What chacacters can actually do hell single player
Im curious and trying to get some perspective.

So far I havent found one that can very well. Im talking about being able to fight more time than you spend running away. Even if you cant handle act 4 or 5 say what you can do,
Trapsins can deal with it alright. Though Hit and Run has been my most common tactic against Boss Packs and Champions with my lvl 72 Trapsin using FB and LS, currently working her way through Act 2 Hell, she can certainly stand her ground against any normal pack of monsters in Players 6. Sometimes even Players 8, with assistance from her trusty HF merc of course :)
In my mind, my dreams are real. No one's concerned about the way I feel.
...but I'm keeping it a secret. :)
*Swarmalicious - USeast Hardcore
"A little nonsense now and then, is relished by the wisest men." - W Wonka

The Flying Booyaka and The Legend of Bonesnap
Cool, that way, when somebody hits on it after the patch is released, there will be a brand new cookie cutter that you knew about in time to give feedback about, but didn't! Yay!
[Image: ignatzsig.gif]
You mean in 1.10?

I've been having a great time with a remake of one of my old magezons.

I'm not even using impressive gear, but I do have my resists in the positives in hell.

Near maxed guided arrow
Maxed Immo, 5 in fire arrow, 7 in exploding arrow
7 in cold arrow
5 in decoy, 5 in valk, a few in avoid/evade

I have about +7 to all skills on the char atm.

Profuse use of Decoy allows me to use immo almost exclusively until I run into FI mobs which require Freezing Arrow or Guided to take down.

I hardly ever need to run away other than from mobs that are CI and that don't go after the Decoy since I can't alternate the freeze/immo combo on them.

Between Freezing Arrow, Immolation Arrow and Guided, I can take down anything given time. Only downside is the lack of hitpoints since I dumped so many points into raising my power pool so I don't have to rely on leech.
You're just jealous. :P

edit: I'm not actually coveting any uber builds, Ignatz - I'm just foolin for the sake of foolin. - But thanks for the sarcasm! That felt pretty good.
*Swarmalicious - USeast Hardcore
"A little nonsense now and then, is relished by the wisest men." - W Wonka

The Flying Booyaka and The Legend of Bonesnap
Hahaha ya pegged me. :)

So really...what build is it? :lol:
[Image: ignatzsig.gif]
I knew it
*Swarmalicious - USeast Hardcore
"A little nonsense now and then, is relished by the wisest men." - W Wonka

The Flying Booyaka and The Legend of Bonesnap
Well, I've been playing around with a Hydra sorc myself.

Gear is:
Full Tal's
Constriction Ring/SoJ

I figured that using Annihilus and Constriction Ring would make up for the fact that I have no shield, gloves, or boots.

Level 99

Skills: Maxed FO, Maxed Hydra, Maxed Fireball, one in telekenisis/teleport, a few in static and nova. One in all prerequisites.

I somehow, someway managed to solo the hell ancients /players 1. It took many tries, many failed attempts, and many deaths, but I somehow managed to do it. Overall: balanced encounter for all but hardcore characters. I've got over 1200 life, 700 mana and I had a TON of trouble with this.

Other than that I've been going around rather randomly in act 5 seeing what I could handle, and I found that in the majority of the act I could handle players 3/4 without death. Of course, the going is very slow and very difficult - but its is a lot more fun than I've had in some time. I love the fact that I need to think on occasion. "Should I stack the hydras tall, or set up a crossfire? Oh crap, I just got it!" teleport-teleport-teleport, lay down another hydra, etc.

Its difficult, but not impossible. Hydra is still a great skill, and a ton of fun to play with...

I had a mageazon and a defiant zealot doing well in hell act 5.

For the mageazon,

20/01/20 Freezing, Ice, Cold Arrow
20/15/15 Immo, Exploding, Fire Arrow
01 in all passives
around +10-12 skills using largely exceptional and normal uniques except a rare amulet and ring.

