

Also if I want to address more than one person in real life or on the internet, I make sure they are both aware of it. If I don't care who listens I make a general comment, both in real life and on the internet. It matters to me who I am talking to. I should not have to be the one responsible for knowing who is posting. Even if you are both very similar you are still different people. I, and others I am sure, perfer to know who they are adressing.

Quote:The regulars here who know who the two of us are (all three of them) will have NO trouble, I am sure, telling when Tiffy posts.

All three of them!? Yeah, that shows a lot of respect for the community. There are a lot more than 3 regulars. There are more than 3 that have been here since the DSF days as well.

Quote:She quit using Maphack when she joined here and now she's as self-righteous about it as an ex-cigarette smoker is toward a two-pack-a-day aquaintance.

Occhi covered this quite well. Why endanger her account then?

Quote:That reminds me: as for your one anal-retentive comment, this is the OFF-TOPIC forum so why would MH usage get anyone banned??

Why must you call my comment anal-rentenive for simply mentioning the community rules? I never gave an opinion on maphack, I just mentioned the rules. It was meant as friendly advice, and to illustrate another reason as to why sharing an account might not be the best idea.

I don't really have much else to say on this. I tried to make some suggestions and point out some things and some opinions that you might want to consider. There is more than one way to look at something, I was just trying to help you see another side. I've drifted far enough away from the topic now, but that is one of the great things about threading it lets that happen but still keeps things organized.
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.
I'm NOT trolling. I never troll; I hate those types of contentious people as much as I hate HC PKers.

Like I said, I'm done with Diablo2 till 1.10. So I DON'T use MH, because I don't play the game. And I damn sure won't use it in 1.10; if those accursed PK hacks aren't fixed--or if they make a comeback--I'll smash my D2 CDs into shards and then FedEx them over to Geoff Frazier, along with a small love-note. :/

EDIT: Dammit Gnollguy, I meant "the three regulars who have actually NOTICED there are two of us". I know THIS place is popular, I've never said an unkind word about it and don't plan to. This is a classy, highbrow site, in fact. The only two D2 sites I've seen that I DON'T like are one which has NO real standards and allows the most virulent, nasty flaming to take place imaginable; and another site run by uptight Admins and mods that creates a boring, oppressive atmosphere (no names mentioned ^ ^ ).
I'm not accusing you of using hacks, I'm telling you why posting about maphack usage is not accepted anywhere on the lounge.
With great power comes the great need to blame other people.
Guild Wars 2: (ArchonWing.9480) (ArchonWing.1480)
Okay, okay. I hate the freakin program myself. Just wish Blizz cared about their HC community, that's all. They literally fed us to the wolves, and because of it I feel they can shove Wow up their hard drives--it won't be downloaded onto mine. :/

Grey Davis will sign that nutcase bill this thread discusses, if he gets a chance. Bet your fur. And all I have to say to Californians is: "In a democracy, people get the government they deserve." :P
Pete used to have it as his sig.

"Democracy, where opinions are counted rather than weighed."

That one strikes at the heart of the matter.
Cry 'Havoc' and let slip the Men 'O War!
In War, the outcome is never final. --Carl von Clausewitz--
Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum
John 11:35 - consider why.
In Memory of Pete
Quote: Pete used to have it as his sig.

"Democracy, where opinions are counted rather than weighed."

That one strikes at the heart of the matter.

"Majority rule don't work in mental institutions" -NOFX

But it's still worth noticing the fact that most of the succesful nations
in modern history has been democracies :)
LemmingofGlory,Jul 29 2003, 02:18 AM Wrote:Scott:
They just better be glad God hasn't yet dropped a nice fat Earthquake on Sacramento as a way of expressing His vote...

"God" is not a U.S. citizen and, therefore, doesn't have a vote. Also note: Terrorist attacks against U.S. civillians, divine or otherwise, will not be tolerated by our commander-in-chief. If the soverign ruler of Kingdom Come wishes to instigate hostilities, we'll have no choice but to invade Heaven and forcibly remove Him just as we did Saddam.

(/removes tongue from cheek)

[o: *LEMMING* :o]
:D :lol: See ?? A perfect example of humor/sarcasm/wit using just text ! Thanks for the laugh , Lemming !! :lol:
Stormrage :
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