Any good games out there?
Nit: Maniac Mansion is an ooooold PC game; in fact it was the first to use the SCUMM (Script Creation Utility for Maniac Mansion) engine, which was later used in Day of the Tentacle, IIRC.

For related information, see

- WL

EDIT: Z, I checked the Underdogs, and they don't have MM. I'm not sure where else to look for it, unless you want to check "warez" sites.
Maniac Mansion!!!

Sorry, forgive the outburst. I just loved that game. :D

Anyone know where I might be able to download a copy? I think somewhere during a move years ago my NES disappeared, and the cartridge isn't running on its own.
See you in Town,
I've become addicted to MMOG's (Massive Multiplayer Online Games) since i quit DII.
The "Massive" in some of them is very true, take Dark Age of Camelot, Planetside or Star Wars Galaxy for instance.. its the closest thing to a second second reality that doesnt involve perscription drugs of any kind :P

Btw.. Maniac Mansion Rocks!!! i loved that game heh.
[Image: clown.gif]

Clowns... They scare little kids, they cause neurosis in some adults, they have big floppy feet, they try to fit too many of their kind in a car, I could go on and on...

Please change your signature. From the forum rules:

"Keep it clean.
It's PG-13 here. Computer games, even those rated "mature" by the ESRB, will have young kids playing them. There's no need to have swear words in your posts - they aren't condusive to intelligent debate or strategy discussion anyhow. We run a clean site and we hope that the posters will respect that."

Why can't we all just get along

I have a quick question. Where can I find a copy of HL? I need it so I can download the CS 1.5 mod for it. The reason I'm asking is that I was playing Steam. Steam is a beta version of CS 1.6, and it sometimes decides to not work or they take the servers down, etc. Therefore I need HL so I can feed the addiction when I get back to school.
The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation - Henry David Thoreau

Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger, and at the rate I'm going, I'm going to be invincible.

Chicago wargaming club
Only way to get Half-Life, AFAIK. Pick it up for around $20 or $30 U.S.. It includes Half-Life, Team Fortress Classic, and both the Opposing Force and Counter-Strike mods (not the latest version, of course). A cheap buy for a LOT of gaming. :) You can still find it in software stores. And even if you can't, I'm sure there are places on the web (like E-bay, or developer websites) that have it for sale. I picked my copy up about six months ago, but I still see it sitting on store shelves every so often. Take a swing by your local EBX or Gamestop and poke around. :)
Roland *The Gunslinger*
Thanks. I'll stop by the local GameStop after work to see if they have it.
The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation - Henry David Thoreau

Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger, and at the rate I'm going, I'm going to be invincible.

Chicago wargaming club
*Cuddles copy of Half-Life Generation 3*

Half-Life, Opposing Force, Blue-Shift, and Counter-Strike in a rather neat Double-DVD style case, all for about £20 on the UK market, and I'm sure the economy works in your favour if you're Americain.

Two main problems with it though:

1) Now none of the games seems to like my graphics card in this computer, in all video modes (Software, OpenGL, and Direct3D), and thus plays like a dog. But several games have gone that way since my new card (Grand Theft Auto, Uplink, Battlezone) and, to be fair, this comp is looking long in the tooth.


The game crashes every time the final boss summons a minion, unavoidably, irrevocably. Always happens... Nope, I tell a lie, it didn't crash once, but I was so genuinely surprised that I fell down the open pit and died. Aw, suck... Looked all over the place for a fix or a patch, but I can't find one. *Sigh*
When in mortal danger,
When beset by doubt,
Run in little circles,
Wave your arms and shout.

BattleTag: Schrau#2386
Just accept it and get a new one. The last time I heard stories about a computer with as many problems as yours has, it turned out it was possessed. :P

Seriously man, your comp is MESSED. And I mean beyond all hope of repair. :P I've heard more "this doesn't work" complaints from you about your computer in the last 3 MONTHS than I have from all the people I know combined throughout my entire lifetime. And that's INCLUDING everyone I don't "know" at all the forums I frequent. :P

Get a new comp, or get an exorcist. Whichever's cheaper.
Roland *The Gunslinger*
Theif? Oh my gosh! I thought I was the only one who had ever heard of that game!