Just to try out the new runewords, I put on a Bound by Duty (the +2 runeword) dusk shroud and a Call to Arms stag bow. The result was well... nice :). 1300 mana and life each before the BO was more than sufficient with mana potions easily available now.

For the zealot,

20/04 Sacrifice, Zeal
20/20 Defiance, Holy Shield
20/01/01 Prayer, Cleansing, Meditation
and single points here and there

Mostly, the character was built to play around with two runewords - Crescent Moon and Stone (both of which are not too hard to attain).

30k defence and maxed resists with static and crushing blow to bring life down quickly. The healing from meditation or cleansing seemed to let my merc and clay golem survive a bit better.

Not the most effective characters definitely... but fun enough (and can kill sufficiently) for me at least :D .
Quote:Im talking about being able to fight more time than you spend running away.

Who said running away wasn't condusive to combat? Stringing out groups of monsters to more effectively deal with them isn't allowed? Who's rules?

How do you measure "able to handle"? Does the fact that you may die from a single-strike Rot Walker, yet recover your body to fight deeper into the act mark your character as "unable"?

Are you referring to the ability to kill the denizens of Hell difficulty? Are you referring to the ability to weather their damage, but at the expense of doing damage yourself?

My werewolf can kill anything in Hell difficulty, survive their attacks, yet cannot deal with physical immunes.

My paladin can become a Patriarch by himself, and even thrive in p8 settings, yet can be laid low by a unfortunate combination of less-than-full life and a Rot Walker tag... or running willy-nilly into a boss group of aura'd Pit Vipers... or discover a nicely snoozing club of Hell Lords that seem to wish to be PI, fanated AND frenzied when they wake up.

My amazon or sorceress can handle anything the game gives her if allowing the "luxury" of running, teleporting or otherwise stringing the combat out to their advantage; except that under some circumstances the situation will be untenable and she'll be killed in a blink of an eye.

The randomness of the spawning with this patch casts the ability to "survive" into a wide open paradigm... not some pigeon-hole.

And then, of course, there's the situation of multiplayer, which takes everything I've just said about wide-open interpretation and blows it out into the vastness of space.

Quote:Im curious and trying to get some perspective.

Try asking pointed questions of specific nature in order to fulfill a standard that you can measure by. Your current query is the equivalent of "What is the meaning of life?".
Garnered Wisdom --

If it has more than four legs, kill it immediately.
Never hesitate to put another bullet into the skull of the movie's main villain; it'll save time on the denouement.
Eight hours per day of children's TV programming can reduce a grown man to tears -- PM me for details.
Nicodemus Phaulkon,Jul 9 2003, 05:24 AM Wrote:Who said running away wasn't condusive to combat?  Stringing out groups of monsters to more effectively deal with them isn't allowed?  Who's rules?

How do you measure "able to handle"?  Does the fact that you may die from a single-strike Rot Walker, yet recover your body to fight deeper into the act mark your character as "unable"?

Are you referring to the ability to kill the denizens of Hell difficulty?  Are you referring to the ability to weather their damage, but at the expense of doing damage yourself?

My werewolf can kill anything in Hell difficulty, survive their attacks, yet cannot deal with physical immunes. 

My paladin can become a Patriarch by himself, and even thrive in p8 settings, yet can be laid low by a unfortunate combination of less-than-full life and a Rot Walker tag... or running willy-nilly into a boss group of aura'd Pit Vipers... or discover a nicely snoozing club of Hell Lords that seem to wish to be PI, fanated AND frenzied when they wake up. 

My amazon or sorceress can handle anything the game gives her, allowin them the "luxury" of running, teleporting or otherwise stringing the combat out to their advantage; except that under some circumstances the situation will be untenable and she'll be killed in a blink of an eye. 

The randomness of the spawning with this patch casts the ability to "survive" into a wide open paradigm... not some pigeon-hole.

And then, of course, there's the situation of multiplayer, which takes everything I've just said about wide-open interpretation and blows it out into the vastness of space.