Just a few days ago I re-installed it and am almost through the second level (I had to go to Vancouver for a few days). Before when I played it, I absolutely SUCKED at it! I was terrible, didn't even get past the second level. This time though, I had so much fun with the first level. First, I sneaked through. Next, I played through and killed EVERYBODY, even those 3 guards at the front. Then I dragged their bodies to the front gate, so that Mr. Lord Whoever would have a surprise when he got home. Oh yeah, it was fun.
Theif II hmmm? What's the second one like?

EDIT: Battlezone I haven't played, but I have played the second one and it's great! The only really bad thing that stopped me from playing it much is that every time I exited the program I had to restart my computer before using the cd drive again.

Anyway, that's all.
Isn't funny how some games are extremely good, yet nobody but you ever heard of them? :lol:
I for one have never met anybody who played Warhammer: Dark Omen.Its a briliant single player tcp/ip RTS with RPG elements to it.. anyone who knows the Warhammer table top game will know what its about. B)
[Image: clown.gif]

Clowns... They scare little kids, they cause neurosis in some adults, they have big floppy feet, they try to fit too many of their kind in a car, I could go on and on...
... for putting me on to Starcon 2. My brother and I must have played a trillion games of Starcon 1 (melee), but before you mentioned it, I didn't even know the much-superior sequel even existed.

Fantastic game. I second your recommendation and then some.

I'll add two to the list. I've recently had the pleasure of playing Thief II and MDK 2.

Thief II is great. The graphic engine is old (naturally), so I wasn't used to the blocky characters, but the gameplay is top-notch. You play a thief (duh ;) ) so while you're sneaky and stealthy and have lots of gadgets (including some very weird arrows -- water arrows? Moss arrows? heh) you can't take on an armed and armored guard in a fair fight. It's truly engrossing trying to duck from shadow to shadow, timing your movements so that the guards are facing away from you, and ransacking things for cash. It's not really a game I can sit down and play in marathon sessions, though, simply because of the pace of the stealth-type gameplay.

MDK 2 is just... Boggling. It's a third-person FPS (I know, it sounds strange; but it makes sense once you've played) about a truly wacky doctor, his four-armed, cigar-smoking android dog sidekick, and his power-suited janitor. It comes across as a very strange comic, complete with over-the-top dialogue and campy between-levels loading screens (which have comic-book splash pages similar to Freedom Force). Possibly the most unique thing about this game though is that you get to play as each character, and they all play differently: The janitor can snipe, glide, and use various miscellaneous gadgets (cloak, decoys, etc), Max the dog can equip four different guns at once, blow through obstacles, and (in the one level I've played him in so far) pick up a jetpack for flying puzzles, and the doctor plays like MacGyver -- he can pick up random crap and make other stuff with it (hand dryer + pipes = leaf blower, bay-bee). I don't know why this game wasn't a hit, because it's awesome.

- WL
Ah, MDK. IMHO, Shiny did a lot better with the original than Bioware did with the sequel.

True, MDK was an insanely short game at only six fairly short levels, but it was the father of the modern videogame sniper rifle, and had a far better item selection than MDK2. World's Smallest Nuclear Explosion? Both handy and fun. World's Most Interesting Bomb? I'll take two please. The Happy Hamster Hammer? Oh yes. The rare but obstensiably cool Earthworm Jim pickups that dropped a cow on a random nearby enemy? I can't remember how much time I wasted running around that arena in the final level just crushing puny aliens with bovine justice. Plus, Kurt's grenades were ultimately more useful and wholly capable of killing something instead of bouncing around uselessly before exploding in your face.

But still, MDK2 had far more diversity. Kurt's sections are textbook MDK, sneak around and snipe. I don't like Dr. Fluke Hawkins' sections - Far too needlessly complex, but Max's gung-ho style (Four arms mean four guns) is a very very good counterpoint to Kurt's stealthy sniping.

Though MDK had practically no presentation (A bunch of static screens aboard the Jim Dandy between levels), I can't say that I'm a great fan of MDK2's comic book style, then again I wasn't raised on a diet of comic books unlike most here. Plus Kurt's voice actor needs to be shot, though whoever plays the Doctor has got the eccentric good-guy insane scientist role down pat.

Get both games though. You may need to do some extensive hunting to get the original, but it'll be worth it. The musical scores for both games are fantastic - MDK with its dramatic, scene building BGM, and MDK2 with its gritty rock tracks.

Oh, and MDK's ending is worth the price tag alone. I guarantee it's something you would never have expected.
When in mortal danger,
When beset by doubt,
Run in little circles,
Wave your arms and shout.

BattleTag: Schrau#2386
MDK 2... now that is a game I never thought of playing, I finished the first MDK and it was rather fun (at least I think I finished it... don't remember any bovine justice...)
"Turn the key deftly in the oiled wards, and seal the hushed casket of my soul" - John Keats, "To Sleep"
TaiDaishar,Jul 8 2003, 10:25 PM Wrote:don't remember any bovine justice...)
Final level, the arena with Gunter Glut standing on top of a spire in the middle. The trick of that particular arena was to use the Whirlwind to kill and distract the enemies on your level while you snipe at Gunter until he knocks down another spire in the arena so you can follow. If you wait around on the level, then a few EWJ icons appear.

They appear elsewhere in the game, and I don't blame anyone if they miss them as they're small and often the effect is off-screen (Often the nearest enemy isn't in your field of vision). You know when you've picked one up when "GROOVY!" appears on-screen.
When in mortal danger,
When beset by doubt,
Run in little circles,
Wave your arms and shout.

BattleTag: Schrau#2386
I just bought Neverwinter Nights and I am having great fun with it. Its a cross between Dungeon Siege and Baldur's Gate. The Dungeon Siege part is in how the camera works, which is nice. The Baldur's Gate part is that it uses the D&D rules. Now heres the interesting part... there is a module for Neverwinter that is a re-creation of the original Diablo ! How cool is that ?! So if you have Neverwinter, try looking for this file MechaIce1043911608188DiabloRemakeFullv11.rar . It is a rar file, winzip cant unpack it, but WINRAR (a better compression application ) can be found on the web too. it works just like winzip but better.

So anyway, back to the mod...there are some oddities. Most of the quests are triggered as soon as you start and Griswold already wants the magic rock and the anvil of fury. Pepin wants you to do the water supply quest and Ogden seems to have already completed the Leoric quest?! The cool part is that D&D 3rd ed. rules are in effect. I got thru most of church 1 before my Rogue ran out of healing pots and died. I suspect it would be much easier with a Fighter.

I always wondered what Classic Diablo would be like if it ran on D&D rules and now I get to find out. Varient players will love this.

BTW the mod creator used all the sound files from Diablo including the music and Farnham is still same old sot he always was...

... there is a module for Neverwinter that is a re-creation of the original Diablo ! How cool is that ?! So if you have Neverwinter, try looking for this file

I think you found Roland *The Gunslinger's* module I believe. He was making a NWN Diablo I mod a while back.
The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation - Henry David Thoreau

Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger, and at the rate I'm going, I'm going to be invincible.

Chicago wargaming club
All I have to do now is play them all.
The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation - Henry David Thoreau

Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger, and at the rate I'm going, I'm going to be invincible.

Chicago wargaming club
Quote:I think you found Roland *The Gunslinger's* module I believe. He was making a NWN Diablo I mod a while back.

Roland may have to correct me on this, but I don't think he finished his module. I tested it when it was just a bare-bones Tristram and 3 Church-like levels.

There is another "Diablo remake" module, available at NWVault, done by a DarkGundam or something. I haven't tried it out, though.
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