Try asking pointed questions of specific nature in order to fulfill a standard that you can measure by.  Your current query is the equivalent of "What is the meaning of life?".
Oh, for god's sake. Quit being such a ridiculous pedant. We all understood what was meant by the question, and honestly it seems like a pretty reasonable one. We don't need clearly delineated markers to tell us whether a character can handle it, it's an intuitive thing. Like, can a Hydra sorc handle Hell better than a Teeth necromancer? Do we really need a ten-stage diagnostic to get the answer?

Everyone else understood the question just fine, and responded appropriately. What's your problem?
Quote:Oh, for god's sake. Quit being such a ridiculous pedant.

Was that your "word of the day"? Congratulations on fitting it into a sentence.

Quote:Everyone else understood the question just fine, and responded appropriately. What's your problem?

My "problem" is that the question is useless. It doesn't beg for any quantifiable answer. What, exactly , would a "appropriate" response be? So far the list of replies mirrors another round of "What's your favorite Character" polls. I further note that you haven't contributed thus far to this "understandable question". Perhaps instead of stepping up to pontificate, you'd care to qualify your outspoken opinion by providing some sort of appropriate reply to the original question.

Quote:We don't need clearly delineated markers to tell us whether a character can handle it, it's an intuitive thing.

Well, THANK you for reinforcing my VERY point. Does your shoe taste wonderful?
Garnered Wisdom --

If it has more than four legs, kill it immediately.
Never hesitate to put another bullet into the skull of the movie's main villain; it'll save time on the denouement.
Eight hours per day of children's TV programming can reduce a grown man to tears -- PM me for details.
Well, I would suggest that if you intelligently lay out a character that combines good offense, defense, resists, etc. and layer yourself in enough "Itamz" cheese, hell for most any character is viable. Then again, if you don't have a clue as to how to allocate stat or skill points and run around naked it would be nearly impossible far all.

I tried Bloody Foothills with all my high level v1.09 characters (Bowazon, Ice/Lightning Sorc, Dual Claw Assassin, Summon Necro, Frenzy Barb, Werewolf, and Chargedin), and only one had troubles... I think you could guess which one.
”There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy." - Hamlet (1.5.167-8), Hamlet to Horatio.

[Image: yVR5oE.png][Image: VKQ0KLG.png]

Rather wasting your time with that kind of reply, aren't you?
[Image: ignatzsig.gif]
Wait, you can say "pontificate", but he can't say "pedant"? Can I say "irony"?
[Image: ignatzsig.gif]
What I really want to know about the beta patch is how the skill point economy is working out for characters. Under all previous versions of the game I mostly built characters with a variety of skills in order to handle the game from one end to the other (single player). For example, my main amazon uses strafe, immoliation arrow and glacial arrow. Under 1.09 it isn't really a problem build a generalist character with adequate firepower, but I'm not sure about 1.10. If it is really necessary to invest 40+ skill points on synergy skills in order to make a main offensive skill effective then I'm going to have to abandon versatility for specialization. If anyone has a rational prespective on building balanced characters in D2 1.10, I'm interested in any data I can gather.
I think its a good question. It is to give us some perspective on how classes compare. The question is fairly open ended as I intended, giving people an oppertunity to elaborate on what ever they feel is signifigant.

Franky I feel this is a better approach than all the rant threads we had a few days ago. But of course thats just my opinion.

I also think you mostly just post on my threads to cause trouble, but Im just happy you didnt turn the thread into a nasty string of profanity foronce.
Let it go. If you want to argue, take it to email. Keep to the subject and go outside if you want to trade blows....
This wasn't really needed, was it? Some of us understood Ghostie's intent with the question. Some of us didn't.
Garnered Wisdom --

If it has more than four legs, kill it immediately.
Never hesitate to put another bullet into the skull of the movie's main villain; it'll save time on the denouement.
Eight hours per day of children's TV programming can reduce a grown man to tears -- PM me for details.

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